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Polisy has arrived however I cannot connect. RESOLVED

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I've always typed in the https:// manually.  It's working with Chrome for me now, but (perhaps this was just a coincidence) not until I tried adding :443 this morning.

[update] It's working great with Chrome now, even without the :443.  It's likely I never needed to specify the port to convince Chrome to connect in the first place -- possibly a browser cache issue that went away overnight (magic!).  Hmm...  anyway... it's happy now... and so am I!

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Michael connected remotely and was able to get me up and running. I've added some nodes to the device. One states not connected though which is my Sense device. 

I'm going to review things again because now that it's running I'm not sure how to control the items added. Appears that they show in ISY however indivdual devices like HUE lighting devices do not appear. 


Connection however has been resolved thanks to Michael and the remote connection!  

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37 minutes ago, Tominnh said:

Michael connected remotely and was able to get me up and running. I've added some nodes to the device. One states not connected though which is my Sense device. 

I'm going to review things again because now that it's running I'm not sure how to control the items added. Appears that they show in ISY however indivdual devices like HUE lighting devices do not appear. 


Connection however has been resolved thanks to Michael and the remote connection!  

Tominnh,  I did my setup this morning I have the Polisy Pro model that has the WIFI & Bluetooth built into it.  so after doing some reading before I saw you had to have the latest firmware version installed above 5,10 I had the 4.73 official release so I first did that that all went good no problem.  so I read all your and the others problems about getting it to show up "Polisy" and login using edge and goggle browsers so I started out using the cable to connect the Polisy to my modem instead of hoping the WIFI would work one less problem,  Using edge first I tried using polisy way in the address bar,  no go.  next I did the IP address "bingo" no problem got the do not trust this site, skip over it got to login screen, admin, admin, I'm in :) Now my Problem!  I get the Red Box saying your ISY did not Auto Connect please go to menu settings to add. this is what I'm stuck on I can't get my ISY connected to the polisy is this the same problem you had and would you know how to solve? It's asking for IP address, DNS server address, Net Mast address, and so on but doesn't allow you to fill them in? any ideas

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I have Polisy running and have installed several nodes , but I can't connect to wifi and don't seem to be able to connect to my ISY.  The nodes don't show up in my ISY.  I've included a couple of screenshots, which might be more helpful than my words! 

BTW, both Polisy and ISY show up on my ip scanner, and I've made both into reserved addresses in Google WiFi.  I can reach Polisy with the https:// and the IP address.  

Any help would be most appreciated.

Also, I've done all the updates on both ISY and Polisy.

Also, just like someone else in this thread, my Polisy is trying to connect to my printer.  I've taken the printer off line for the moment, so now Polisy doesn't try to connect to anything.  



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"Connection however has been resolved thanks to Michael and the remote connection! " 


I am having the same problem any idea what he did??

Discovered open WIFI ports are not compatible with polisy.  Removed WIFI card from polisy  and all works well. Waiting for a fix! don't really need WIFI I have a wired connection.

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11 hours ago, lmhinman said:

I have Polisy running and have installed several nodes , but I can't connect to wifi and don't seem to be able to connect to my ISY.  The nodes don't show up in my ISY.  I've included a couple of screenshots, which might be more helpful than my words! 

BTW, both Polisy and ISY show up on my ip scanner, and I've made both into reserved addresses in Google WiFi.  I can reach Polisy with the https:// and the IP address.  

Any help would be most appreciated.

Also, I've done all the updates on both ISY and Polisy.



Looks like this is the same problem  I have but you are showing your ISY Version 5.0.16B making me think you must have connected to your ISY at some point?  I'm not showing anything as of now this is my problem also the polisy and ISY not connecting, I have it connected via cable but will try WIFI only next don't know what else to do.  sad been waiting for this since July should have this problem out of box.

Screenshot (2).png

Screenshot (3).png

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1 hour ago, 4481hoods said:

"Connection however has been resolved thanks to Michel and the remote connection! " 


I am having the same problem any idea what she did??

Actually it was Michel , my bad and she determined that for some reason the device was connected to my printer of all things. There were many things that she did which were foreign to me. Best advice would be to open a ticket through support and get Michel or another expert to quickly resolve the issue through a remote connect session!  She was very patient!


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Similar problems here. Was able to connect to it, but could not configure it to be "found" via the dashboard button. And its not connecting to my ISY either. Have changed the settings enough times now so that I can no longer connect to it. ..ugh.. button on the front doesn't seem to do anything. 

Submitted a ticket. Am sure UDI will figure it out, but wish I hadn't gotten here.

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Connecting via phone but not a web browser is almost certainly the result of dns behaviors and how the devices implement their DNS and how you've configured DNS within your environment.  

