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IoX fails to initialize after firmware update.

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Good day,

I upgraded my EISY this morning using the update button on the admin console. I then went to work and several hours later I found that I could not access the EISY on the mobile app.

"Error: Requested ISY not online. 503"

The PG3 part seems to be working as I received notifications that my nodes have connected.


After dinner this evening I tried to access the system with my laptop on my home network. The ISY finder found it right away and I was able to log in using my credentials. None of my devices statuses are displayed. The flag in the bottom left is yellow and it says "Initializing System". I do have the status bar with the same title that fills up from 0% to 100%, but then just starts over again at zero.


This is the first time I have ever had trouble with an update. Any advice on what I should try to fix this?




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Yes. I can reboot from the admin console while the initializing status bar is on the screen. I get notifications on the mobile app, but it still fails. The notifications in order received are:

PG3 is stopping

PG3 is starting

eisy xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Notification Node Server Standard Edition Startup.


I am able to log into PG3 now and all my nodes claim to be connected. However this time when I tried to log into the admin console I received an "XML Parse Error https://...." instead of the log in window.

So I'm pretty sure the unit isn't bricked, but the IoX is very unhappy.





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Two more error messages I have received when I tried to turn devices on or off using the admin console:

"Socket Open Failed java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information"


"Could not set file modified timestamp



"Could not set file modified timestamp


I'm afraid I don't know what they mean.



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@K-bert even though you opened a ticket have you performed a full power cycle of the eisy? Either by pressing the power button (Multi function button) 6 times to force it to shutdown or by pressing and holding or pulling the power supply. Also be sure that you cleared the Java cache and download a new start.jnlp from the UD site (https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp)

Also, since you did open a ticket please be sure to post back what steps were performed to fix this so it might help others in the future. 

Finally, what IoX Firmware were you updating from? And what Firmware version did you upgrade to?

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I have done a full reboot with the removal of the power cord. I updated from 5.8.3 to 5.8.4.

From the ticket I am told that the PLM likely has gone bad. Although none of my z-wave devices are working either. I have the next procedure to test when I am home again.

From the ticket:

1. Unplug the PLM, wait 1 minute, plug back in

2. Press/hold the power button on eisy->red. Click again blue

3. Check the PLM status again. If disconnected, then the PLM is dead. You might qualify for some discounts from insteon (I am not sure when they expire): https://www.universal-devices.com/celebrate-insteon/

Please note that when you have a new PLM, you MUST do a Restore PLM. Please follow the instructions here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Restore_Modem_(PLM)



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36 minutes ago, K-bert said:

I opened the app and it is all connected and working now. No idea why/how.

I might still suggest the steps above to troubleshoot when you're home. At least check by controlling devices through admin locally first. If it seems that everything is good then that's a good thing, but it could be a flaky PLM that's misbehaving before it dies. It is odd that you say no z-wave devices are working wither. 

Are you running any firewalls on computers or routers? Do you have any non-default DNS servers loaded into your router? (sometimes alternate DNS entries could potentially block random sites without people knowing)


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My router set up has worked for years and nothing has changed. Pretty much everything is set to a static IP so I don't have to worry about conflicts.

I did call my wife and tried controlling devices both through the admin console (remote desktop to the home PC) and the mobile app. It was all working.

I wouldn't be surprised if the PLM is going bad. It is about eleven years old. I purchased it shortly after moving into the house. It is a USB PLM that I used with a Raspberry Pi running a free home automation server. Near as I can tell the person who wrote it sold it and it was removed from the internet. I then moved to an ISY994 and bought a Serial PLM. Since I, like so many others, disposed of the USB to Serial PLM cable (I didn't even know it was in the box) I just switched to the USB PLM when I upgraded to the EISY.

As for the Z-Wave not working, my only guess would be that the EISY was spending all its time/resources trying to initialize the PLM that it just wouldn't do anything else. Doesn't sound likely though.

I will order a new USB PLM from the Canadian distributor when they have them back in stock. It claims that the units built from 2023 has upgraded electronics and should be more robust.



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