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EISY shipping info?

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UDI Team, 

Thank you for your efforts in delivering the latest generation EISY.  I am excited about the latest version coming to fruition and arriving sooner than expected. With that said, do you have an ETA for when USPS will deliver?  Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you again and Happy Holidays,


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6 minutes ago, PGannon said:

UDI Team, 

Thank you for your efforts in delivering the latest generation EISY.  I am excited about the latest version coming to fruition and arriving sooner than expected. With that said, do you have an ETA for when USPS will deliver?  Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you again and Happy Holidays,


Did you receive your shipping confirmation email? That should provide your tracking infomration. Your tracking information would be the best source for eta considering its Christmas season and UDI not knowing lead teams for shipments around the country for individual users.

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lilyoyo1  and

Iilyoyo1 & Tazman, 

Thank you both for your quick replies. 

Unfortunately, no shipping notification or link in the order management system.  My order status reads "Processing" for the last two days. However, If I order a new EISY now, the system provides me with an estimated delivery date of 12/24. I am guessing that is incorrect. Oh well, I tried. 

Thank you again,


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@PGannon have patience! Original expected ship date was 12/27. @Michel Kohanim posted that they got a shipment in early and processed orders. Perhaps based on quantity received only a portion of orders were able to ship EARLY. Others will process as supply allows. It's the holidays! Do you really want to be spending time tinkering with home automation? 

The process UDI has usually will send an alert when a shipment is sent, but you can also keep checking your order status and it should update soon enough. Note too that the holiday shipping crush and now the nation wide winter storm will probably have elongated negative impact on shipping. 

Just let the process work. 

Happy Holidays!

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Yeah... fabulous. I sent a few emails to sales@universal-devices to try to get the PLM serial cable shipped in the same box, no replies, so will have to chase down that piece of it. 

I'm a little frustrated with UD - no shipping confirmation, no replies to email ... I know they are busy, but this is basic customer service 101. Hopefully the migration will be so awesome and I will finally end up with a perfect way to migrate from insteon to relatively seamless multi-solution automated home that I won't stay frustrated :)

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On 12/22/2022 at 11:46 AM, lilyoyo1 said:

Did you receive your shipping confirmation email? That should provide your tracking infomration. Your tracking information would be the best source for eta considering its Christmas season and UDI not knowing lead teams for shipments around the country for individual users.


7 hours ago, tazman said:

Go to "My Account" and login then go to "Details" then "My Orders" and you should be able to click on your order there for more information. 

I didn't get a shipping notification, but after checking "My Orders," I see I have one on the way for delivery on the 27th. Ummm, I'm a little scared . . .

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18 hours ago, MJsan said:

Yeah... fabulous. I sent a few emails to sales@universal-devices to try to get the PLM serial cable shipped in the same box, no replies, so will have to chase down that piece of it. 

I'm a little frustrated with UD - no shipping confirmation, no replies to email ... I know they are busy, but this is basic customer service 101. Hopefully the migration will be so awesome and I will finally end up with a perfect way to migrate from insteon to relatively seamless multi-solution automated home that I won't stay frustrated :)


   "I know they are busy" ?? It's Christmas Eve, UD has just launched the EISY and ZMatter (before 95% of the industry), they are swamped trying to support that product and software updates, and you're [publicly!] complaining that you don't have shipping confirmation for an order that you tried to change after-the-fact, on the second busiest shipping week of the year, for a product that wasn't even supposed to ship yet for another week, to a company that has an exemplary customer service reputation ?!?!?
  You know, I'm just as eager as the next guy and am also planning on doing lots of programming this week while I'm off, but man, take a step back and have another look at the situation.... this is a classic can't see the 'Forest for the trees' scenario. These people have been working their butts off for us for months and deserve some Christmas/Holiday time off like the rest of us.

  Happy Holidays everyone.

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7 hours ago, ShawnW said:


   "I know they are busy" ?? It's Christmas Eve, UD has just launched the EISY and ZMatter (before 95% of the industry), they are swamped trying to support that product and software updates, and you're [publicly!] complaining that you don't have shipping confirmation for an order that you tried to change after-the-fact, on the second busiest shipping week of the year, for a product that wasn't even supposed to ship yet for another week, to a company that has an exemplary customer service reputation ?!?!?
  You know, I'm just as eager as the next guy and am also planning on doing lots of programming this week while I'm off, but man, take a step back and have another look at the situation.... this is a classic can't see the 'Forest for the trees' scenario. These people have been working their butts off for us for months and deserve some Christmas/Holiday time off like the rest of us.

  Happy Holidays everyone.

Shawn- what I'm bitching about (publicly) is that I've emailed them several times since December 12 regarding the cable - not one single response. So today I get not one but two EISYs delivered, so yay?

I've ordered the customizable pinout DB9 + USB adapter from Amazon which I'll get Wednesday. Probably before I hear back from UD about (a) the cable I originally asked about and (b) what to do with the extra EISY. 

So... UD definitely has some process issues to work on - timely customer contact replies and accurate shipping.



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11 hours ago, MJsan said:

Shawn- what I'm bitching about (publicly) is that I've emailed them several times since December 12 regarding the cable - not one single response. So today I get not one but two EISYs delivered, so yay?

I've ordered the customizable pinout DB9 + USB adapter from Amazon which I'll get Wednesday. Probably before I hear back from UD about (a) the cable I originally asked about and (b) what to do with the extra EISY. 

So... UD definitely has some process issues to work on - timely customer contact replies and accurate shipping.



I understand your frustration. It is just that most of us think the world of UD's customer support and they are usually super responsive. So, if they missed out on you it is certainly not a reflection on their usual service.

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Thanks for responding Michel- I did get a reply this AM and will drop the duplicate EISY off at the post office tomorrow first thing. 

Don't know what's going on with email - I am on Google Workspace and here's every communication since October (searched all folders, including junk)... it might be on your end? I will definitely use support tickets in the future since that is a little more trackable. Much appreciate all the hard work you & the team have made on this. I've already excited a few friends about what EISY should accomplish for my home system, will start the migration this weekend ;)

18 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Apologies. I went through our mailbox and noticed that we did in fact replied to both of your emails to sales:

One at: Tue 12/13/2022 1:59 PM
One at: Tue 12/13/2022 5:16 PM
One at: Sun 12/25/2022 4:32 PM (incorrectly assumed we had not received your emails)

Please check your junkmail. 

With kind regards,




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For what it's worth I only received the order conf. for my eisy, I tracked it down using details/orders, it showed complete and I got it the next day.  I had a pre-order on the Matter, received the order conf. & today I just received a "Pre-order available" e-mail but no shipping info.  Looking at details/orders it says processing or whatever.  I never got this pre-order available e-mail for my eisy.  I don't know but it looks like something might be up with the order system, one would typically expect order-->acknowledgement-->[order updates]-->shipped-->delivered.  UD's gotta be up to their eye-balls with this new release so bugs in the order system, as long as the orders are getting out, is secondary to working the bugs out of Z-Wave & Matter & stuff.  Hopefully I'll see my Matter & PLM Serial kit soon.

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