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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

HomeKit Compliant?


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What is the roadmap like for Apple's HomeKit compliancy?

Will it even be an option?


I'll be going HomeKit for my home automation needs and it would be

nice to have my 994i speak HomeKit and be an insteon gateway.

Otherwise, I'll have to trash all the insteon switches and move to newer technology.




Which newer lighting technology is compatible with Homekit? AFAIK, the only other lighting technology is Lutron and that technology is older than Insteon.


What power Apple wields!


An unproven -- in fact, barely released and with limited functionality -- product, and already people are eager to dump their investments in existing, working technology, just on the promises made by a single company.


Wow.  it must be good to be Apple.


What power Apple wields!


An unproven -- in fact, barely released and with limited functionality -- product, and already people are eager to dump their investments in existing, working technology, just on the promises made by a single company.


Wow. it must be good to be Apple.

Some have been on the Apple Kool-aid far too long. They hear Apple and are instantly convinced that is the best way to go.


I say let the sheep wander off to slaughter. Apple has some great products but they always fall short in what they provide.


Thx Lee. Sorry to hear no homekit on the horizon.

We are all happy to here there is no homebit on the horizon. It's a bad system.

The homekit enabled Insteon hub would be one way to keep Insteon.


That means more money and giving up the significant set of capabilities that the isy has.



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The problem with HomeKit right now is it's "Home Control" not "Home Automation". AFAIK all you can do is turn things on and off from your Apple device. It doesn't come close to providing the programming capabilities of the ISY that actually allow you to "automate" your home.


These things mentioned - most will get better as time goes on.

I look forward to smoothness/tightness of integration. I want my

home control back ended into the operating system of every

computing device I have.

Can't stand java either.


The HomeKit is awesome!


It will get more Insteon crowd out there and eventually when many of the users get tired of cloud dependence they will get a real automation system like




People don't like the program/Insteon signal processing involved with MS lights now....


     "Why isn't the bedroom light taking so long to turn on in the middle of the night?"


     "I guess the Wi-Fi hiccoughed again or maybe Johnny was downloading too many torrents again!"


The HomeKit is awesome!


It will get more Insteon crowd out there and eventually when many of the users get tired of cloud dependence they will get a real automation system like




People don't like the program/Insteon signal processing involved with MS lights now....


     "Why isn't the bedroom light taking so long to turn on in the middle of the night?"


     "I guess the Wi-Fi hiccoughed again or maybe Johnny was downloading too many torrents again!"


You are missing the group of people who want HomeKit for Siri and iCloud control with the automation piece that ISY994i provides.


See my home is currently automated, but there are instances where I need to "control" my home. Right now, I have to get up and use a light switch to do so. Sure I can download and buy the app to control it on my iPhone but that involves using Touch ID to unlock, open the app, wait for it to connect, etc. With Siri, I just say Hey Siri within my room, and say a command for my house to do something. I can also monitor my home through iCloud (when available) rather then setup port forwarding and all that stuff.


Then when I buy my next car in 2017. It will have CarPlay integration. My car can "speak" to HomeKit and say I'm home to open the garage. Wow, that's automated!


I always find it funny when I see people referencing voice activation and how it will help them more. When in reality many forms of voice control have been readily available for years.


Some truly crappy while others had lots of potential and worked with in their technological constraints. Voice dictation has been available for years yet why is this not being used by all the masses?


The ability to read out loud a document has been available for many years too. Yet its not something the masses use each and every day.


Now, we come to the home which 99.999999999% of the population has never had any sort of voice control. Do some of you people really believe just because Siri is made available to perform voice commands that again the masses will adopt and use???


The reality is voice control is a huge novelty which helps a very limited segment of the worlds population. After the novelty has worn off I can guarantee each and everyone that 1% of those using Siri like voice control within 1 year will no longer use such fad features.


That you can take to the bank . . .


I see more value in the Amazon Echo system (once it gets ironed out) where a central system can be used in the home. Even this sort of device is very much a fad and the reality is after a year 99.99999999999999 of the people will have stopped using it and gotten off their aszz and activated what ever widget they intended long before this hype was ever thought of.


I always find it funny when I see people referencing voice activation and how it will help them more. When in reality many forms of voice control have been readily available for years.


Some truly crappy while others had lots of potential and worked with in their technological constraints. Voice dictation has been available for years yet why is this not being used by all the masses?


The ability to read out loud a document has been available for many years too. Yet its not something the masses use each and every day.


Now, we come to the home which 99.999999999% of the population has never had any sort of voice control. Do some of you people really believe just because Siri is made available to perform voice commands that again the masses will adopt and use???


The reality is voice control is a huge novelty which helps a very limited segment of the worlds population. After the novelty has worn off I can guarantee each and everyone that 1% of those using Siri like voice control within 1 year will no longer use such fad features.


That you can take to the bank . . .


I see more value in the Amazon Echo system (once it gets ironed out) where a central system can be used in the home. Even this sort of device is very much a fad and the reality is after a year 99.99999999999999 of the people will have stopped using it and gotten off their aszz and activated what ever widget they intended long before this hype was ever thought of.

