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Brand new Polisy, don't want to brick it

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I have been running a Polisy for years, and many ISYs before that. Have a large Insteon/ZWave dongle setup at home (Polisy v5.4x), and a simple Insteon only setup at my cottage (older ISY994 v4.90).

I had bought a new Polisy as a backup, and for potentially updating my cottage, yes about one month before the Eisy was announced! That said, it is still sitting in its box, together with a brand new serial PLM.

I'd like to now use it to update my cottage setup, and add that to my portal and the UD mobile app for remote access, already have my home setup there.

My biggest concern is that I may brick my brand new Polisy during initial setup, when it tries to update itself (as per the Wiki docs). Is there a way to avoid this, or at least check to make sure it is not susceptible? Obviously I can't REST in or SSH in, until it is booted.

I know that my current Polisy is susceptible, as I can't get a system version with the REST command. That has stopped me from updating it, for now, but that is another story. I will eventually move to an Eisy at home.

I understand that going v4 -> v5 might farkle up the coding, went through that for my home setup some time ago, but my cottage setup is simple enough that recreating it from a program text dump would take little time.

* Orest

Edited by oskrypuch

I did have a quick peek inside, there isn't an obvious version number (vs. part number) stamped on the SATA card, the unit does have a TPM daughterboard.

Unit purchased May 2022.

* Orest

3 hours ago, oskrypuch said:

My biggest concern is that I may brick my brand new Polisy during initial setup, when it tries to update itself (as per the Wiki docs).

Going from memory I think the risk of bricking a Polisy was limited mostly to 1st gen or initial build systems. Having bought it just before the eisy was announced means it more than likely doesn't have the same risk as devices that were part of what UD called the "geek batch". I guess the device you're running at home falls in that category so that's why you think it might "brick" if you update. 

However, since UD has a fix for the issue you should submit a ticket for both devices and get them brought up to date so you don't worry about it going forward. 

Again, just going from memory of posts about the brick risking issue (even then it was a very, very small number impacted) according to posts/comments. 

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