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Everything posted by Scottmichaelj

  1. Im in PST and I cant check or uncheck DST either.
  2. Seems VERY similar to this thread, which I posted in. Haven't had time to jump through all Michel's hoops to prove there is a problem. Your not alone, something is awry. Clock off by one hour after upgrading firmware to v4.4.6 https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?url=http://forum.universal-devices.com/index.php?/topic/18832-Clock-off-by-one-hour-after-upgrading-firmware-to-v4%2E4%2E6&share_tid=18832&share_fid=23986&share_type=t
  3. I just think of wine as my friends, which I have a lot of!
  4. Or could be related to the issue I brought up and have
  5. Don't listen to Teken. He's a blowhard and talks outta his...jk I have Alexa enable the security for my home for night (instant). Teken has valid points but at the end of the day you have to make the decision what works best for you and the level of security you need for you and your family. I don't see any reason not to since you opened the ISY/Elk connection, so why not be able to arm your system? Disarming is another story all together. Just my opinion on the subject.
  6. Yea. Doesn't matter I set it manually. I rather have UDI work on v5.0.5 then backtrack on this. Its low priority, as long as its not happening to everyone.
  7. Same thing when I asked for TCP raw commands to be implemented. Using the emulator works well for me.
  8. BWS Systems answers their github page quite fast.
  9. I should have mentioned that I did/had all that. There is something wrong with this. I can manually add or manipulate to GMT setback for it to work. Its just not working as expected.
  10. Could use a syncrolinc too with an ISY program.
  11. http://www.digital-loggers.com/iot.html http://www.snapav.com/p-1323-wb-200-ipce-3.aspx Edit, with the DLI you could plug in the 12v trigger to the UPS and then create a function to email you on the 12v trigger. Do you have a make shift battery backup or is it a UPS? I ask because some UPS's have software if you run a PC that emails you before shutdown on a power loss. Maybe you can give more details? There is no simple cheap solution. 12v always on or off relays maybe the way to go. The wattbox can "ping" a device and then if it shows offline it will email or text (pushover notification) you too letting you know of power loss. Ping a AVR receiver? Just thinking out loud and brainstorming.
  12. There is a single IoT DLI device relay plug you can do a bunch of other things with it. Sense is also an option. Just a suggestion. I use the DLI in a lot of installs. There is also the SnapAV wattbox in a small size. You have to buy from a reseller, which I am and can get you one.
  13. Maybe a digital loggers product would work? http://www.digital-loggers.com
  14. Any update on this? I can duplicate the issue on v.4.4.6 for Seattle WA. The FW and UI are the same. For me, I am not able to check "DST" - its greyed out (and checked) and when I select NTP Server it sets it one hour behind. Unchecking NTP and using the computers time it sets it to the correct time. Something is happening here.
  15. So I am going to kind of hijack this thread some. Larryllix you taught me before how to run two programs, so I have been and have told others here like Blackbird to do it to help him. So are you saying for my programs below I could cut it down to one program now with those changes? First Program: Side Gate Left (Dog Run) If Elk Zone 'Side Gate (Dog)' is Violated And Elk Zone 'Side Gate (Dog)' is not Normal And Elk Area 'HOUSE' 'Armed State' is Disarmed Then Send Notification to 'Pushover' content 'Side Gate Notification' Enable Program 'Side Gate Left (Dog Run) [speak]' Run Program 'Side Gate Left (Dog Run) [speak]' (Then Path) Else Disable Program 'Side Gate Left (Dog Run) [speak]' Second Program: Side Gate Left (Dog Run) [speak] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Repeat Every 10 seconds Set Elk Speak Word 'Front' Set Elk Speak Word 'Side' Set Elk Speak Word 'Gate' Set Elk Speak Word 'Open' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Side Gate Left (Dog Run) [speak] If Elk Zone 'Side Gate (Dog)' is Violated And Elk Zone 'Side Gate (Dog)' is not Normal And Elk Area 'HOUSE' 'Armed State' is Disarmed And Elk Area 'HOUSE' 'Armed State' is not Disarmed Then Repeat for 9999 times Repeat Every 10 seconds Set Elk Speak Word 'Front' Set Elk Speak Word 'Side' Set Elk Speak Word 'Gate' Set Elk Speak Word 'Open' Wait 10 seconds Send Notification to 'Pushover' content 'Side Gate Notification' Else -----
  16. I been working on a master closet that has two doors with two switches (2 Switchlinc's as a 3-way scene) and a hidden door sensor on each door. I wanted to make sure that when one door closed, if the other door was open that the light stayed on. What I did was add the HDS with "Two Nodes" enabled in the options section, which put one open and one closed node in the my lighting section. I then put the three way switchlincs and both the open nodes in a scene called "Master Closet" as controllers. This way when either closet door is opened it would turn on the lights/three way switch. The issue is keeping the lights on when either door is closed. Thats where the closed node of the HDS comes into play. I then added the following program: MBed Closet [OFF] If Status 'MCloset-L-DC-DS' is On And Status 'MCloset-R-DC-DS' is On Then Set 'MCloset-L-Switch' Off Set 'MCloset-R-Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This way now when both doors have to be closed then the program will run and turn off the lights. Its important to remember that the closed nodes are opposite, on/off, meaning when the HDS is pressed down the closed node is then "ON". I thought I would post this so if anyone else is looking to do something similar. To those who helped me with this before the great forum snafu, and you know who you are, I thank you. Good advise.