Totally agree after experiencing many voice control systems. Maybe in the far future but not for ten years anyway.

Right now I just yell at the wife and just like a computer the louder I yell the less she want to do what I want her to do! :)


"Then when I buy my next car in 2017. It will have CarPlay integration. My car can "speak" to HomeKit and say I'm home to open the garage. Wow, that's automated!"


Not too difficult already, based on cell phone location, when connected to car via bluetooth. No reason to wait until 2017, for a new car, or homekit.


Totally agree after experiencing many voice control systems. Maybe in the far future but not for ten years anyway.

Right now I just yell at the wife and just like a computer the louder I yell the less she want to do what I want her to do! :)


LOL . . .


On a more serious note, in one specific case I helped a client who is paralyzed in setting up Mobilinc. In this instance for someone who has very limited mobility or dexterity having voice control not only makes sense. But allows a much better life style and control of ones home.


Your home is your castle and should not be seen as a jail.


With this example voice control provides them much needed access, control, and improved lifestyle. Its not a fad for them but integration to make their lives easier and accessible where most of us take for granted.


"Then when I buy my next car in 2017. It will have CarPlay integration. My car can "speak" to HomeKit and say I'm home to open the garage. Wow, that's automated!"


Not too difficult already, based on cell phone location, when connected to car via bluetooth. No reason to wait until 2017, for a new car, or homekit.

My car does that now. Everything is available now, you just have to put the pieces together.

My car does that now. Everything is available now, you just have to put the pieces together.

That's why Michael Knight called his car "K-I-T". :)


With most languages phrases mean something different to different people.


Even my GPS told me "Turn right at the stop sign."

I almost hit a few people because you need to turn after the stop sign staying on the pavement, not "right at the stop sign".


I commented once on this  and I have to say it again...It amazes me how quickly people jump on apple not knowing anything about what it does. As it stands the ISY is still King. In the end, Just like Larrylix said, voice is a fad. It's still easier/faster for me to reach over and hit the off button on my remote than it is to reach for my phone, open it, and tell it turn a light off for me. 


You are missing the group of people who want HomeKit for Siri and iCloud control with the automation piece that ISY994i provides.


See my home is currently automated, but there are instances where I need to "control" my home. Right now, I have to get up and use a light switch to do so. Sure I can download and buy the app to control it on my iPhone but that involves using Touch ID to unlock, open the app, wait for it to connect, etc. With Siri, I just say Hey Siri within my room, and say a command for my house to do something. I can also monitor my home through iCloud (when available) rather then setup port forwarding and all that stuff.


Then when I buy my next car in 2017. It will have CarPlay integration. My car can "speak" to HomeKit and say I'm home to open the garage. Wow, that's automated!

The problem is with your scenario is the way apple wants homekit to operate, you would lose the functionality that ISY provides. They would give up to much control to apple 


Hello everyone,


Just a quick comment:


We would love to integrate with everything out there including Homekit.


This said, the reason we cannot do anything now is because their hardware requirements will simply exhaust all our resources (both financially as well as developmentally ) and will push back everything else (Z-Wave and 5.0) which we are working so hard to enhance.


Perhaps 5.x can act as a bridge.


With kind regards,


  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

Just a quick comment:

We would love to integrate with everything out there including Homekit.

This said, the reason we cannot do anything now is because their hardware requirements will simply exhaust all our resources (both financially as well as developmentally ) and will push back everything else (Z-Wave and 5.0) which we are working so hard to enhance.

Perhaps 5.x can act as a bridge.

With kind regards,


Makes sense Michel. Perhaps the next generation hardware (99x) can be Homekit compliant. As for DR, etc these can be Disabled / Removed in the firmware of the Homekit ISY. That way you could just add another SKU to your product line up called the 99xH (Homekit) but it's really the same hardware as the other ISYs and folks can just install the firmware they want, eg with DR, etc (no Homekit) or with Homekit (no DR, etc). Hopefully it wouldn't be too much effort to maintain the extra firmware if it is more about disabling features in the Homekit version. Also customers could change firmware if they later decide DR is more important down the road and vice versa without having to buy new hardware. Would be nice to see you expand your market reach and continue to be the market leader. I know there are folks on this forum that would help on the financial side. Good luck.

Patience people. Once there's a new Apple TV, and an Apple TV App Store, some of the coders from this forum will no doubt write apps that access HomeKit's abilities via ISY network resources.



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I'm not in any way an Apple fanboy - I'm only on it because I have to be as a requirement for my job.

But, I'm making the best of it- jailbreak!


Some of these functionalities everyone is wishing they had (most specifically the voice control features) are fairly easy to do if you have a jailbreak iOS device.

Mine has Siri listening constantly in the background, triggered to respond to certain words only when I'm at home. I don't need to touch it or be near it. Just say "turn off the bedroom light and go to bed" and within a few seconds...the programs for those execute.


The one thing I'm lacking that I wish I could somehow get is the ability to build and modify programs directly from my iPhone.




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