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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. dbwarner5

    PG3 on Polisy

    Yes.. For PG3, you just have to stop and restart the NS and it automatically gets the latest version upon restart.
  2. @someguy I understand your points above. FYI, I made the switch about a month ago: ISY from 994i hardware to the Polisy hardware. Am running PG2 and PG3 also on the Polisy. I was using Ring on PGC until PGC went down due to the security concerns. I had previously moved everything away from PGC to PG2 and saw an increase in speed and reliability immediately. Maybe my internet isn't as good as yours. Now with PG2 and PG3 on the polisy, I have migrated 7 Nodeservers from PG2 to PG3, rewarding those developers who have worked hard on making my ISY so much more useful and effective. Bottom line is a HUGE improvement in speed, and overall operation of ISY. For example, when I open Admin console, it loads in about 3 seconds. It used to take upwards of several minutes. Same with Mobilinc, and UD mobile. Backups occur in a few minutes vs 10 minutes or more. The biggest conversion for me was the lose of the Elk module and the new user the Elk Nodeserver. Again, the speed seems to have increased in this conversion, probably again due to a 10 yr old hardware device vs a new hardware device (Polisy). No regrets in the work to accomplish. This node server is top notch. Please note though, many of the aspects of PG3 are still in development and sometimes require using Terminal to SSH to the Polisy for things like updates etc. If you are not comfortable with that, you can simply stay on PG2 on polisy, along with Isy on Polisy (IoP) and you will see a performance upgrade and as PG3 gets further along in its development, move from pg2 to pg3. Good luck!
  3. Am also wondering if in @BobM99 case, if he reversed the two program lines, will the program turn false during the reboot, which would stop the repeat, and then turn true again once on, causing a loop effect less than the 30 minutes. My suggestion would be to have the following, assuming he wants it running all the time: Program 1: IF time is 2am Then run THEN of program 2 Program 2: THEN: repeat every 30min reset zoom. This way, the program will always be running and if it were to stop due to reboot etc, it will start up again every day.
  4. @bpwwer In working through my programs have noticed that Celcius and Farh. are gettin mixed up. I have chosen F in config. In the Device tree in Admin cons, it shows correctly as F. However in programs, when choosing a temp it only appears in C. See screen shots for better explanation. Thanks.
  5. It appears that value 14 for GV13 is creating the UNKNOWN conditions result. I have it in two forecasts. Thanks Jim. worked. Rebooted ISY, resync UDMobile, now conditions show up as names not numbers. T
  6. That is where I am at, with the assumption that the RA2 Nodeserver on PG2 will be ported to PG3. Thanks
  7. @bpwwer Thanks Bob! Great NS. One very minor and not important note: on the UD Mobile app, the “Conditions” are reporting as a number vs text. Not really important but just wanted you to know!
  8. Thanks. That’s a bummer as i really see this as a high end future for IoP. UDI’s native tie to Insteon / zwave, based on current and past Smartlabs incompetence is a threat to new installations / use. Question: my understanding from previous posts is that RA2 can be run on the new RA3 controller from Lutron. If i am running RA2 on the new controller, will the PG2 Nodeserver work with that setup? Or only with the RA2 controller? I am asking as i am trying to advise a friend who is ready to make his home automated as to what to do. I really want to encourage him to get IoP, but if there isnt a whole house switch system that works, then it isnt a realistic option. Any thoughts are welcome. (Possibly the wrong thread for this conversation) @Michel Kohanim Thanks.
  9. But if they have a PG2 NS, (ST-RadioRA2) dont they have the API? https://github.com/simplextech/udi-poly-lutron-st-radiora2.git Also, I should have copied @simplextech as he is the developer. As Insteons fate stays unclear, Lutron is probably the best alternative, if tied to an IoP. Thanks.
  10. UPDATE: The forecast data has now populated. Just took a while. However Forecast conditions for Forecast 1 &2 are both "unknown" . Not sure if this is an error or just an update issue. Cheers and thanks again for all the hard work you are doing on this stuff!!
  11. @JimboAutomates Jim, had success with the above ! yeah! -After taking screen shots of all the configurations in PG2 and noting the slot number, I deleted the NS on PG2. -took a little while for the slot to "free up" -Installed on PG3 choosing same slot that PG2 used, -Added back all the configs manually and by copy/paste of all the User Keys and Application keys from the Pushover website. -Had to restart it a few times for all the settings to take place and show in Admin Console, which I also had to restart a few times. RESULT: All notification s in programs are there w/o errors!! whew.. Only thing that needs fixing is the choice of On or Off message. They all defaulted to on / off. Good job Jim!
  12. @JimboAutomates Hey Jim, Made the conversion tonight from PG2 to PG3. Got it running. Parameter instructions could be improved a bit, or examples given. Had to play a while to get it.But am not getting forecast info. Not sure what I should be putting for the station info for the forecast. I am using a Tempest on site for other data. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  13. Have you seen this very long post? My conclusion after reading all of it is to go with Lutron RA2/3 and then hope / barter/ influence/pay @bpwwer to add a Nodeserver for this in PG3. It seems like Lutron is the best non-dealer, installable system out there right now, alleviating all the wifi and zwave concerns above, but would need to combine it with the power of the IoP to have it become a go-to solution while the future of Insteon gets sorted.
  14. dbwarner5

