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Get Started (v1.3)

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19 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Nothing needs to be changed for the HE nodeserver after changing the port, I changed mine and everything still worked after a minute or so.  The users, like Harmony Hub send out broadcasts and NS responds telling it what port it's using.

Good to know!  Thanks.

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16 minutes ago, albrandwood said:

I haven't yet set up my ISY on polisy, but one question, this "trial" license setup, does that have any limitations to the size of configuration? (ie limited number of programs / devices / etc) 


The "trial" lisc is for the portal...  If you bought a Polisy or Polisy Pro you get ISY on Polisy software running as a service at no additional cost.

UDI hasn't said yet what happens when the 30 trial portal lisc expires, I'd imagine we'll be finding out in the next few days.  (my trial portal lisc expires 7/31 and I think I was one of the first to add it for ISY on Polisy).   Theoretically Polisy hardware was sold with a 2 year portal lisc included, I doubt we should be using that up in this alpha stage but there is definitely a grey area... not to mention portal is inexpensive at less that $1/month.

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21 hours ago, MrBill said:

UDI hasn't said yet what happens when the 30 trial portal lisc expires

It's identical to ISY: access to the portal is lost. This said, everything else should work because Polisy comes with the Network Module.

14 hours ago, albrandwood said:

The other question is, is it basic ISY? or ISY Pro?

There's no basic. Everything is PRO.

With kind regards,

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All, 

Hoping to get some direction on how to move forward.  My house was struck by lightning which fried my 2413s, since its unavailable to purchase at the moment I figured I would order the 2413s and use Polisy to limp along for now.  

When trying to follow the instructions. 

- sudo pkg update  :  All Repo's up to date
- sudo pkg upgrade   :  Packages up to date

So I think i am good on that front.  Then when I run the following:

sudo service udx restart  :

udx does not exist in /etc/rc.d or the local startup
directories (/usr/local/etc/rc.d), or is not executable

sudo service isy restart

isy does not exist in /etc/rc.d or the local startup
directories (/usr/local/etc/rc.d), or is not executable

uname -a : FreeBSD polisy 12.0-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p10 r351358 POLISY  amd64

Just pasting what I think might help and very much learning here.  Thanks for your support!!

Edited by jellis
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39 minutes ago, Whitehambone said:

@jellis, take a look at this post.  I was stuck on 12.0 as well.

I think I also did this:


Thanks!  This does seem to be my issue.  I am not able to access the web interface but I am able to access through SSH.  

I ran the commands from your first link:

sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade -> Completed with no issues

cat /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/update13.sh | sudo bash  --> received this cat: /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/update13.sh: No such file or directory

I also noticed when trying to upgrade UDX

sudo pkg upgrade udx --> pkg: udx is not installed, therefore upgrade is impossible

Edited by jellis
UDX not installed
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When running the line
sudo pkg upgrade

I get a bunch of these errors.
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock

Do I need to shut down ISY process first or how do I get my polisy to upgrade?

pid 1877 is found as pkg upgrade owned by root


Edited by larryllix
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6 minutes ago, larryllix said:

When running the line
sudo pkg upgrade

I get a bunch of these errors.
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock

Do I need to shut down ISY process first or how do I get my polisy to upgrade?

pid 1877 is found as pkg upgrade owned by root


  • sudo service polyglot stop
  • sudo service udx stop
  • sudo pkg update
  • sudo pkg upgrade
  • sudo service polyglot start
  • sudo service udx start


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4 hours ago, MrBill said:
  • sudo service polyglot stop
  • sudo service udx stop
  • sudo pkg update
  • sudo pkg upgrade
  • sudo service polyglot start
  • sudo service udx start


Thanks but it didn't change the errors reported.
In addition:
pkg: Cannot get an advisory lock on a database. It is locked by another process

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2 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


udx is probably upgrading things at the same time. Please give it time.

With kind regards,

Not likely for hours Only the upgrade itself has been run.

Here is what happening. I just noticed it complaining of a package not found.

[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg update
Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue...
pkg: https://pkg.isy.io/FreeBSD-base/FreeBSD:13:amd64/latest/packagesite.pkg: Not Found
FreeBSD-base repository is up to date.
Updating udi repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.conf: 100%    163 B   0.2kB/s    00:01
Fetching packagesite.pkg: 100%  107 KiB 110.0kB/s    00:01
Processing entries: 100%
udi repository update completed. 399 packages processed.
All repositories are up to date.

[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg upgrade
Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue...
pkg: https://pkg.isy.io/FreeBSD-base/FreeBSD:13:amd64/latest/packagesite.pkg: Not Found
FreeBSD-base repository is up to date.
Updating udi repository catalogue...
udi repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
process with pid 1877 still holds the lock
pkg: Cannot get an advisory lock on a database, it is locked by another process
[admin@polisy ~]$


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8 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Any specific reason you don't submit a ticket?

With kind regards,

I have just started to try ISY on polisy.
My LAN just became stable after a few years of fighting with three defective routers, so I have delayed trying to port ISY over to polisy until now. I didn't think it would get more complicated than this.


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  • 3 months later...
On 7/19/2021 at 2:59 PM, Michel Kohanim said:

Hello all,

To get started:

- Find the IP address for your Polisy 
- Click the Add button on the ISY Launcher
- Enter https://ip:8443/desc where ip is the IP address you found in #1. This should put polisy in your Launcher
- Click on the Polisy | Admin Console (Cloud or LAN)

In this version, INSTEON is disabled by default:

- Admin Console | Configuration | System
- Check INSTEON Support checkbox
- Click on the Save button and then Reboot button (restarts the ISY service)

Fixes and enhancements in this build:

1. If INSTEON is enabled (see above), ISY will try to find a PLM attached either to a USB port or the DB9 port
2. ISY Portal activation is now identical to that of ISY. Since you do need ISY Portal for node servers to work, please start a 30 day free trial of ISY Portal for your Polisy. Node server functionality remains regardless of the status of the license
3. Back off delay in case we cannot connect to ISY Portal

With kind regards,

My 30 day free trial for ISY Portal expired today and I lost access to ISY on Polisy. I thought from @Michel Kohanimexplanation above, we would not loose access to ISY on Polisy once the free trail was over? Did I do something wrong?

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8 minutes ago, DennisC said:

My 30 day free trial for ISY Portal expired today and I lost access to ISY on Polisy. I thought from @Michel Kohanimexplanation above, we would not loose access to ISY on Polisy once the free trail was over? Did I do something wrong?

Why are you not using the admin console? It is a much more complete access and information.

Via ISY Portal is for remote access, mainly.

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1 minute ago, larryllix said:

Why are you not using the admin console? It is a much more complete access and information.

Via ISY Portal is for remote access, mainly.

When I connect from my desktop I do. Access via UD Mobile, which uses the Portal to connect gave me the first error that it couldn't connect. I then went in to the Portal to check access.

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1 minute ago, DennisC said:

When I connect from my desktop I do. Access via UD Mobile, which uses the Portal to connect gave me the first error that it couldn't connect. I then went in to the Portal to check access.

I don't like subscriptions to anything, myself. I have come to rely on my Alexa boxes to remote control things locally and provide so many more outputs. eg. turn on lights with 20 different colour schemes as well as about 15 different white lighting schemes, vocally  report warnings ("dryer has stopped"), i have swallowed my pride and subscribed to the ISY Portal at such a cheap price.

I forget the pricing but IIRC ISY portal is less than $1 per month. Well worth the cost at ten times...hmmmm...well 5 times the price. :)

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