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Everything posted by Scottmichaelj

  1. How did you resolve it? Someone might want to know in the future.
  2. FWIW Spotify is on the Echo
  3. You have to send the username and password in the url with the maker channel.
  4. I actually developed a add in for my RTI remote control system to control MyQ Chamberlain and Liftmaster GDOs. Was a pain to get the SSL and url properly working without them timing out. If you need any help feel free to PM me. I also suggested MyQ to be put into IO Guys NodeLink.
  5. I can test for you as well. I have a Liftmaster MyQ GDO
  6. I also think Alexa sounds a bit different (the voice or speed?)
  7. FWIW within the last week Alexia has changed again. I can no longer say "Alexia open bedroom shades" - I must say "turn on" to open and "turn off" to close. So it may not be you or your programs bit that what once did work doesn't now.
  8. As always insightful comments from you Larry. Here where I live in the PNW, PSE has hydro electric and our rates are about .12cents per kWh with no tiers. After installing my Brutech energy monitoring and shaving down costs I "maybe" saved 500kwh per month which is a $60 savings. At this rate it will take me more years than I want to admit to recover my energy monitoring investment than I save per month not to mention my time. I rather have spent that $60 towards a bottle of wine! [emoji3] On the flip side when I lived in CA I did PV as I was looking at a ROI in 3 years due to the tier system there from PG&E. I wish the government would stop giving rebates, yac deductions and grant handouts and just put that $$ into the Poco's pocket to recover the costs to switch to green sources. Give the Pocos the incentive to switch faster. Lets not begin to try and see if the ROI on an electric vehicle makes sense in CA or any state for that matter with oil prices where they are today. Maybe they do I dono I don't own a Tesla, I prefer to hear my engine. Lol
  9. This all sound like unicorns in the sky! [emoji3] With oil production going down and our usage less depended on oil, more PV farms then ever before, plus the fact that we now have more energy saving appliances and the like, rates should be stabilizing or being lowered. Clean energy costs less to produce and we are using more of it everyday so why are the consumers (us) not seeing direct benefits yet is confusing to me. Oh no sorry its not! The utilities are saying "uh oh we are loosing money because of PV and we need to keep the rates where they are or start charging more so we don't disappoint our shareholders and fatcat executives who make billions of dollars in salary." Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this?
  10. Not sure when it happened but now Amazon is back to letting me use the word "relaxing" for my scene instead of turning on the radio station as I reported previously. So "Alexa turn on relaxing" now is back working with my relaxing scene. FWIW
  11. Your comment brings me back to the days I spent at the Catalina Jazz festival when I lived in Laguna Nigel. http://jazzfestival2016.com/events/jazz-festivals-in-north-america/catalina-island-jazztrax-festival/ ...and drank wine!
  12. Tonights dinner menu
  13. Michel, if I ever blame you for not trying to fix it I would be a hypocritical jackass because in post #32 I said "At the end of the day I don't care (if it gets fixed) and I rather v5 get the attention for an official release rather than going back and fixing v4 bugs. We have another six months or so until we need to change it again and the severity level is very low. Lets get v5 done." [emoji2] Granted there is a problem and I have done what was asked to show that.
  14. That was already answered in post #10
  15. What do you mean this is "getting way out if hand"? I was having a conversation with the other forum members. I think you are taking things to personally. I even posted about the banter back and forth. Relax. I'm not going to waste my time with submitting a ticket, I posted here and in the other thread and posted the screenshots you asked for. I have done all I have been asked of and posted my results.
  16. BTW Love the banter guys.
  17. Lol different MS but still a disease to some. Especially us Apple fanboys! Ill go knock on my neighbors door and have a fix in place tonight if the timezone is wrong! Lol I got a neighbor that works seems like in every division in my neighborhood.
  18. Libraries? What are those? Someone said they contained books but that was like WAY back in the old days before the internet. When you say big do you mean people wise or territory size? Just because the size is large but full or trees and mountains doesnt mean it counts. Hahah I live in Redmond and Windows cant be wrong
  19. It was enabled and it didnt work thats why I disabled it. So then changed the time server to make sure it wasnt the default time server that was an issue. That didnt fix it either. So I synced to the PC time. At the end of the day I don't care and I rather v5 get the attention for an official release rather than going back and fixing v4 bugs. We have another six months or so until we need to change it again and the severity level is level is very low. Lets get v5 done.
  20. Are you ignoring me? My PC time is correct and it doesn't matter the time server. Syncing to the PC time works and is correct. My PC is working fine one the same time server.
  21. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. Though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis, it can be calculated on a quarterly basis as well. /Sarcasm
  22. Someone with half a brain that actually has a real idea. I have Comcast/XFinity and my IP shows in Bellevue Wa which is close/correct. How do you see what the IP timezone is though to make sure its right? My IP starts with 73.x.x.x - Cant seem to find a site that shows the IP timezone, just location.
  23. You can have Canada! Your GDP is horrible lol Mexico has a better GDP and they take naps in the afternoon and do everything tomorrow!
  24. As requested. Cross link to similar/same issue: Time Zone Wrong After Reboot https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum%2Euniversal-devices%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ephp%3F%2Ftopic%2F19077-Time-Zone-Wrong-After-Reboot&share_tid=19077&share_fid=23986&share_type=t
  25. Cant toggle its greyed out. Heres a screenshot. I dont think we are all that dense even though there are people who stay at the "Holiday Inn"
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