Most consumers will let their router figure it out.  Most vendors just hope it works, but it's a terrible mechanism especially for a product they hope to make inroads to business environments.  Many companies choose to run their own DNS and I run my own DNS servers at home.  It's not uncommon for DNS configurations on business networks to include an entry for *.   Along with a default domain (like mybiz.local).  Any environment configured like this is going to see https://polisy as https://polisy.mybiz.local in 100% of cases.   Such a page is likely to be a corporate default page, but if there is no * entry, it'll just fail.   

Even if you are on the same network, you may still be using different DNS servers.  Even worse, users COMMONLY end up with a mix of inconsistent local and remote DNS servers  and hosts files. 

There's just so many ways this mechanism can go wrong, and in corporate environments or anywhere internal DNS is used it's virtually certain to not work right.the n

And yeah, I had the same issue.  Putting it in my dns fixed it.  But now I can't configure the network with static IP and get it to stick.  At this exact moment in time, it's on my network, connected via lan cable and of the firm belief that it's actually connected wirelessly via wlan0.  Which it's not.  

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2 hours ago, blackpr said:

Connecting via phone but not a web browser is almost certainly the result of dns behaviors and how the devices implement their DNS and how you've configured DNS within your environment.  

Most consumers will let their router figure it out.  Most vendors just hope it works, but it's a terrible mechanism especially for a product they hope to make inroads to business environments.  Many companies choose to run their own DNS and I run my own DNS servers at home.  It's not uncommon for DNS configurations on business networks to include an entry for *.   Along with a default domain (like mybiz.local).  Any environment configured like this is going to see https://polisy as https://polisy.mybiz.local in 100% of cases.   Such a page is likely to be a corporate default page, but if there is no * entry, it'll just fail.   

Even if you are on the same network, you may still be using different DNS servers.  Even worse, users COMMONLY end up with a mix of inconsistent local and remote DNS servers  and hosts files. 

There's just so many ways this mechanism can go wrong, and in corporate environments or anywhere internal DNS is used it's virtually certain to not work right.the n

And yeah, I had the same issue.  Putting it in my dns fixed it.  But now I can't configure the network with static IP and get it to stick.  At this exact moment in time, it's on my network, connected via lan cable and of the firm belief that it's actually connected wirelessly via wlan0.  Which it's not.  


Interesting info you provided,  has me thinking about this DNS I know i used my dns address for my ISY before changing to the UDI portal and now I’m on MobiLinc portal. I will have to check if there could be any messed up settings that need attention I’m not really good in the router but hay what could go wrong ? 

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I guess I'll toss my hat in this ring as well.  ISY is at 5.0.16B (fw and UI).  Polisy arrived without stuff rattling loose, but one WiFi antenna connector on the box has no central pin, so that antenna is dead.  That's a problem for later.  For now, I'm connecting via the supplied ethernet cable plugged into right most Polisy port (when facing front of box) and into a giga-net switch port on my home network.

Using a 2019 iMac with Chrome (then Safari, then Firefox, then even TOR) I couldn't connect using https://polisy.  Explanations elsewhere on the forum suggest a DNS issue, which makes sense.  Again, a problem for later.

Anyway, using trusty old https://192.168.x.y brought up the plain-jane login screen.  I entered "admin" and "admin", and hooray!! I got a green banner that said I'd successfully logged in.  But the screen didn't change, still showing me the login fields.  In 5 seconds, the banner disappeared and I was looking at the login screen again.  Been going through that circle for the past hour.  My login efforts are being accepted but nothing happens after that.

So I ssh'd into the box following the troubleshooting instructions.  Poked around with 'ls -alt" and "ps aux", and saw nothing especially unusual, so entered the two service commands: "sudo service polyglot stop" and "sudo service udx stop".  They both acknowledge stopping.

The third command, "sudo pkg update" took a l-l-o-o-n-n-g-g time to respond (like maybe 30-45 seconds) which is rarely a good sign.  The resulting status responses were as follows [sorry - tried to use the "code" tags to insert these lines, but I guess this forum software and my Mac aren't getting along]:


[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg update

Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue...   [ long pause ]

pkg: https://pkg.isy.io/FreeBSD-base/FreeBSD:12:amd64/latest/meta.txz: No address record

repository FreeBSD-base has no meta file, using default settings    [ another long pause ]

pkg: https://pkg.isy.io/FreeBSD-base/FreeBSD:12:amd64/latest/packagesite.txz: No address record

Unable to update repository FreeBSD-base

Updating udi repository catalogue...      [ and another long pause ]

pkg: https://pkg.isy.io/udx12/meta.txz: No address record

repository udi has no meta file, using default settings

pkg: https://pkg.isy.io/udx12/packagesite.txz: No address record

Unable to update repository udi

Error updating repositories!


