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Everything posted by SHM

  1. My ISY sends Pushover a notification that my garage door has closed. For some reason, I am now getting 3 Pushover notifications for each closure. Pushover suggest that their API is getting 3 messages. Any thoughts?
  2. SHM

    Polisy login

    Nothing works
  3. SHM

    Polisy login

    Hmmm.. Did that but now Safari says it can't find the server. Have tried http://polisy, the LAN and WAN IP's
  4. SHM

    Polisy login

    All of a sudden, cannot log in to my Polisy (LAN or WAN). Nothing happens after entering password. I have tried power cycle. Suggestions?
  5. Long time user of ISY/portal/polisy. I have many programs that turn lights on, open doors depending on geofence status and iBeacon status, which update state variables. Using Mobilinc Pro, 4.17 on iPhone 13, 15.1.1 but have lost geofence and iBeacon updates to ISY state variables, so my programs won't run. Suggestions?
  6. OK
  7. Just downloaded UD Mobile to my iPhone and configured to my ISY. When I follow the instructions to add a Geofence, I get as far as generating a 6 digit code, but when I open UD Mobile, there is no place to add it. Suggestions? Locations on the app are enabled.
  8. Solved by using the latest Admin console! Works great. No issues.
  9. Did not unzip file either
  10. Trying to migrate from 5.3.1 to 5.3.3 but after 20 seconds or so, during loading of /code/455/hex it stop giving error message: "reported written size is invalid" Suggestions?
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