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Initial Feeback

Michel Kohanim

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The Polisy UI menu is not usable on an iPad.

You can touch primary menu options (‘Home’, ‘Dashboard’, ‘Log’) but when trying to go to the store or settings sub menus you can not activate the menu option with tough.

This issue is not present on PGC (you can select different ISYs just fine).

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What’s the correct process to remove a Poly that’s showing as ‘Unmanaged’ on both Polisy and PGC?

In trying to get Darksky PGC running I now have a few instances showing up apparently not managed anywhere...

Do I just delete from the ISY admin console?

(Want to make sure I do the right thing!)

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34 minutes ago, MWareman said:

What’s the correct process to remove a Poly that’s showing as ‘Unmanaged’ on both Polisy and PGC?

In trying to get Darksky PGC running I now have a few instances showing up apparently not managed anywhere...

Do I just delete from the ISY admin console?

(Want to make sure I do the right thing!)

In the NS store (polyglot) a "Uninstall" should be showing. I think you will have to delete the NS pseudo devices in ISY after.

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Got two more ISY service packages moved over to polisy now and that concludes my dependence on a RPi.  My ISP IPscraper,  and Outback Mate3 Modbus to ISY packages are functioning well using crontab as  cyclers.

I guess the RPi 3 can get kicked down to a current RPi 1 job, and the RPi 1 retired. 

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@MWareman, thanks so very much for the iPad feedback. We'll definitely fix it.

vi vs. nano vs. emacs: my personal favorite is vi. I even have vi plugins for eclipse and vs code. If I could, I would get a vi plugin for the forum, outlook, and everything else. Alas, not possible. All this said - and just like anything else human related - the choice between vi/nano/emacs is as subjective as Windows vs. MAC vs. Linux vs. BSD. So, we'll definitely consider adding it.

One more comment for those who want to connect to Polisy using serial: please note that we developed our own BIOS/OS so that a) we could add TPM support and b) move the console port from the DB9 on the back to the USB on the front (COM2). Our thinking is that we will be using the DB9 for communications with the PLM. So, how many of you geeks out there want to connect to Polisy using the serial port?

With kind regards,

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15 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:

@MWareman, thanks so very much for the iPad feedback. We'll definitely fix it.

vi vs. nano vs. emacs: my personal favorite is vi. I even have vi plugins for eclipse and vs code. If I could, I would get a vi plugin for the forum, outlook, and everything else. Alas, not possible. All this said - and just like anything else human related - the choice between vi/nano/emacs is as subjective as Windows vs. MAC vs. Linux vs. BSD. So, we'll definitely consider adding it.

One more comment for those who want to connect to Polisy using serial: please note that we developed our own BIOS/OS so that a) we could add TPM support and b) move the console port from the DB9 on the back to the USB on the front (COM2). Our thinking is that we will be using the DB9 for communications with the PLM. So, how many of you geeks out there want to connect to Polisy using the serial port?

With kind regards,

If nano takes the amount of resources using install  methods found online,  (port installation was mega filenames and thousands of added directories) I can stick with vi.
After getting past some crazy responses to the delete key and more research on the insert mode on/off,  I think I could get to like it. It does seem more powerful than nano with it's macro sequences capabilities....just like real unix systems :). IIRC it is the VIM editor from years back, unix systems, polished up.

I guess this will take a DB9 to RJ45 adapter for PLM connection. No interest in connecting serial signals, myself. Computers don't even come with them anymore. Ethernet is the new serial port.

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Can't Uninstall NS from NS Store list


Per your post above, I just tried to click "Uninstall" a NS from the Node Server Store list. I received a pop-up and clicked to confirm my action but the NS was never uninstalled. I tried re-starting Polyglot but still the NS remains installed and running.

Polyglot v2.2.5 on Polisy,  ISY v5.0.16,  Tried to Uninstall ISY-Net v0.1.4

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3 minutes ago, gviliunas said:


Per your post above, I just tried to click "Uninstall" a NS from the Node Server Store list. I received a pop-up and clicked to confirm my action but the NS was never uninstalled. I tried re-starting Polyglot but still the NS remains installed and running.

I found on my RPi Polyglot when I "stopped" my ecobee NS it indicated stopped but the PolyGlot log continued to fly by as if it was still polling the ecobee server.  Since I was shutting it down, I used Bumbershoot's supplied command line to disable it anyway.

Perhaps some of the polyglot shut down code is not functioning. It isn't usually a priority for code writers.

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6 minutes ago, larryllix said:

If nano takes the amount of resources using install  methods found online,  (port installation was mega filenames and thousands of added directories) I can stick with vi.
After getting past some crazy responses to the delete key and more research on the insert mode on/off,  I think I could get to like it. It does seem more powerful than nano with it's macro sequences capabilities....just like real unix systems :). IIRC it is the VIM editor from years back, unix systems, polished up.

I guess this will take a DB9 to RJ45 adapter for PLM connection. No interest in connecting serial signals, myself. Computers don't even come with them anymore. Ethernet is the new serial port.

