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Sunset Sunrise Issue with just one switch

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I have an Insteon 2477S Dual Band SwitchLinc On/Off Switch v.42 that I originally setup to turn on manually, but if it was left overnight I had the Sunrise Event turn it off – which it does. 

I recently set the switch to be turned on with the Sunset event, but it won’t. I can access it from the Administrative Console and UD Mobile phone app and turn it on and off without any problem. 

I have tried deleting and restoring the program, but it still doesn’t work. The controller is an ISY994i with firmware is 5.3.3. 

Any thoughts – thanks Mike.



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I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking for. I programmed it with the Universal Devices Administrative Console. I copied the Sunset Event to here:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><triggers><d2d><trigger><id>4</id><name>Sunset</name><parent>1</parent><if><and /><schedule><at><sunset>0</sunset></at></schedule></if><then><cmd id="DON" node="2C 7C D1 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="30 C4 C9 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="50 BF 6A 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="9 FA E3 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="1E ED FF 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="1E ED CA 1"></cmd></then><else></else><comment></comment></trigger></d2d></triggers>

The switch address in question is: 1E.ED.CA 1


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11 minutes ago, MHB said:

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking for. I programmed it with the Universal Devices Administrative Console. I copied the Sunset Event to here:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><triggers><d2d><trigger><id>4</id><name>Sunset</name><parent>1</parent><if><and /><schedule><at><sunset>0</sunset></at></schedule></if><then><cmd id="DON" node="2C 7C D1 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="30 C4 C9 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="50 BF 6A 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="9 FA E3 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="1E ED FF 1"></cmd><cmd id="DON" node="1E ED CA 1"></cmd></then><else></else><comment></comment></trigger></d2d></triggers>

The switch address in question is: 1E.ED.CA 1


Right click on the program name and select "copy to clipboard", then past the program here. Also go to About page and see what version of firmware and UI you are running.

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@MHB Welcome to the forums.

Let's get you running with this program, but also would suggest you upgrade to 5.3.4 firmware just to be on the most recent build. You're already on 5.3.3 so it's a fairly straight forward upgrade to the next version. You can find it and the directions to update in this post.


Here is how I have my program to run what you're trying to do (turn on at sunset and turn off at sunrise):

Front Light - Night -

        From    Sunset  - 30 minutes
        To      Sunrise + 20 minutes (next day)
        Set 'Front Door' On
        Set 'Front Door' Off

The important part is to have the "NEXT DAY" for the Sunrise time. This should also handle turning the light off at sunrise if it's manually turned on prior to my on timer, but I don't turn that light on manually so can't confirm.


Also, as @DennisC points out the "copy to clipboard" then pasting here makes the program easier to read (like mine above). Please share the current program you have to turn if off in the morning.  If looks like you're trying to turn on about 6 devices. 

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Sorry that I didn’t get back to you. I apparently clicked on something wrong trying to copy what I have and the program has gone into a never ending linking calculation which is still running this morning. 

My statement didn’t look like yours at all. It simply made:

If Sunset

Then each switch that I chose as on was entered

This has worked correctly for all the ones that I entered when I created it. The problem with this one switch occurred when I went back in after some time and entered it using the same method. All the rest still worked correctly except for this last entry.

 When I can recover the system I’ll try your method and see what happens.

 Thanks for the help – Mike.

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I am really, really very sorry that I wasted your time helping me with my problem. I had to stop the loop that the linking calculation was in by unplugging the unit and powering it back up. I deleted the sunset scene and proceeded to put it back in using what is available in the UI and it now works completely. Previously I had added the switch to the rest of the scene using the UI and it wouldn’t turn on with the rest of the switches, but would turn off as I had entered it like that when I created the sunrise scene for in case I had manually turned the switch on. I singly had put the switch in and removed it multiple times trying to get it to work which it never did. Maybe it is a limitation/bug in the UI? Thanks for the help – Mike.

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AWesome! Glad you got it working.

However there are few instructional posts in your thread here, you should read and try to help yourself in the future, including upgrading to a less buggy version of ISY, and how to copy and paste your program in your posts for best readability. It makes it much easier for people to help you with your programs.

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