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What am I doing wrong with this subject variable?

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In your subject line, try using .raw after CLIHUM. Also, be sure there are no spaces in the node server string, from $ to the last }.

As an example: 

Hum ${sys.node.n001_81668.CLIHUM.raw}%

For troubleshooting, I would also suggest, just using either the subject or the body for the variable, not both.


Edited by DennisC
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1 hour ago, DennisC said:

For troubleshooting, I would also suggest, just using either the subject or the body for the variable, not both.

I agree, and I would suggest body... i can't remember why I think this, but it seems like there is/was/might be a long standing bug around displaying variables in the subject line.  Once it's working them move to putting it where you want it.

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I am using the Notification NS to get my Ambient Weather sensors with no problem. I am not home so can not copy my body of text but here is the end result. 

Inside Tempature 85.8°F
Inside Humidity 51%
Outside Tempature 88.3°F
Outside Humidity 81%
Feels Like Temp 107.95°F
Wind Speed 0 mph
Wind Dir 192°
Wind Gust 2.2 mph
windspdmph_avg10m 0 mph
winddir_avg10m 247°
Max Daily Gust 3.4 mph
Rain Rate 0 inches/hour
Rain Event 0.047 Inches
Rain Daily 0 Inches
Rain Weekly 0.047 Inches
Rain Monthly 2.378 Inches
Rain Yearly 23.307 Inches
Lightening Strikes Per Hour 0
Lightning Strikes Per Day 0
Lightning Distance 19.26 Miles
Solor Rad 438.94 Watts/m²
UV Rays 4 UV Index 

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