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Everything posted by Scottmichaelj

  1. I would like to see more strings too as well as for the ELK Module.
  2. Wow been a long time user and never dug in that deep. I get a ton of notifications and some of these things would be cool to add. Thanks for adding to my "to do list" guys! [emoji3] Edit: I did know about the sounds and priorities just never thought to use them in that way. Also @Paul like the use of the ISY icon, I'm going to copy you if you don't mind.
  3. Thanks for that but I am well aware of how Pushover works. I actually developed a third party driver for RTI remotes to use the service. I just have NEVER seen a delay between email or API EVER, its ALWAYS been instantaneous. I been using it since it was launched. I love the service and highly recommend Pushover.
  4. Must have missed that. Is there any advantage doing it via network resources vs email outside of the issues with SSL security issue now not working with email providers?
  5. So first obviously you configure your Pushover account. Then yes you need to setup a Push and variables you want for each item. So for example say you want to know every time the alarm is armed, you could do a name "Elk Alarm Armed for Night" then in the configuration body put something like "ELK Alarm was Armed for the night on ${alert.date} at ${alert.time}" and save. Then you can have a program like: ELK Notify Armed Night Instant - [iD 001D][Parent 0027] If Elk Area '1' 'Armed State' is Armed Night Instant Then Send Notification to 'Pushover' content 'ELK Alarm Armed for Night' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Make sense? Hope this helps. Nothing needs to be done in the network resources.
  6. More fitting Did you say sorry 50 times on the chalkboard?
  7. Your buttons look perfect. It was dakall's post (#98) with a photo of his buttons and they are slightly crooked. I think thats what Teken and myself are afraid of. Your buttons look great. Have you done paddles yet for switchlincs? If so I would love to hear your thoughts and see pix. EDIT: What about something like this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/40W-CO2-LASER-ENGRAVING-MACHINE-MOSH-IDRAW-SOFTWARE-CUTTING-ENGRAVER-/131869960977?hash=item1eb40feb11:g:CnsAAOSwOVpXfc~A Also you think the 1000mW version of the Neje would be beneficial or just a waste? http://www.ebay.com/itm/311596179551?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT There is also these guys now http://www.ebay.com/itm/361612651887?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  8. Have you found any that have larger trays? If so would adjustments need to be made to the template/instructions? Did you do any paddles, if so how did they turn out? I noticed this too and agree. I am OCD so it would bother me. Your no fun! [emoji12] Can't you say they are for the new 3D technology? Haha
  9. So this thread was hot back in June but kind of cooled off. Anyone have anything new to add or share? How did your buttons turn out? Was it worth doing or is it too much trouble? I would love to hear some feedback.
  10. Lighten up goofball. [emoji12] I havent had issues with DLI and the scripting ability is quite nice. I probably have 50 or more installs for clients without a single issue. So as I said everyones experience is different. UBI email support only sucks especially if your onsite and java management software for their routers and access points are horrible. The product itself works fine. Edit: for those who are not familiar with Ubiquity, they require a client PC with software installed (java) to access the access point settings. There is no "Brower" webpage like on other routers and/or access points.
  11. Here we go again with this daylight savings bug mentioned a while back It was deemed not a bug. Hahaha
  12. You crack me up. You say get a Ubiquity which has ZERO customer support (email online only) vs DLI who actually answers the phone. Guess it shows everyone has different experiences. I have a UBI AP Ill sell you!
  13. FWIW I like Pushover as you can use it for many things and have different tones. Sometimes people are known to go deaf to certain tones. Its also almost instantaneous for notifications.
  14. I use DLI as well as WATTBOX in my installs, both work well. I lean towards DLI but OVRC is nice on the Wattbox.
  15. I second the always on PC. Check out my review for the in the coffee shop section on the Azulle PC stick. Good price, low power, full Windows 10. Then just find a program or write script. Done. Time saved it worth paying the money. -Quantum Access LAN Windows 10 Fanless Mini PC Stick https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018GWVOGC/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_FCuMxbFJ6NJRD
  16. Not sure I understand what your asking. If you have the Elk module then all you need to do is setup a program or whatever you want and then map it to the echo via the ISY portal. Make sense?
  17. https://www.universal-devices.com/sales/
  18. Its only available to professional AV installers. I thought in my previous post I mentioned that, sorry. I own a AV integration company so I have access to RTI along with Control4, Savant and the rest. My preferred choice is RTI and I have developed a few addons to work with it.
  19. Scottmichaelj

    Elk XML

    Can you give us a snippet of what your looking at. My first thought would be those are zone definitions possibly but without more info who knows. You have a link to the resources your referring too? Ill have a look and if need be contact my Elk support tech for insight too. BTW what are you trying to do with this info once you have it?
  20. I was in the same spot your in back in 2013 when I was building my home. Having access to a wide range of products I stayed with Insteon due to the fact they have a ton of devices for all kinds of things. Water leak detectors, hidden door sensors, keypads with multiple buttons, etc. I have been an ISY user since 2007 and for Insteon there is nothing better IMO. So I went that route and made sure to install a Leviton whole home surge on my electrical panel along with a phase coupler. Then all Insteons devices installed were dual band. For noisy appliances like washer, fridge etc I put a filterlinc on them and my system is solid for communications. As time goes on I ended up adding more devices like Elk Alarm, MyQ module, Honeywell RedLink Gateway for access, RTI remotes, Wireless Tags, etc so I quickly learned the ISY and the Mobilinc interface wasnt going to work for me. I then moved to RTI remote controls since it allows me to have total flexibility and control to design the GUI as I wanted for myself. With their app and hardware I can access, control and get status on all my devices in my home. The closest thing outside RTI I found was openHAB, which can be run on a cheap PC stick like the Azulle Access PC That I did a review on in the Coffee Shop section if you dont have a PC on 24/7. Azulle Quantum Access Mini PC Stick https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum%2Euniversal-devices%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ephp%3F%2Ftopic%2F19200-Azulle-Quantum-Access-Mini-PC-Stick&share_tid=19200&share_fid=23986&share_type=t
  21. So far there is no way to connect Caseta to ISY directly. As an professional AV installer myself I use the rticorp.com XP3 or XP6 processor in lieu of the ISY for situations like this. Theres nothing the the XP processor cant do that the ISY does outside Insteon. That being said the RTI is a professional installer product too. Sounds like you really are looking for a all in one hub to connect all your devices together nicely. I personally find the ISY cant be complete home hub for all products so you have to treat it like its own hardware then use something like openHAB to bring everything together in a nice UI.
  22. This a professional product that sold and installed by AV Integration company normally unless you get it from elsewhere however Lutron will not warranty it. That being said its a great product and is 100% reliable.
  23. Just tried this myself thanks for sharing. The thing is you can not turn on HEAT, AC or turn it OFF, this allows you to only change the setpoints in the current mode.
  24. Amazon gives the Alexa ‘app store’ a makeover, now lets you add new Skills by voice https://techcrunch.com/2016/06/28/amazon-gives-the-alexa-app-store-a-makeover-now-lets-you-add-new-skills-by-voice/
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