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Everything posted by SHM

  1. SHM

    Lost communication

    Well, the microwave is built-in and only 3 years old. It is on a dedicated breaker with no other devices on that circuit. When I unplug the microwave (or throw the breaker), the lamplinc communication returns. I think I will try the XPF at the panel.
  2. SHM

    Lost communication

    Maybe an electrician has such a thing
  3. SHM

    Lost communication

  4. SHM

    Lost communication

    Alternatives to Filterlinc?
  5. SHM

    Lost communication

    Success! after systematically switching off each switch at the electrical panel, I found the interference was coming from the circuit going to kitchen microwave. Will put a Filterlinc there.
  6. I have been using very stable insteon/PG3 system for some time. Recently (after some nearby construction power outages) I have lost communication with 3 of my insteon devices (1 2-wire switch and 2 lamplincs). I have gone thru the usual device delete/factory reset with no luck. When I try to add the switch back, I get a "cannot determine insteon engine" alert after 10 seconds or so. Under Tools, event viewer says switch failed to add, reason 3. For the lamplincs, under device communication events, I get [inst-ack] 02 62 3E.5D.8F LTS req and LTONRR (FF). Interestingly, when I add the lamplincs to IOX in the location where the Polisy is, they work OK. Any thoughts? I am running 5.8.4.
  7. OK. Here is the log Rachio_9-5-2024_94454_AM.zip
  8. I upgraded to 5.0.4 and my IoX is 5.8.4. Still no smart hose timers (5 total) seen in AC. The plugin has the correct Rachio API. Suggestions?
  9. Portal down for me as well. I'm on 5.8.4 This has been happening frequently in the last few weeks, usually in early morning hours PDT
  10. Yes, tried to write a program and in THEN section, rachio plugin only shows "query"
  11. SHM

    4.0.8 Discovery

    I tried removing all custom parameters and then discover. No nodes added. Re-added custom parameters using LAN IP;ratgdov25i-xxxxxx and that added all nodes for the 3 doors. Thanks.
  12. SHM

    4.0.8 Discovery

    Sorry, need help again. I am at my summer home which has 3 security+2 openers, previously setup with the MQTT version of the plugin. I re-flashed each ratgdo to security+2 and v2.5I board. I can access each ratgdo via LAN IP or http://ratgdo25i-xxxxxx.local. I installed the new plugin and used custom parameters (gdodevice0...2) and ratgdo25i-xxxxxx.local;ratgdo25i-xxxxxx. I get the attached error message when I try to discover the ratgdos. Log attached. Each ratgdo shows up on my wifi system correctly; the only issue I see is that when I access each board via ratgdo25i-xxxxxx.local, the name for the board on the page is slightly different, ratgdov2.5i xxxxxx. ratgdo_6-21-2024_71650_AM.zip
  13. Worked for me as well. Thanks
  14. By the way, in your notes for version 4.0.8 under #4, you state..."these commands are only generated if the status change results from and external control signal (i.e., not a command from IoX through the plugin." Does this mean that an IoX program that opens the door when a home geofence is entered will not trigger the door open?
  15. Yes, that works as well,
  16. I can access it by the LAN IP address
  17. I went ahead and used the custom Configuration pathway and the ratgdo is discovered. Interestingly, the plugin nodes show only "door status" and "obstruction", which appear the same in IoX. In UD mobile, Door Status shows up as either 0 or 1 and obstruction is absent. The UD mobile favorite is setup as a "toggle". Not a big deal but if there was a way to change to open or closed, that would be nice. The ratgdo for this door is set up as "dry contact" if that makes a difference. So far, the plugin seems more responsive. ratgdo_6-17-2024_10623_PM.zip
  18. Sorry, here is the log ratgdo_6-17-2024_100744_AM.zip
  19. OK. I downloaded ESP Home version directly , via USB cable, to the ratgdo. It appears on my LAN and opens and closes the door, etc. Then went to plugins store and downloaded 4.0.8, waited 10 minutes and tried to discover. No go. Here is log file. Should I try the custom parameter approach?
  20. I downloded ratgdo_esp8266_v2.1.bin and refreshed the firmware from the ratgdo page. After completing, the page still shows all the MQTT data (server, port, prefix, home assistant). Is this correct?
  21. So worst case, ratgdo would no longer be available to IoX?
  22. Hmmm. Not good. I assume this is the same as your post on ESP firmware?
  23. Just upgraded Polisy to 3.2.27. Initially, I noticed nodes were not working and the plugin was not online in the AC. Tried restarting the plugin, with no change. Then deleted and re-installed plugin but cannot "discover" the ratgdo, even after waiting 10 minutes. Attached log. Any suggestions? ratgdo_6-11-2024_63944_PM.zip
  24. Works perfectly. Thanks so much!
  25. Will install tomorrow and let you know
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