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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by oskrypuch

  1. That is kind of my plan, but in reverse, going backwards with older and older restores. Curiously, since my last restore to the factory "empty" state, and then a restore back to my current v5 program state, I have had no further reboots, just like when I first set up the new unit. It may be that the problem takes a day or two to start up. Perhaps there is something errant in my code, that takes a while to run out of swap space or something. * Orest
  2. Well, did replace the hardware in the hope that would fix it, new ISY994i + Zwave, with a new PS of course. Worked great for a couple of days, but then back to the same pattern!! With a new ISY and PS, and the old programs restored, the reboots have started again. It reboots every 10 to 35 mins, never an exact time multiple, nor a precise number of minutes past the hour. I reviewed the log files again, and my emailed error and other notices that I programmed in, and nothing strikes a bell. I deleted all of the sections having to do with the thermostats (Michel suggestion), and that didn't stop it. I do have sequential backups of the v4 program set, and I think what I might do is restore (to the old unit) one backup at a time, and see when if the problem stops. Then comparing the code, it may give me a clue. It appears it has got to be something in the code, everything else is eliminated. The PLM is the same, but that seems unlikely to be the culprit?? @Michel Kohanim any speculation as to what kind of errant code (or otherwise) could lead to a memory leak or something, bad enough that it crashes the ISY? * Orest
  3. As always, thanks, but looks I spoke too soon!! ....
  4. @Michel Kohanim The new ISY is now working perfectly. No reboots, at all, even when I first started it up after the restore. The big issue with the transfer was that I have a lot programs purposely set to disabled, and they are called from other programs that trigger for certain conditions. The called program parses it further, but when not disabled, the IF clauses react to the conditions more often than they should. About 10% of the Not Enabled programs, were left without that Not Enabled state. There were a few scenes that had to be recoded as well, but that just caused an INOP situation. It was a bit of a pain going through some 8000 lines of code to compare it all and fix it up, but the upgrade to v5 (and to the new unit) is complete now, and all is working perfectly. It looks like the old unit needed a replacement, perhaps some failing memory or something. Nice to have my Smart Home back. * Orest
  5. It appears this is a placeholder for statements it can't translate. These are a SCENE query and a THERMOSTAT query. OK, fixed those. Scanned through 8000 lines of code ... Looks like it was mainly adding [Not Enabled] to a few dozen functions, which stopped the weird house behavior, not surprising! The backup/restore did go pretty smoothly. But moving to v5 is not a trivial exercise, if your application is well developed. But, I suppose you have to do it sometime, and now I can start checking out all the new features. Is there a good top level summary of these, somewhere? * Orest
  6. The answer is YES. Just did successfully -- kind of sort of! Curtains went crazy, some routines started looping wildy, I guess the known issue of the loss of the [Not Enabled] flag on upgrading to v4. Only some programs were affected. * Orest
  7. Needed to change some hardware, came with v5.0.13D. After advice here and from support, elected to restore from v4.6.3 backups. Seemed to go OK, from what I can see so far, but four programs have an "unsaved" state (I did already force a save once, actually twice, and restarted), they are listed below. They also curiously have a "Response type 10", have no idea what that means, probably part of the issue. * Orest _____________________________________________________________________________ queryAll - [ID 0002][Parent 0001] If Time is 2:45:00AM Then Response type 10 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') _____________________________________________________________________________ query tstats - [ID 010C][Parent 0001] If Time is 12:00:00AM And Time is 6:00:00AM And Time is 12:00:00PM And Time is 6:00:00PM Then Response type 10 Response type 10 Response type 10 Response type 10 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') _____________________________________________________________________________ tstat high.sense - [ID 01CB][Parent 0074] If ( 'thermostats / MAIN - tstat - 2.2 -' Temperature > 27.0° Or 'thermostats / Master - tstat - 2.2 -' Temperature > 27.0° Or 'thermostats / UpStrs - tstat - 2.2 -' Temperature > 27.0° Or 'thermostats / SLRM - tstat - 2.2 -' Temperature > 29.0° ) And Program 'var tstat high' is False Then Wait 1 minute Response type 10 Response type 10 Response type 10 Response type 10 Wait 1 minute Run Program 'tstat high' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') _____________________________________________________________________________ tstat low.sense - [ID 01CC][Parent 0074] If ( 'thermostats / MAIN - tstat - 2.2 -' Temperature < 15.0° Or 'thermostats / Master - tstat - 2.2 -' Temperature < 15.0° Or 'thermostats / UpStrs - tstat - 2.2 -' Temperature < 15.0° Or 'thermostats / SLRM - tstat - 2.2 -' Temperature < 15.0° ) And Program 'var tstat low' is False Then Wait 1 minute Response type 10 Response type 10 Response type 10 Response type 10 Wait 1 minute Run Program 'tstat low' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. So, the big question, can you restore a 4.7.3 backup, to a unit running 5.0.x? Does someone know definitively? * Orest
