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Update Polyglot on RPi to 2.2.9


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I just received my polisy!! YEAH!! It went on an extended vacation through the USPS network (Went from Encino to Seattle, back to Encino, back to Seattle, then to my home.) Oh well.

Trying to move my polyglot config from the RPi (VM that I am running) to the polisy. Apparently I am suppose to be able to backup the polyglot on my RPi and import that into the polisy. However, on my RPi, it is running version 2.2.3

How do I update the version on my RPi? I already tried running the install script again, no dice there.

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I have this screen but despite clicking the upgrade many times, and rebooting polyglot, it comes back with the same message every time.

Also the configuration settings will never load. Possible additional clue?

Ahhhh. Is this a PolISY thing that isn't ready yet?



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50 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

@larryllix Did you look at the log for errors?

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Didn't even think of it. Thanks.
I get a lot of these.

2020-1-2 19:53:45 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: connectionError: null Cannot parse protocolId
2020-1-2 19:54:45 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: connectionError: null Cannot parse protocolId
2020-1-2 19:55:45 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: connectionError: null Cannot parse protocolId

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I get this in the Polyglot log when I click on the upgrade button:

2020-1-2 20:17:03 [polyglot] info: Upgrade: Frontend requested upgrade. Proceeding.
2020-1-2 20:17:03 [polyglot] error: polisyUpgrade: undefined
2020-1-2 20:17:03 [polyglot] info: Upgrade Complete. Shutting Down in 5 seconds. SystemCTL or LaunchD should restart Polyglot automatically. If not, restart it manually. Logging you out. Wait for this message to disappear before attempting to log back in.
2020-1-2 20:17:05 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Disconnected. 
2020-1-2 20:17:05 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:


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4 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


You don't have to upgrade to 2.2.9 on Polisy. It's mostly cosmetic changes. What else is the problem? Also, you are always welcome to contact support.

With kind regards,

See back a few posts. Polyglot 2.2.9 won't install and config will not load.


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I am having a similar problem on my Pi.  Running 2.2.1, it prompts me to upgrade to 2.2.3.  I run the process and it seems to complete successfully, but it starts up at 2.2.1 again. The log does not show any errors during the upgrade process.  Also, Polyglot displays 5.0.16 as my ISY version even though I'm running 5.0.16B. I have rebooted the Pi.

The good news is that everything works just fine, so this is more an annoyance than anything else.

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I am having a similar problem on my Pi.  Running 2.2.1, it prompts me to upgrade to 2.2.3.  I run the process and it seems to complete successfully, but it starts up at 2.2.1 again. The log does not show any errors during the upgrade process.  Also, Polyglot displays 5.0.16 as my ISY version even though I'm running 5.0.16B. I have rebooted the Pi.
The good news is that everything works just fine, so this is more an annoyance than anything else.

Reboot the RPi.
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Here is the log during the upgrade process to 2.2.3:

2020-1-4 12:11:18 - info: Upgrade: Frontend requested upgrade. Proceeding.
2020-1-4 12:11:33 - info: Upgrade: Download complete. Starting Install..
2020-1-4 12:12:00 - info: Upgrade: polyglot-v2-linux-armv6.tar.gz extracted.
2020-1-4 12:12:00 - info: Upgrade Complete. Shutting Down in 5 seconds. SystemCTL or LaunchD should restart Polyglot automatically. If not, restart it manually. Logging you out. Wait for this message to disappear before attempting to log back in.
2020-1-4 12:12:02 - info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Disconnected. 
2020-1-4 12:12:03 - info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: polyglot_frontend-dI5ih
2020-1-4 12:12:07 - info: Caught SIGTERM/SIGINT Shutting down.
2020-1-4 12:12:07 - info: Nest2(1): Processing command: connected
2020-1-4 12:12:07 - info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: Nest2
2020-1-4 12:12:07 - info: Nest2(1): NodeServer Disconnected.
2020-1-4 12:12:10 - info: Polyglot shutdown complete with code: 0
2020-1-4 12:12:27 - info: Starting Polyglot....
2020-1-4 12:12:28 - info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.1

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2 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Hi all, looking into it.

With kind regards,

@Michel Kohanim

On Polisy, I also had an error and reported this to @xKing  I saw these errors:

2019-12-30 12:39:01 [polyglot] debug: Upgrade: PKG sudo pkg update && sudo ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg remove polyglo* && sudo ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes pkg install polyglot-beta: 
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
sudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper
2019-12-30 12:39:01 [polyglot] debug: Upgrade: PKG sudo pkg update && sudo ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg remove polyglo* && sudo ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes pkg install polyglot-beta exited with cause code: 1
2019-12-30 12:39:01 [polyglot] error: polisyUpgrade: undefined
2019-12-30 12:39:01 [polyglot] info: Upgrade Complete. Shutting Down in 5 seconds. SystemCTL or LaunchD should restart Polyglot automatically. If not, restart it manually. Logging you out. Wait for this message to disappear before attempting to log back in.
2019-12-30 12:39:02 [polyglot] debug: Upgrade: Interfaces curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2/master/scripts/upgrade_interfaces.sh | bash -e: ########################################################################################
2019-12-30 12:39:02 [polyglot] debug: Upgrade: Interfaces curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2/master/scripts/upgrade_interfaces.sh | bash -e: Upgrading polyinterfaces ......
Start Python2

It failed because the

sudo ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg remove polyglo*

Returned a bad status causing the failre, so I ran the commands individually to update:

sudo pkg update
sudo ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg remove polyglo*
sudo ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes pkg install polyglot-beta


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