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Admin Console Functions Not All Working


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I've been using the ISY994i for a few years without any issues, but for some reason I am now having issues doing most tasks with the Administrative Console.  First, let me say I'm using MAC OS Sierra and the Safari browser.  When I start the Administrative Console all my devices, programs, scenes, etc show up and I can still turn devices, scenes, etc on and off from the console.  However, none of the other functions of the console seem to work (I assume adding a new device still works, but I don't have any to add).  For example, the console tells me that a new Version (4.5.4) is available.  When I try to install the update automatically, I get an error message that says "Upgrade Failed :java.lang.Exception:"  If I click on OK, then another box pops up that says "Failed Retrieving the Update Image."


I also cannot do such things as Backup ISY.  When I select Backup ISY from the menu, I just get the spinning wheel and everything else freezes.  I thought maybe this just took a while, but I let it run for an hour and ended up having to force quit the program.  


I started all this because I'm interested in purchasing the portal module so that I can use it with Echo, but I cannot even "Purchase Modules" in the admin console.  I can click on "Purchase Modules" in the menu, but nothing happens.  I've tried this on both my Retina iMac and my MacBook Pro and the same things happen.


Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Bumbershoot, thanks for the reply and link. However, it didn't help solve my problem. As I mentioned I've been running this on my Retina iMac for a couple of years without any problems until now. I haven't made any system changes or other significant changes lately so I don't know why this is happening. Actually, I'm not sure when this issue started since all my devices, programs, etc still work. I only noticed this today when I wanted to purchase the portal module. When that didn't work, then I tried other things such as upgrading to the latest version, backup, etc and they didn't work either. I even temporarily disabled my firewall to see if it was causing the problem but that didn't help either. To to test other functions, even though I don't have a new device to add, I tried the add device function and it opened up so apparently that function still works.

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I just tried to run the admin console from Safari, and it appears that I'm having problems doing the things you describe, along with watching the interminable "beachball of death" (the link used in Safari was Using the admin.jnlp file on the desktop has always worked for me.  I'm on firmware version 5.0.8, however.

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Bumbershoot, thanks again. Interesting that you have the same issues using Safari. So, maybe it's not my system problem. I don't understand what you mean by "using the admin.jnlp file". Can you please explain? I know the IP address to access the admin panel on my system is and if I access it using that, I still have the same issue,

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Disregard my last question. I figured it out. After typing and clicking on the "settings" tab I saw an option for "Install Admin Console (Internet)". I wasn't sure what that meant, but I clicked on it and it downloaded the admin.jnlp file. Using that file to access the admin panel DOES give me access to all the features I couldn't access the other way.


Again, thanks for all the help. I can now purchase the portal module, backup my ISD and everything else.

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Try this address in your browser, and it should download the admin.jnlp file to your download folder:


You might have to navigate to your download folder in Finder, right click on the file, select "Open".  A dialogue box might appear the first time you try this that asks if you're sure as this file is from an unknown developer...

Disregard my last question. I figured it out. After typing and clicking on the "settings" tab I saw an option for "Install Admin Console (Internet)". I wasn't sure what that meant, but I clicked on it and it downloaded the admin.jnlp file. Using that file to access the admin panel DOES give me access to all the features I couldn't access the other way.

Again, thanks for all the help. I can now purchase the portal module, backup my ISD and everything else.


Glad to hear.

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Browser makers are progressively restricting the use of Java within the browser. They've done this because running Java applets found on random websites is just plain unsafe.


They've progressed from "opt-out" to "opt-in" to "nuh-uh". Chrome, for example, is at "nuh-uh":




Java isn't and never was a "browser" technology. Java applets run on your desktop system, outside of your browser. But in the early days, browser makers made it easy for Java plugins to automatically download applets when you visit a web page and then display the output within the browser window, using a plugin.


Those days are gone for some browsers, and on the way out for others.

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  • 1 year later...

I am trying to remotely access the Administrative Console via ISY Portal.

On Wiki I found the following information :

ISY Portal Admin Console


You can use ISY Portal for remote access through the Admin Console without the need for any port forwarding. Here are the instructions:

Configure ISY Finder

  • Go to your portal account, click on Select Tools (next to your ISY) and then choose ISY Information
  • Copy the URL next to Admin Console URL
  • Make sure you use http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/admin.jnlp ... this puts an icon on your desktop upon the clicking of which you will get a dialog called ISY Finder
  • When ISY Finder comes up, if it finds your ISY on the network, it'll immediately bring up the Admin Console ... cancel out of the login dialog
  • Go back to ISY Finder (behind the Admin Console), click on the Add button, and then paste what you copied in the second step
  • Close the Admin Console

However when  I click on Add in the ISY Finder, I am unable to get the Paste function to add the URL that I found in my ISY Portal.

Can someone guide me how to add that URL in the ISY Finder ?

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9 minutes ago, asbril said:

I am trying to remotely access the Administrative Console via ISY Portal.