  17. Put the last one on a relay and done.
  18. Heres another one. So many http://www.aleph-usa.com/intrusion-detection/photoelectric-beams/
  19. What you probably need is a driveway beam sensor. Heres an easy way, there are hardwired options from other companies too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7oI1pTejUg&sns=em
  20. Depending on the shades I can help you too. I am familiar with the Platinum Bridge. The power view is a whole other beast. Whenever your ready or if you need help installing the software let me know.
  21. I think your misunderstanding me. I know "technically" cloud services are not free. I am not going to counter your points as I feel we getting off topic as to what the OP is after. You have made your point and I have as well. I think bringing up other alternatives is what was asked and depending on the person "man hours" can add up and maybe a valid point or may not. So while there is a benefit to the ISY portal if he did not want to go that route I offered him an alternative. I think your getting a bit over technical of what he wants. Sure you feel the ISY portal is a good investment, so by all means pay. I am not disputing you, this or the fee etc. However there are alternatives that are free to use and therefore wanted to point it out. It won't take that long to setup and then he can decide if its right for him or if he wants to pay. The other thing was justification of use/purchase. He may find like myself the novelty quickly wears off with the Echo. I am also putting my money where my mouth is to sorts by offering my time to help him over the phone set it up. Not to continue to push the issue, but does raise what I think is a valid point? Is the ISY a "Home Automation" controller or a HUB? I keep hearing people say I can tell it to turn on the lights or scenes or when I walk into the house do this. My response is, Home Automation is not doing those things but those things being done for you automatically. Whats the difference of telling the Echo to do something or hitting a switch? The INPUT is done by the USER, instead of truly being automated. Your just adding a "feature".
  22. Then BWS software maybe the perfect solution for you! http://bwssystems.com Its super easy to setup and does everything you want, Echo to scenes, programs, etc. Best of all its free. PM me if you want with your name, email and a phone number and I would be happy to help you set it up if you need it. I helped out a few people on the forum with this. One guy uses it for controlling his Hunter Douglas shades with it! It can run scripts too, so if you want to run external commands outside the ISY you can do that too!
  23. For me personally at first I loved having the Amazon Echo respond to my request and most of the time it works. However the longer I own it the more those times it doesnt work are adding up and annoying me more and more. Add to the fact that Amazon changes things in the background and doesnt tell anyone so while everything may work perfectly at first it could stop at anytime. Just read some of the echo threads, people complain about this often. So I actually use my Echo much less and prefer other input methods that work 100% of the time, like a KPL or remote control. You could spend your money better elsewhere say on a Harmony remote if you dont have one. Then using free software I posted above from BWS Systems, link the Harmony to the ISY and an Echo. Did you see my post above? Is that not an option? Its FREE!
  24. You talk about cloud being free and services dying off because of that, thus making a point to pay for the infrastructure and I agree you have to pay to keep a service going if you like it. But then in the next breath you say you dont want your investment to become obsolete. So wouldnt this be the reason to pay once and be done so it can be on your local machine? I get your point and what your trying to explain but it also seems a bit conflicting. The ISY portal is great but I would like to see all this Polygot, RaspberryPi, ISYHelper, NodeLink, DDCLink, etc all move to the service in one place. I know I am tired of configuring and maintaining multiple services for my ISY. Then if that was to happen the portal sub costs would be less of a con and more of a pro.
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