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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. feel free to post your programs as your write them if you need further help. The best way to do that is to right click on the program and select copy to clipboard, then you can paste it directly into this forum and others will be able to see directly what you have written. Good luck. The power of the ISY is in its amazing flexibility of programming!!
  2. just to be sure, you are on PG3? you may have to uninstall it and start over. If I remember it worked for me exactly as the readme stated. A message should show up with a PIN, pretty sure under the config tab. then you have to go to the ecobee website adn create the link to the application as stated, using the PIN.
  3. Does it matter? I have zwave thermostats, that the IoX controls via the settings within Iox. So I dont do anything at the thermostat level: time setting, programs etc. I rely on the IoX to do it all, so if your Boston time zone is correct on the IoX, it doesn't matter to have a time on the thermostat unless you are programming it locally on the thermostat as well, which then negates the need to have it part of your IoX and you can probably set the time locally on the thermostat directly. Just wondering. you may be getting caught up in a red herring?
  4. maybe try stopping it, waiting and then restarting it to see if it shows up?
  5. From the README it says Initial setup On first start up you will be given a PIN. Login to the Ecobee web page, click on your profile, then click 'My Apps' > 'Add Application'. You will be prompted to enter the PIN provided. The Node Server will check every 60 seconds that you have completed the approval so do not restart the Node Server. You can monitor the log to see when the approval is recognized. Your thermostat will be added to ISY, along with nodes for any sensors, a node for the current weather, and a node for the forecast. After the first run. It will refresh any changes every 3 minutes. This is a limitation imposed by Ecobee. If I remember correctly, it will show up in the NS config tab.
  6. @ILey Yes, you are correct it wont show CONTROL in the IF portion but notice it says " switched on". That is meant to imply an action. Compared to if you changed the IF to Status is on, it will status. Here is an example of the two different If conditions. First line is the Control, the second is the status. Yes its a bit confusing, but you will get it with use. If 'Alarm 5' is switched Off Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off Secondly on your question regarding parenthesis, yes you highlight it, after adding and then "move line up" or down and move them where they will make sense. Here are a few screenshots of an example Step one: I have all three lines in the program, but I want the first two nested together with an AND () for the second, so I add an AND () and it shows up at the bottom. If 'Alarm 5' is switched Off Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off And ( ) Now I click on the top ( and select move line up. It now looks like this: If ( 'Alarm 5' is switched Off Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off ) Now I need to move the bottom ) up as well. I click on it and select move line up. it now looks like this. If ( 'Alarm 5' is switched Off Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off ) And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off This has accomplished grouping the status is off or switched (control) off as a group combined with the and on the bottom line. For clarity I often add a second () as follows: If ( 'Alarm 5' is switched Off Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off ) And ( 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off ) This isn't really needed at all, especially for this program, but I have some more complex if where it makes reading it much easier; see example below. If 'Main House' Armed Status is not Disarmed And $Dougs_iPhone_13_home2 is 1 And ( 'Main House / Garge Ovhd Mid' Logical Status is Violated Or 'Main House / Garge Ovhd South' Logical Status is Violated Or ( 'Lock - Rear Garage' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad And 'Lock - Rear Garage' User Number is 1 ) Or ( 'Lock - Front Door' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad And 'Lock - Front Door' User Number is 1 ) Or ( 'Lock - Mud Room' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad And 'Lock - Mud Room' User Number is 1 ) )
  7. @TheA2Z Before you do the below, Conduct a regular backup Export a text copy of all programs: Go to programs and right click My Programs and select Copy Folder to Clipboard. Open text editor and paste, save. Migration of Elk: If you have the Elk module on the ISY994 you will need to install the ELK Node Server to restore ELK functionality. The node server version will have different node addresses and some slightly different naming. Programs that used the ELK have to be reconfigured for the new ELK nodes. After rebooting the ISY post migration and the ELK NS install, the programs that need attention will be highlighted in yellow as they show up on the programs/summary page. Refer to Program text file if backed up earlier for rebuilding. At that point it is just a matter of restoring the new ELK nodes back into the programs. Speak and query aren't available on version PG2 but will be added to PG3 in the future.
  8. @TriLife The ones that are "unmanaged" are probably the ones that still reside on PG2 adn it looks like they didnt transfer. The simplest way to do this manually is to: -Go to PG2 and open each Config tab for each NS and screenshot the info you will need to reproduce on the PG3 -Make note of which slot they are in. -Delete the node servers from PG2. Wait for the system to completely clear them. -Open PG3 and install them into the same slot that they were in, entering in the config info from PG2. Patience is key to these steps as it make a take a little while for the slot to become available again.By doing it in this manner, you should preserve your programming in the Admin Console / IoX. To be sure, open the AC and go to the programs summary tab and click on the column for Activity to sort it and look for any YELLOW programs saying something like out of memory etc. Those programs may need tweaks.
  9. Could be that. last night at 3:06, about 20 random lights turned on last night! Wife was not happy..lol I am going to open a ticket today.
  10. Spoke too soon. Odd behavior again today. Zwave dongle suddenly quit working. Large amounts of 170001 and 140005 errors in ISY error log. Will open a ticket tomorrow thanks.
  11. I don think 5.5 is ready for prime time yet, that is why I also have not upgraded. Once all the package and zwave stuff gets sorted out, I'll make the upgrade. In the meantime though, there should be no reason that things dont continue as they were, with the board simply installed and waiting to be activated, based on early comments from Michele. But clearly something must happen / be going on that does cause a problem, that for me seemed to finally get reconciled with about 10-12 unplugs.