Nano does simple things quickly and simply. If it comes with polisy out of the box, great. If not, I can install it. I'm not planning add other HA tasks to policy, only Nodelink, Polyglot and eventually 994i functionality. There's been a couple of times I've needed to edit the config for Nodelink, I'd primarily have nano  ready for that or creating SYSCTL entries... I don't want to relearn VI or emacs, I use them too infrequently.


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Agreed, an Emacs install is huge, and if you haven't spent countless hours working with it, it's obtuse, obscure and difficult.  Nano is pretty easy for the casual user, which argues in it's favor.  The default of vi should at least be functional for the intended crowd in this release.  If you think you're going to need to have users editing files after the general Polisy release, then I'd suggest including nano.

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A three minute training video with vi would bring almost any user up to the level of nano basics. It isn't very complex for basic usage.

I am not sure if the 50K file port installation was just to compile nano for FreeBSD usage or would be continually needed for a support package after compilation.

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I just added the Camera nodeserver - and selected slot 10 to install it to.

It installed to slot 3. Slot 3 happened to be free at the time - but installing to the wrong slot is likely a bug.


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7 hours ago, larryllix said:

In the NS store (polyglot) a "Uninstall" should be showing. I think you will have to delete the NS pseudo devices in ISY after.

Nope. It shows 'Install'. And two copies already installed as 'Unmanaged'...

When I get home I'm going to try just deleting the nodes from ISY...  

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1 hour ago, MWareman said:

Nope. It shows 'Install'. And two copies already installed as 'Unmanaged'...

When I get home I'm going to try just deleting the nodes from ISY...  

Very strange! Then it isn't going to be a polite uninstall. I wonder if a raw polyglot install is available? Lucky you! :(
Need the profile file to poke out the loads that don't exist.

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Love to see the "unix2dos" package in the feeds -- provides both unix2dos and dos2unix utilities, which are rather nice for those moving files/content about.

The kernel modules for the automounter would also be appreciated -- it would be nice to have the system automount a USB stick when one is plugged in.  A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, on a network device that also offered no console for the average user, for our beta test units, we devised a means to extract logs and IP information from the device that involved a USB stick with a very specific directory layout.  Applying that to the Polisy, one might envision a USB stick, empty except for a folder named "UDI" or "POLISY".  Upon plugging that into the unit, and waiting for a prescribed period of time, one might unplug that USB device, and find a few files in that UDI or POLISY folder. An "ip.txt" file, for example, might have the IP address and networking information (to help a user find a Polisy that's been lost on the network).  Perhaps a "logs" folder might contain a copy of the boot log (dmesg), the logs in /var/logs/*, and the polyglot logs.

Going even further, one might envision that one could create a simple text file with network information that the Polisy could read from that USB device -- I'd imagine this would be used by a non-technical user who might be unable to get the Polisy configured with DHCP on their router, for example.  For ease of use and security, it might make sense to have a simple page hosted on udi.com that would allow the user to enter their Polisy's serial number, the desired network information, and the site would create a downloadable "config.udi" file for the user to put in the correct place on the aforementioned USB stick.  It wouldn't be hard to obfuscate the config.udi file, if desired, to make it less likely that someone other than the owner would play with the USB ports and change the networking config by accident (or maliciously)... although frankly, I think that being able to disable the config.udi feature via the web UI would be a better solution for those who don't need that feature.

Now, this is a terrible hack, I'll be first to admit!  But, when a device has no console, and the user is unable to talk to it on the network, you need to look around to find what that user might have that matches a port in the device, and it seems to me that the ubiquitous USB stick is probably the most likely thing lying about...

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6 hours ago, MWareman said:

Nope. It shows 'Install'. And two copies already installed as 'Unmanaged'...

When I get home I'm going to try just deleting the nodes from ISY...  

I 'Deleted' both orphaned Darksky Poly's from the ISY admin interface - and they disappeared from PGC and Polisy after a bit.

This time I installed Darksky on Polisy - and it's working perfectly there. No issues at all.

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5 minutes ago, mwester said:

Love to see the "unix2dos" package in the feeds -- provides both unix2dos and dos2unix utilities, which are rather nice for those moving files/content about.

I never knew about that one. I've always just used Notepad++ on the Windows system which has no issue with Unix formatted text files...

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9 hours ago, MWareman said:

I never knew about that one. I've always just used Notepad++ on the Windows system which has no issue with Unix formatted text files...

I think Notepad adds extra EoLs but Notepad++ doesn't. I use FileZilla to port python3 code back and forth without problems.
Excel also adds extra EoL codes, and python file reads find double empty lines after editing with Excel.

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1 hour ago, MWareman said:

I've always just used Notepad++ on the Windows system which has no issue with Unix formatted text files...

In the meantime, if unix2dos doesn't become available, you can use the 'tr' command -- which is already on Polisy -- to convert those Dos files into something usable in Unix.

tr -d '\015' < DOS-file > UNIX-file

Gets rid of those pesky carriage returns.  Just make sure that Unix-file has a different name.

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56 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

I'm sure nfs is

Yep, sure enough.

[admin@polisy /var/polyglot/nodeservers/LiFX]$ locate nfsd

EDIT: No Samba, though.

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