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Everything posted by SHM

  1. Just finished final configuration. I made a mistake on the first attempt as I renamed the ratgdo device to ratgdo-east door" and it would not show "online" in AC. Changed the name to "ratgdoE" and now in AC I have separate nodes for the door function and light. Both work perfectly and I put the door node in my garage door programs in place of MyQ. By the way, the motion sensor for my liftmaster is at the keypad, so I don't need to have it as a separate node. Many thanks for constructing the plugin so quickly. Will continue to test and would be happy to contribute $ for your effort (MyQ was not your fault).
  2. Not seeing the plugin on the production or non-production store!
  3. Here is my setup so far on Mac OS: 1. Install MQTT plugin on Polisy, no special configuration 2. Open https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/flash.html in Google chrome 3. Download USB serial driver 4. Re-start computer 5. Connect ratgdo to computer 6. re-open (2) 7. set version to 2.54 and hit connect 8. Erase ratgdo/install latest firmware 9. Once (8) is complete, set wireless credentials of your network, then connect to your (ratgdo) device 10. Rename ratgdo (optional), set ratgdo password, set MQTT server (your polisy LAN IP), port 1884, username (your polisy username), password (your Polisy password), topic prefix (ratgdo) 11.Save 12. Open MQTT explorer (MQTT-explorer.com) 13. hit "+" for new connection 14. name connection 15. protocol: MQTT://your polisy LAN IP Port 1884 16. Username and password: use your polisy settings 17. connection should now show the ratgdo device on MQTT Now just need commands to open/close, etc
  4. Just figured it out. There was a problem with ratgdo IP assignment between my wifi and ratgdo. I am now connected to the MQTT server on Polisy, but await instructions on how to add garage door open/close, etc.
  5. My problem is that I cannot save the configuration in ratgdo without a valid MQTT server IP and I have tried the LAN IP of Polisy (with and without :8443) but it does not connect to MQTT on polisy.
  6. Agree with bullet points. I'm a bit lost.
  7. Still cannot finish connection with ratgdo. When I connect to it, it has an assigned name and IP address ( but my eero wifi app shows the IP as I have also entered the MQTT IP from the assigned eero address ( and even tried adding either :3000 or :8443 to this. Entered port as 1884 and left server username and password blank. Still cannot finish the final connection and ratgdo log shows no communication with MQTT plugin (I have not entered anything on the plugin configuration page). Any ideas?
  8. If you look at Paul's GitHub site there is a section on orders and you can see where the device is according to order date
  9. What MQTT IP and port settings did you use when you programmed the ratgdo? do you use the LAN IP of the polisy? Did you enter anything in the configuration of the MQTT plugin?
  10. I received my Ratgdo and flashed the firmware and then opened the ESP window where you enter the device name, OTA password and SSID. It shows the LAN IP assignment. It also asks for the MQTT server IP, port, username, password and topic prefix. Where do I go from here? I have the MQTT plugin on my Polisy, but don't quite understand broker/client, etc. Incidentally, MacOS did not seem to work configuring the ratgdo so I used windows.
  11. I sent for the ratdgo device but the setup seems daunting. I have 4 lift masters (3 8550W and 1 commercial Logic 5.0 so will try to set rated up on 1 to see how it works. Trying to figure out the wiring and MQTT but it is not intuitive. Count me in on testing.
  12. After upgrade to 3.2.13, MyQ stopped again with 429 error. No luck with overnight shutdown/restart. How sad, it was working so well. Guess I'll try ratgdo, but sounds complicated.
  13. Yes, shut down for 5 hours, then restarted and it works fine. Thanks!
  14. Long time user of MyQ node server and love it, but I have the same issue. Running Polisy 3.2.10 and IoX 5.70 and just updated MyQ server to 3.2.23. Changed password on the MyQ app, then entered new password on node server but still get Client 429 error.
  15. 1.1.23 not crashing!! Will report on geofencing tomorrow. Thanks Javi
  16. I put it on the ticket site
  17. I just completed the sysdiagnose but the file is 380 mb. Do you want the "crashes and spins"?
  18. I have lots of files called "events" Here is the latest. JetsamEvent-2023-09-20-070359.ips.zip
  19. Still crashing on 1.1.22
  20. Here is the only error message that occurs after synchronizing with portal
  21. Swipe up
  22. Running UD mobile 1.1.20 on iPhone 13 and it is now crashing every time I close it. Running IoX 5.7.0 and polisy 3.2.6. Any suggestions?
  23. Yes, I too have lost local AC login as well as PG3 login.
  24. My disconnects have all but disappeared. For one polisy, it turns out that the ISP cable going to the house was partially damaged so the incoming internet signal strength was weak, causing the modem/router to disconnect. My other polisy (at a different location) has not had disconnects for a week now and I cannot explain why.
  25. I am getting many of portal disconnect notifications in UD Mobile in 2 separate Polisys. I still have Mobilinc Pro installed. Could that be the problem?
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