On Wiki I found the following information :

ISY Portal Admin Console


You can use ISY Portal for remote access through the Admin Console without the need for any port forwarding. Here are the instructions:

Configure ISY Finder

  • Go to your portal account, click on Select Tools (next to your ISY) and then choose ISY Information
  • Copy the URL next to Admin Console URL
  • Make sure you use http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/admin.jnlp ... this puts an icon on your desktop upon the clicking of which you will get a dialog called ISY Finder
  • When ISY Finder comes up, if it finds your ISY on the network, it'll immediately bring up the Admin Console ... cancel out of the login dialog
  • Go back to ISY Finder (behind the Admin Console), click on the Add button, and then paste what you copied in the second step
  • Close the Admin Console

However when  I click on Add in the ISY Finder, I am unable to get the Paste function to add the URL that I found in my ISY Portal.

Can someone guide me how to add that URL in the ISY Finder ?

In Windows I need to use Ctrl V to paste. It will not paste using a mouse paste command.

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2 hours ago, dbuss said:

In Windows I need to use Ctrl V to paste. It will not paste using a mouse paste command.

Thanks. That was very useful. However, my usual username and password (the ones that I use at home for the AC) do not work.

CORRECTION : It now works, using the ISY Portal username & password.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a slightly different problem with my Admin console. This is on an ISY944 located at my summer home which I normally access remotely with Mobilinc. I noticed a few weeks back that I could no longer control any of the Insteon devices remotely although they all appeared normal on the Mobolinc app. If I tried to turn a light on remotely the status didn't change plus I could see on my cameras that the lights were not changing. The ISY was otherwise operating properly as it sends me a status email once day which was operating normally.I was able to log into the Admin Console remotely and all of the Insteon devices were flagged as not communicating. I assumed that this was another failed PLM so I brought a repaired PLM (replaced the power supply components as many others have) with me to the cabin today and went about replacing the failed PLM. The problem I'm having is that when I launch the Admin console it displays an incomplete console and has a "System Busy" message in the lower left corner. The only menu item that is displayed is the "File" menu which appears to work. It also displays the Main devices tab but the Programs and Configurations tabs don't display anything. The System Busy message stays there for hours and does not appear like it will ever go away.

One thing I should mention is that the computer I use to manage the system was quite down level on its Java version (6) so I had to update it to the latest version 10. I've included a screen grab of the Admin Console when it is stuck on the System Busy.

There are also errors showing up in the Java console. Here's an example -

Java Web Start
Using JRE version 10+46 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
JRE expiration date: 5/17/18, 12:00 AM
User home directory = C:\Users\Superuser
c:   clear console window
f:   finalize objects on finalization queue
g:   garbage collect
h:   display this help message
m:   print memory usage
o:   trigger logging
p:   reload proxy configuration
q:   hide console
r:   reload policy configuration
s:   dump system and deployment properties
t:   dump thread list
v:   dump thread stack
0-5: set trace level to <n>
Warning: Java Web Start and Java Plug-in are deprecated and will be considered for removal in a future Java release. Please contact the developer of this content "Universal Devices Inc." and request an update for this program.
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 0, end 3, length 2
    at java.base/java.lang.String.checkBoundsBeginEnd(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/java.lang.String.substring(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.common.ui.GUISystem.isJava6OrHigher(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.elk.tables.UDElkTableModel.setUseRowSorter(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.elk.tables.UDElkAreaTableModel.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.elk.UDElkMainPanel.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.UPnPClientApplet.prepareViews(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.UPnPClientApplet.onDeviceOnLine(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.upnp.UDControlPoint.onLine(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.upnp.UDControlPoint.updateDeviceInfo(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.upnp.UDControlPoint.addDevices(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.UPnPClientApplet.start(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.UDIDefaultLauncher$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.views.SystemConfigurationView.geoLocationsThread(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.views.SystemConfigurationView.refreshGeoLocations(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.views.SystemConfigurationView.refreshClock(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.UPnPClientApplet.prepareAuthenticatedSession(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.UPnPClientApplet.authenticate(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.UDMenuSystem.performAction(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.UDMenuSystem$1.run(Unknown Source)
Exception in thread "Thread-11" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.universaldevices.client.ui.InsteonLocationView.refresh(Unknown Source)
    at com.universaldevices.ui.views.AbstractView$1.run(Unknown Source)


Any help on this problem would be greatly appreciated. I should also mention that I don't know the current version of ISY software that it is running although it is a couple of years old.





Admin console image.PNG

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A couple of things potentially going on at the same time:

  • For the PC & java, did you clear your java cache when upgrading java < I'd start with this to see if you can get the AC working normally.
  • Any messages about "safe mode" coming up? You didn't mention it so I'll guess no
  • Did you try bringing the system up with no PLM? (you'll get safe mode... that's expected with no plm)


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Thanks for the quick reply. I did try clearing the Java cache with no effect. I actually have a 994z (for controlling Z-Wave locks) so it does not come up in Safe mode when the PLM isn't operating. I neglected to say that I was able to do a Restore PLM from the file menu drop down and that appears to have worked as I can now control lights using Mobilinc although I cannot control them through the Admin console. I'm not a Java programmer but my guess is that this some kind of Java rendering problem with the Admin Console display. The underlying ISY seems to be functioning completely normally although without the Admin console I can no longer make changes to the configuration.

Thanks again


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