  9. No, the old module is seemingly not stable enough, and I wouldn't trust it at the moment, and not that keen on moving to v5 right now anyway. Just want to get the system back up and running. My new ISY DOES include the Z-wave module. Where do I get the old firmware (and UI), can't seem to find it in the forums. Will the v4 firmware just ignore the Z-wave module, or will that cause an issue? * Orest
  10. OK, my old ISY994 was continually rebooting. I purchased a replacement (now with the Z-wave module), and I have read the wiki to migrate to a new unit, pretty straightforward. I did put in a request to support by email, to transfer my modules. BUT, here is my question. I was running a stable v4 firmware, the new unit comes with 5.0..13D. I understand that there can be some issues in moving the programs from v4 to v5. I have a complex setup, and I'm not sure I want to make the jump right now. Am I able to downgrade the unit to 4.7.3, and if so, is it anything more than just downloading that firmware to do a "manual" upgrade? Or, should I just restore my old setup to the v5 environment, and see what happens, if that is even possible? OR, does the restore actually change the firmware too? * Orest
  11. Good thought. But, the thermostats, and a variety of other things are normalized when the system reboots. The ISY has been rebooting sometimes every few minutes, which is in turn triggering these frequent sequences. It started doing reboots maybe once a day a week or two ago, then several a day, and now it is every five minutes or so. Checking the time stamps, it appears the reboots are causing these, rather than the reverse. * Orest
  12. From the bottom of the unit: ISY994i SN: 520832 * Orest
  13. Unable to access the ISY now, at all, from the Admin Console. The console comes up, with a JAVA socket error, and it shows no devices or programs. Think it is T-U. * Orest
  14. OK, got a new 5v PS, and bypassed the UPS that I normally plug it in to (just in case). The unit is still rebooting, and now perhaps four times an hour. I actually witnessed one of these, as I was standing right by it. All the blue lights went on (there was no outage of the power light), and then it flickered as is typical for reboot. I checked the log files (from the menu File|log, download, enable macros), and the log file is empty. I expect it may be emptied with each reboot, or perhaps I just can't access it any more. I am now unable to access the unit from the admin console reliably, sometimes it comes up, but I can't download the programs any more, and sometimes it comes up with a java socket error, and only the File menu option is available. I have to assume the unit is toast, unless someone has some suggestions. Yes, I have backups. So, if I replace the unit, I may get the Z-wave combo unit ( ISY994IZW+IRPRO ), I assume there will be no issues with restoring my current configuration/programs to it? I am running the most up to date v4 firmware, as noted upthread. I also have the weather module, am I able to transfer it to the new unit, or does that die with my current one? Should I update the modem as well? * Orest
  15. Ah, the wall wart. Good idea. Will check the logs, as well. * Orest
  16. This is a mature install, with perhaps a hundred nodes of various kinds. In the last couple days I've noticed that I am losing system function, which is usually followed by a reboot of the ISY, two to three times within an hour, and then it works again for a while. I have a routine that emails when the unit reboots, so have a clear record on that. I have tried a soft reboot, and a power cycle, has not made a difference. I am on my third modem (in 12 years), and second ISY unit. It is an ISY 994i running firmware 4.7.3. Any idea for possible causes, or what to do next? Thanks. * Orest
  17. Been using the old X10 PHS01 Sensor/Floodlight unit (with no floodlights) as an external, wired, motion sensor. It appears that it is no longer in production. Mine has now given up the ghost, and there doesn't seem to be any similar replacement in Insteon. What are folks using for exterior (summer/winter) motion sensors? Would hate to try to use the 2420s outside, and in the cold. * Orest
  18. Cleared the cache, clicked on the link on the site (same as above), and then ran from the desktop icon. Hasn't hung again, had the console up for 30 min or so. Fingers crossed that clearing the cache from time to time may help. * Orest
  19. I already did that after the install. Will try it again, and then run the console from a browser. * Orest
  20. Which optional modules are you referring to? And is this in the ISY admin console, or the system Java console? * Orest
  21. I have not been on the admin console for a while, but needed to replace and add some modules. THIS IS A REAL problem. The admin console will work for a short bit, and then just hang. I then usually have to resort to rebooting the computer to try to restart/flush java. Incidientally I sometimes see Java Reboot as a process running in the Task Manager. Worse, when I do get control again, some actions may have been properly applied, and others not. This is making it virtually impossible to do any serious work. Any hints? Would an old XP laptop work better, with an old version of Java? * Orest
  22. How about that, the hard reset fixed it. The second (new) leak sensor is properly detecting water too, now. Thanks, saved me some postage. * Orest
  23. Sure, that (factory reset) sounds like a good idea. * Orest
  24. I played around with the settings, and seemed to get it working again with my own domain SMTP. Interestingly, it works with text message alerts as well. Will monitor it. * Orest
  25. Yep, that is my intention. Should be no issue. * Orest
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