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Everything posted by SHM

  1. SHM

    Nest SDM

    OK, will try that. When I first tried step 7, the enable button was greyed out and, as you mention, I was unable to enable it later.
  2. SHM

    Nest SDM

    I have installed the plugin and followed the instructions for the Client ID, Client Secret, etc. Paid the $5.00. When I try to authenticate, I get API error. Evidently, my topic has not been enabled, and I can't seen to do that, so perhaps the plugin does not have access to the api? Attached is log and some screenshots. Also tried to update version 1.05 but nothing happens. NestSDM_3-10-2025_93938_PM.zip
  3. Well, that was easy...
  4. Sure. Here they are.
  5. Have been running version 4.08 flawlessly. After some power outages recently (or maybe upgrade to 5.9.1?), the AC is showing only 1 node for my garage door (node007, "Online" and Remote Lock"). However, the plugin show both nodes, the second showing "Door State" and "Obstruction." Interestingly, the programs in the AC to open or close the door work fine. I have tried to re-boot the policy in the AC several times, with no effect. Should I delete/re-addm the plugin and re-discover?
  6. I have a motion sensor that detects the presence of my car in the garage. The presence or absence (1 or 0) is saves in a state variable, $caringarage. When there is a power failure or any event that causes the Polisy to re-initialize, $caringarage is reset to 0. The ISY manual shows a way to preserve the state variable value, but the syntax is confusing. Any suggestions/examples?
  7. Upgraded IoX to 5.9.1 without issue. When I open PG3x, not seeing the 14.1p6 version. Is this normal?
  8. Thanks to both. I'm about 10 miles from the nearest airport in Seattle area , where my current NOAA plugin draws data. But, that data is often incomplete. for example, on a cloudy day I have program to leave some lights on in the house, but the NOAA "climate conditions" is infrequently populated.
  9. Which is better in terms of weather for a specific location (lots of microclimates in my area) and data use in ISY programming: Openweathermap or Weatherbit?
  10. SHM

    Trouble setting up

    Problem solved! I eliminated the "token" from the older node version and all works.
  11. SHM

    Trouble setting up

    Yes. Have tried both with no effect
  12. SHM

    Trouble setting up

    I have installed the new NS and installed in PG3 (latest firmware). Restarted the NS and ran authenticate, which took me to Tesla.com where I signed in (for my 2017 Model S). NS then returned 4 nodes: Charging info (with 20 sub nodes, most showing data), Climate info (17 sub nodes, most showing data), Tesla EV info (5 sub nodes) and Merrick Tesla (18 sub nodes, mose showing data). On the AC, only 2 nodes show up (see attached) with no data. Attaching the log and some screen shots. Not sure where to go from here. udiTeslaEV2_1-4-2025_12726_PM.zip
  13. SHM

    UDI EISY Update 2025

    Will the new OS run on Polisy PG3X?
  14. The first worked! Thanks
  15. Just upgraded to Mac OS 15 on a new laptop. When I start jnlp to access the polisy, only the WAN works. If I type in the polisy LAN address (https://LAN:8443/desc), the UUID appears but no firmware version and nothing happens when I try to load the AC from here. Entering the polisy LAN in a browser also does not open anything. I have cleared the Java cache and rebooted the polisy and IOX. Seems like something is blocking the LAN access. Suggestions?
  16. OK, thanks. Will try the folder route.
  17. Just got a new iphone and had to add back my 2 polisys, which went smoothly. On controller (polisy) 1, added favorites without issue. When I switch to controller 2 and try to add favorite nodes, they show up on the favorites page on controller 1. Suggestions?
  18. Just in last 2 days, all of my Z wave devices are not responding to on/off commands, etc either from the AC or UD mobile on 2 different policy's in 2 different homes. On the AC, under the top menu I get attached message and UD mobile gives attached error. I have not made any changes recently. Suggestions?
  19. SHM

    Firmware update fails

    Problem solved. I had a loose "open sensor" wire. Now all works well. Per Paul Weiland, firmware 2.59 is only for MQTT.
  20. SHM

    Firmware update fails

    Was able to regain ability to "visit" Ratgdo after several rounds of re-flashing the device, which is a 25i running "dry contact" protocol. Unfortunately, the open/close commands in the AC or in UD mobile do not open/close door. The "toggle" command in the AC does, but the correct door status is not updated. Not sure why this has happened as I have had a very stable system. Attaching log package. ratgdo_10-21-2024_81022_AM.zip
  21. SHM

    Firmware update fails

    Have already done that with no successs
  22. Have been using my 2.5i ratgdo with plugin 4.08 without issues. Just tried OTA update to firmware 2.59 (from 2.57) and lost connection with the device. I tried re-installing (with Chrome) the ESPHome firmware but no connection results when using “dry contact” and “2.5i” selections. Interestingly, the ESPHome will re-install if I select the security 2.0, but the garage door does not open or close when commanded (ratgdo home screen attached) Any suggestions?
  23. SHM

    PG3x remote access

    Have been trying to setup Rachio plugin and configuration calls for PG3 to have remote access active. When I go to my.isy.io and select Tools |Maintenance, "PG3 remote access" does not show up as a menu option. Any ideas?
  24. SHM

    Lost communication

    Is there a link to the 4-tap test?
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