    PG3 on Polisy

    @macjeff @asbril see if the first post here helps you
  15. Worked for me. thanks!
  16. As I said above, I did nothing to my Mobilinc geofence during this whole time. It stopped working for several months, and then with 15.2 started working. Now with 15.3 its has been working wonderfully. Better then it ever has.
  17. @macjeff I am on IoP and slowly converting my PG2 to PG3. However the Ring Nodeserver is only available on PGC, so that is why I was using PGC. I see it will be ported over to PG3, so will just wait. thanks
  18. Noticed yesterday that my Ring notifications weren't working. Today tried to log into PGC to see what is going on. I get stuck on the circle "loading". Nothing happens. I can back out of that screen and get back to the front screen. Doesn't look like it can find my IoP. Tried to Click on Refresh ISYs. Nothing happens. No ISYs are located. Any ideas? Has been working w/o problems since I migrated to IoP a few weeks ago. Thanks.
  19. @DPhelps This wiki alos does a good job of helping with how programs execute in ISY. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Scope,_Precedence_and_Execution_Order This wiki has a link to the Cookbook and many other resources for self learning. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
  20. Jim, did a stop / start of the Nodeserver. Updated successfully! However, after hitting stop, it doesn't appear to actually stop. the "time running" continues to move forward. I eventually also did a Restart, and then the time reset and began again. FYI.
  21. dbwarner5

    PG3 on Polisy

    So Jim, just to clarify, restore will REPLACE everything on pg3 ? So if i have Nodeservers lets say 1-8 on PG2 and two others on PG3, 9,10, if i do a backup / restore to pg3, i would loose 9 and 10?
  22. Two additional thoughts: -I tag programs as I mentioned above with LD for leave disabled and SD for sometimes disabled for those that get disabled / re-enabled through programs, again, just so I can more easily remember quickly. Sometimes expand in the comment of the program as well. -Use of the letter I for integer based variables and the letter S for state. ( I choose to just use I and then assume w/o it, it is a State)
  23. @jimboJust upgraded to 3.1.2. All went fine. above issue did no t happen. I had the AC closed during upgrade.
  24. @Traditore If you go with the two program method and require one of the programs to be disabled, you may consider sometime of "tag" in the title. I use LD for leave disabled. The reason for this is that at times programs can get enabled or disabled, at startup etc, and this is a really quick way, when looking at the summary tab, moving columns to check all your programs for the correct setting, and it also is a good reminder that it is disabled for a purpose, not just because you wanted to stop it one day for a break, ie guests in the house or something.
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