Its like it can't access the repo''s or can't find them.  For giggles, I was able to download pkg "https://pkg.isy.io/udx12/meta.txz", direct from my browser, so it looks like the target package exists.

I can't meaningfully login, and I can't manually update the box.  Could use a little help here.

[edit 1: yes, I've poked a pin in the little hole, the box beeped at me, didn't help.  yes, I've power-cycled the box a few times.  Didn't help. ]

[ edit 2: ticket submitted ]

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Interesting.  I found my Polisy had latched firmly onto my only open wireless network device, my HP printer, via the Polisy WiFi connection.  The ethernet connection and DHCP-assigned IP were also visible, but didn't appear to be the primary link for Polisy to connect to the outside world.  So communications directed through the ethernet link were being dead-ended.

I simply turned off my printer, rebooted Polisy from ssh, and tried to do a browser login again. (still wouldn't accept https://polisy, had to use DHCP-assigned IP).

This time, after entering the default Polisy login credentials into my browser connected through the DHCP-assigned IP address, I got what I should have: a new screen featuring a banner warning me that my ISY couldn't be found (?!?  that makes no sense), and a grouping of status info about the AWOL ISY and my network connection.

I have to assume that, for whatever reason, Polisy equipped with the wifi option is configured by default to glom onto the nearest open device (ie no login authentication) and try to use it as a connection to a router - which if its a printer isn't gonna generate very much conversation.  Turning off my printer and rebooting Polisy robbed the Polisy WiFi link of available targets, shutting it down, and allowed the built-in web server on the ethernet port to start talking, at least to network browsers.

So - if you bought the Pro model and are having problems connecting to Polisy, you could try either disabling the WiFi card by removing the metal cover and unplugging the card (the card is obvious by its two wires connecting to the attenae), or turning off your wireless printers and any other devices on your network that have IP addresses without login authentication.

And definitely use the ssh interface into Polisy to see what's going on: "ifconfig -a" is your friend.

[ edit1: Thanks to "blackpr" and a couple other posters who's comments offered clues to what was happening - or not happening! ]

[ edit2: once logged into Polisy I discovered the default "Interface Type" was "WiFi", not "Ethernet".  Considering the instructions about connecting the supplied ethernet cable to your network to begin communication with Polisy, this appears to be a configuration bug in the device - the default "Interface Type" should probably be "Ethernet" and default "Network Interface" should probably be "igb0". ]

[ edit3: my Polisy couldn;t find my ISY because it couldn't sign in - by default it tries to use default login credentials on my ISY which were changed by me about 30 seconds after I plugged it in.  No wonder there are so many problems with this device out of the box - its configured to log into the nearest open device by wifi, and/or to look for an ISY with default login credentials. ]

[ edit4: it won't accept a change in timezone, or a change in the connection configuration from WiFi to Ethernet.  And it insists its connected by WiFi, which is impossible without authentication.  Something is definitely wrong with this device, on my network. ]

[ edit5: I think I see the problem.  Under the Polisy Configuration tab, IP4 Networking, the data filled into the fields is offset from what's actually in operation - it says its connected by wlan0 (the WiFi link) but its actually connected through the Ethernet cable, igb0.  So when I try to change the Interface Type to Ethernet from WiFi, it rejects the change saying "no change in igb0". I think this page fills in its info from the wrong array elements in your software, ]

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Yeah, that's actually a known issue.  Perhaps UDI needs to create a locked thread that contains the known problems, so that people don't have to waste a lot of time debugging issues others have already identified and found workarounds for. :-(

(There are actually two issues on that -- the first is that the WiFi should NEVER automatically associate with an open network (require user approval to do so), and the second is that the WiFi should always be second in the priority order (so that the LAN interface overrides it).  Fixing either one will drastically improve the new-user experience, and should be a priority - but fixing both is necessary to make the device behave in the manner that users have come to expect for devices with both WiFi and LAN, IMO.)

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1 hour ago, f11 said:

Which is the known issue?  I've found several, and I'm no expert.

The two known issues are the two that your original post noted before you edited it. :-D  Although problems with time-zones have also been reported - which further underscores the desirability of a single "known issues" thread...

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21 minutes ago, f11 said:

I can change my time zone to Denver CO Mountain (-7), but not to Edmonton AB Mountain (-7).  Please tell me this isn't another "we don't do Canada" issue?

They don't do my US state... but since my state observes the normal CST time-zone rules, I'm fine with selecting Chicago, IL as the "anchor" for my time-zone.  Internally, it makes no difference -- the place-names just map to a time-zone ruleset.  Is Edmonton like some of the US cities that have unique time-zone rules -- in other words, is there any reason Edmonton should map to a different internal time-zone rule than Denver?

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