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Everything posted by SHM

  1. OK. I understand. Maybe I should just delete any field that is atypical? Thanks.
  2. Thank you. I restart the AC via the configuration section in IoX. Is that correct?
  3. Here is the IoX log ISY Log.v5.8.3__Mon 2024.04.29 03.25.32 PM.txt.zip
  4. he IoX log was too large.T
  5. Sorry for the delay. I have deleted and re-installed the plugin with IoX restart via AC. I have attached the PG3x logs and IoX logs and screen shots of the AC and UD mobile. Interestingly, UD mobile shows all of the weather data points but the AC does not. Seems to be an IoX display issue. AmbientWeather_4-29-2024_11156_PM.zip
  6. Just added Rachio plugin to my PG3x on polisy, 3.2.20 in hopes of controlling a new rachio smart hose timer. I have an api from rachio and in the configuration page, I have set the host to either the LAN IP of the Polisy or rachio (not at the same time) and made sure there was a firewall rule on my Eero to allow port 3001. Either way, the result in AC just shows "Rachio Bridge" with 1 node server. Any suggestions? Rachio_3-24-2024_51549_PM.zip
  7. Will give all those a try. It is interesting that Goose66 just posted this on the Ratgdo section: Members 2Posted 13 hours ago Something I came across when looking into some firmware issues: It appears that in security+ 1.0 and dry contact modes, after a reboot the ratgdo firmware does not seem to know the door state. You must move the door for the ratgdo to regain the door state. This does not appear to be the case in security+ 2.0 mode because that mode supports "querying" the state from the controller. The potential issue here is that, with the unknown door state, any subsequent open or close command to the ratgdo just reverses the true state of the door. So if you have, e.g., a program that automagically closes your door at night, but the ratgdo was rebooted due to a power failure during the day, that close command when sent to the device may, in fact, open the door. I have logged an issue and hope that the firmware can be updated to set the door state in dry contact mode from the current state of the limit switches upon reboot. In the meantime, keep an eye on it.
  8. Here is a screenshot from today. I did change the favorite type to "toggle" but did not open or close any of the garage doors. As you can see, one of the garage doors (west) is yellow and status unknown, despite not having been opened or closed. When this happens, my program using the Ratgdo plugin typically runs but will not open or shut the door.
  9. Yes, I have been experiencing that quite a bit even in the security + 2.0. Is there a way to query the ratgdo every morning using a program? I do that for my door locks.
  10. I have been using UD Mobile for some time now. Recently replaced MyQ with Ratgdo for garage door opening. I have the garage door in the favorites section and have noticed that the icon color does not correspond to the garage door status (and sometimes, the garage door does not open or close using UD Mobile). I am using the "default" icon type for the door, so the icon shows a left upper corner circle and a padlock picture. Should I be using some other icon type instead of "default"? Not sure what the circle does for this door activity.
  11. On a related issue, my insteon motion sensor detects the presence of a car in my garage and via a program, a state variable is set to 1. When the sensor times out, the variable resets to 0, which is not desired. Do I use a scene or change the motion sensor to "report on" only?
  12. Yes, I did the restarts with no effect. Should I delete the nodes and api and start over?
  13. My plugin shows 3 nodes and node 2 has 11 "drivers" which match the available weather data from my station. These drivers do not show up on the AC. Am I missing something?
  14. I have Ambient Weather plugin linked to my RainwiseNet weather station via AWN api. I have entered just the api in the plugin configuration and it then gives me all of the weather station data (attached). However, on the AC, the plugin only shows 2 nodes, each with the same weather station data (Barometric pressure, atmospheric pressure, temperature). Have tried "adding all nodes" in the plugin menu with no luck. Any ideas on how to get the other data to the AC to use for programming? ambient weather plugin.pdf install.log debug.log
  15. SHM

    IoX reboot

    Bullseye! It was an "all lights on" program that I have for emergencies that somehow was enabled to run at startup. Thanks!
  16. SHM

    IoX reboot

    Whenever I reboot my IoX (5.8.0 and earlier), many of my insteon lights come on. Preventable?
  17. My MQTT communications problems have gone away for some unknown reason. Good news. I have noticed that if the power goes out to your garage (and ratgdo if you connect it via usb to AC power), then all the nodes default to "unknown." Hitting the open/close button in the node resets the door status, but if you use door status in a program and the condition depends on "open or close" status, then the program won't run. Argues for connecting the ratgdo to the batter backup, if you have it.
  18. Thanks you. Makes sense. When I drove away from the house today, my ISY program that closes the door based on geolocation ran and gave me a push notification that the door was closed but it did not. I was able to close it on UD mobile but sounds like the network is the issue. I have one of the original Polisy devices that has been upgraded along the way to PG3 but maybe its time to upgrade to eISY. I will open a ticket. Maybe Michel can work his magic.
  19. So in the interim, I started over by deleting the ratgdo plugin, then re-installing it and re-discovered the ratgdo devices. I have attached the debug log and MQTT Explorer page that lists the devices (is it expected that under Homeassistant, the devices also appear?). When I use UD Mobile and watch the MQTT Explorer, each device shows the correct change in the open and close command from UD mobile, although there is a 5 second or so delay. For some reason ratgdo-41031 only shows the open/close under a separate level labeled "command". Since I still have my doors connected to MyQ wireless (maybe I should not?), I can watch the doors open and close. When I am on AC, the open/close commands also work, but with a slightly longer delay. At one point, I did receive a TCP error on AC after hitting the open command several times for one door. Not sure how I troubleshoot the network but I am willing to learn. Hope this helps and again, thanks for your Sunday help. ratgdo_1-7-2024_14011_PM.zip
  20. Here are the log and log package ratgdo_1-7-2024_82253_AM.zip ratgdo_1-7-2024_82307_AM.zip
  21. OK. I deleted the MQTT plugin and went to the ratgdo plugin, deleted the nodes then re-discovered. Populates ISY fine, but still no garage door activity (or light) when I try "one" or "close" from the AC. MQTT explorer shows all 3 doors. I did upgrade the ratgdo firmware to 2.57 btw. Interestingly, the UD Mobile app does open and close the doors (albeit slowly). Will see if my door open/close programming still works.
  22. P.S. I should mention that MQTT explorer shows all doors and nodes active under my polisy LAN IP
  23. Hmmm. Seems like I have gone backwards. Updated to polisy 3.2.17, IoX 5.8.0 and ratgdo plugin 3.1.4. I did the node deletions and re-discovered. My 3 garage doors with ratgdo devices installed and configured properly are added and show again on ISY. For each door node, I see "door state", "lockout", "online" and "obstruction." All doors are online and correctly show the open or closed status. However, the "open" and "close" buttons no longer open or close the doors. The ratgdo plugin log doesn't show anything, but the MQTT plugin log shows "waiting on valid configuration." For the latter, I have entered custom parameters of MQTT_host ("localhost"), MQTT_port ("1884"), MQTT_clientID ("RATGDONS") and discoverytopicprefix ("home assistant"). Any suggestions? Doors had been working fine.
  24. firmware is up to 2.56 now
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