  12. @brians I dont think he is implying that the board should be working without updgrading to 5.5 Instead, he is experiencing what I experienced after installing the ZMatter board with zooz 700 stick. No changes to firmware / software. Running 5.4.5 w/o any problems for many weeks, then 1-2 days after installing the ZMatter board, doing nothing else, I started having problems. They lasted about 48 hours. Have not had any problems since my last unplugging. see my posts here with Michel's comment at the end. Thanks.
  13. Dont you love having to troll the boards to squash rumors?? lol.. keep up the great work...
  14. However, since I am using an intel Macbook pro that is still well into its first half life ( and expensive!), I cant run the UD mobile on my Mac, since it only works on M1 Macs. Wont replace my Mac just for this reason so will need to continue to use the AC....dont need anything new to it, but that it just still works!
  15. Thanks Michel. During this time, I was always able to ssh into the polisy without any problems, where I did check which NS were running, and they all appeared to be running, So as you said, for some reason maybe one of them got stuck in some reporting / request loop.
  16. you need 5.5 for the Zmatter module to work with zwave, but read all the posts about the manual intervention and challenges people are having first.
  17. Agree, newer doors mostly need a coded signal to trigger. It's no longer as easy as attaching two wires. Very frustrating. I got around this because I had an extra "car opener" remote so I opened it and soldered wires to it to create the "coded momentary close" that is needed as if the button was pushed. My elk output relays, close the circuit as directed by IoX via automation, Alexa, Remote Link, cold temperature (heated garage), etc. A wired open/ closed door sensor, separate from above, reports to Elk the status of the door allowing "smart interactions" --> "Alexa shut the garage doors", IoX decides which of three doors need closing, blinks garage lights, sets a chime off as warning, shuts the proper door(s), and retries twice if needed and then reports back its results via elk announcements to a russound whole house sound system .... Once you figure out the work around for the garage door interface, they IoX is amazing as usual to do anything you want. Plenty here can help. Another option is to get a MyQ hub / sensor on sale at amazon for $20! if it will work with your doors, and then get the Polyglot for myQ https://smile.amazon.com/Smart-Garage-Opener-Chamberlain-myQ-G0401/dp/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=sxin_15_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.d5d2dbeb-b217-4d41-ad6b-bc4af55d7521%3Aamzn1.sym.d5d2dbeb-b217-4d41-ad6b-bc4af55d7521&cv_ct_cx=myq&keywords=myq&pd_rd_i=B08GD3D9YJ&pd_rd_r=66a04fc1-524c-4fef-b25b-34acf6ec5e9a&pd_rd_w=pYfJ2&pd_rd_wg=v7mgA&pf_rd_p=d5d2dbeb-b217-4d41-ad6b-bc4af55d7521&pf_rd_r=FYFHA1T0REEQGXHQ6BHQ&qid=1671388606&sr=1-1-a73d1c8c-2fd2-4f19-aa41-2df022bcb241-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyQ1pPVkwwMDU2N0o4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTQzNDEzUVlCUkZTMTJEUlYzJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA0NTU5NjgzSEVQU0sxQlU5SVJBJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3Bfc2VhcmNoX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1
  18. @Envirogreen what system are you at now? I had several problems with a recent ZMatter board adn 5.4.5. Unplugging the Polisy repetitively over a full day, finally seems to have stopped the problems. see thread here for any commonalities?
  19. Update. Have been running the last few days w/o problems. Not sure what happened or if it has "cured" itself. Am guessing now that my original PLM was just fine.
  20. I have had a lot of strange problems as well, same situation.. see my post / thread here..
  21. Assume that the zwave migration issues though have NOT been solved?
  22. That's why it's always important to include your programs in your posts so that the core issue can be identified quickly for you.. good luck! And By the way , if you need a state variable for a different program as a trigger, assume your switched the above variable to I_RainDelay, you can always add a line $RainDelay= I_RainDelay in the THEN portion. Lastly to protect yourself from power outages, I always include a line after a variable gets adjusted, to init (set the value upon restart) to itself as shown in this simple program below: Then $Dark_Mode = 1 $Dark_Mode Init To $Dark_Mode Set 'KP GR D DarkMode' On Cheers.
  23. You may need to restart just pg3..or log into pg3, stop the NS.. wait a few minutes, restart it and then open AC and it should be ok
  24. My only solution was to uplug it, let it sit for a minute or so and plug it back in and wait.. Still happening. Strange. The only thing that has changed is that I installed the ZMatter board. so there must be something going on. Am hoping that the migration for zwave gets figured out and I can upgrade to 5.5 and it may eliminate my problem Will be opening a ticket at some time, but know they are working super hard on the 5.5 issues right now.
  25. After 3-5 more attempts to connect, there the AC finder, no longer finds the IoX, and the web access is returning errors as well.--> error, Loading: /config/ Was able to SSH into the polisy and send sudo service isy restart... IoX restarted, but when I go in via the AC, it isn't talking to any Insteon device, (much like it all started, so I thought the PLM was bad, probably was fine) Will have to figure out how to restart the whole polisy, probably via unplugging.. ugh.. UD mobile is partially loading, also has many nodes unknown. Portal web access loads but is all wrong. any help would be appreciated or I will open a ticket tommorow, but know Michel and the team are busy with the 5.5 roll out.
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