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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. Just to echo what @MrBill said above, in slightly more words as it IS confusing if you are just catching up to Polisy: ISY is a software package For the last ~12 years, it has run on a piece of hardware called the 994i The Polisy is a new much much faster (with more memory) piece of hardware. The ISY software can run on the Polisy hardware and hence we now have the Isy on Polisy, or IoP. Additionally, the Polisy can also run other software packages called Polyglots. There are currently two different Polyglots that can run on the Polisy: PG2 and PG3 PG2 is being phased out as PG3 continues to reach stability. Currently PG3 is in Alpha stage, hopefully moving to Beta soon. These Polyglots run additional software packages called node servers. node servers allow other third party products, other than Insteon and zwave, to be incorporated into the ISY as "nodes", ie a new switch in your tree, which then allows for monitoring, control and programming of these third party devices via the ISY software. node servers are currently free on PG2. PG3 will allow developers the option to charge for their Node server work in the future. (Lastly, there is an additional Polyglot package called PG Cloud. This was an initial attempt for running Polyglot w/o a Polisy and the software resided on a UDI server and hence the "cloud". This has been discontinued recently due to unresolvable security issues.) In summary, the Polisy hardware is a far superior hardware device compared to the 994i and with the inclusion of Polyglots, expands the utility of the ISY software dramatically with over 100 different node servers currently on PG2 and >60 on PG3. However, please note, the 994i was and is a FANTASTIC piece of hardware that most users would agree, has been ROCK solid for so long and will continue to be for ISY only, but it does not have the ability to take advantage into the future of the third party home automation proliferation. Hope that helps!
  2. In Admin console, check the top on the main screen
  3. @andrew77 You may want to check what time the ISY thinks Sunset is. For some reason, after the time change this weekend, my sunset and sunrise were off an hour yesterday, even though the ISY clock was correct. It is correct today.
  4. Update.. I changed it to remote, and am still getting 0 and 0 for distanced and strikes, all other data is updating as expected. ill give it some more time to see if it changes.
  5. So if I change it to remote, will all the data be from the server or is it a mix of data from local vs the server? But I guess it will match whatever is in the app so it really doesnt matter as that is what I see now whenever I look? thanks
  6. @bpwwer Thanks Bob for moving the thread and the response. Am not sure what would be the best solution. The goal would be for the isy to alert me if lightning is a) within a certain range, b) it is moving closer (done through calculations and variables from the distance data, as it changes). I didnt realize that the lightning data on the app isn't coming directly from just my tempest, but from the server. Is the configuration for the NS to pull from the server vs the local tempest a user choice or a programming choice you would make / modify in the NS? If its the first, then I can play with it to see what makes sense, just let me know how. If its the latter, then that would probably be a large group discussion / consensus based on what others might be doing with the data. I just have never really seen any data on the NS yet, but its winter so we aren't really having any lightning! Thanks again for all you are doing to move Polisy forward!
  7. If you are writing data to 4 thermostats, have you tried to put "waits" in between of lets say 5 seconds, to give the system a chance to accomplish each write independently? Just wondering if that may help the writes be successful? Havent seen your program, but assume you are writing to each device separately, and not trying to use a scene etc ?
  8. Adding to the thread.. installed a tempest last summer. love it. Super slim looking vs the old style "wind spinning " sensors. Integration to ISY has been great too. Set up an Alexa routine so that all I say is Alex, Tempest and I get all the info read out to me. Isy sends me weather reports every hour via pushover / notification Node server, and if winds meet a certain criteria, I get critical alerts. (I live on a lake and boat / sail so like to keep track) Also drives an awning to shut / open depending on wind strength and direction. Lumination data drives which lights come on via occupancy sensors, and how bright based on ambient light from tempest, etc. Havent had a single problem with it! Next on the list is to use the lightning data to have Alexa or elk node server alert me when closer or moving closer. Alos looking at using the barometric data as predictors for the next 24 hours. Lastly on the list is sprinkler system integration as my elk node server / isy runs my irrigation system. Very powerful device with great integration.
  9. Have noticed that the NS brings over two pieces of lightning data.... I think its distance and strikes. The tempest has three pieces of data: Last detected in time, distance and # of strikes in the last three hours. The data doesn't seem to match See screen shots below.
  10. Actually, I was able to "Send Settings" from an iPad that was reasonably up to date with my phone and it loaded all my customizations, as well as the old access settings, which then I redid per the above and all is working and I have saved 90%+ of my customizations!! yeah! (after years of using this product, I have quite a few, not just the dashboard, but custom displays, true vs false --> open and closed etc). Thanks for all the help!
  11. YES!! Succes!!. I had tried that the first day, as that is what is in the WIKI, but realize now, I still had the double https:// so it didnt work. Have lost all of my custom settings now, so will try a sync with an iPad that has them and see what happens.
  12. @DennisC Dennis, this is a known issue by Michel. they are looking into it. @Michel Kohanim
  13. UPDATE: SOLVED. SEE BELOW. @MrBill Created new profile. Same result. Gets hung up on Parsing programs for a long time, and then everything is blank. May go back to my original settings as I also have lost a ton of customizing, which I can port over from an iPad (thankfully!), assuming that even if I get this fixed, I have to redo it all. @InsteonNut Wes, any ideas? thanks
  14. @MrBill sorry, I updated my original post as I caught my error.. duplicate of HTTPS:// in the string I pasted alongside the auto HTTPS:// from mobilinc. BUT>>> now when I "tap to Sync with ISY", two odd things happen: 1) I no longer get the option of update or download all, it immediately goes into syncing with ISY 2) It seems to get stuck on "Parsing Program Status" and after ~5 minutes, it stops, but there is literally NOTHING in Mobilinc.. no programs, no devices, its completely empty.
  15. UPDATE: As I was about to hit save, I realized what I did wrong.. I have https:// twice.. OTHERS: When copying the https:// url from the Portal info, per the above directions, be sure to delete the https:// from the string when pasting into mobilinc as it automatically adds that to the string! Whew... so simple. @MrBill Any suggestions as to what I am doing incorrectly? Historically I have always used a DYN server, with port forwarding to Mobilinc and to access my ISY off Property. Based on the above discussion, I have successfully used the ISY finder with the https://my.isy.io/isy.... route to find my ISY. Worked great. However, I cannot get Mobilinc to connect. Here is a screenshot of my settings. The only setting that may be different per the directions per this link https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_MobiLinc_Configuration, is the Local Port, but that shouldn't matter? I have tried switching Connect Method to HTTPS. I have tried both URLs, with and without /desc at the end. Any ideas what setting I have wrong? Thanks.
  16. had the same problem.. through Terminal I did the following command and all is back to normal sudo shutdown -r now
  17. @btreinders I have had the same issues: -variable change times incorrect. For me it a 5 hour difference. -one nodeserver put back into the same slot, each program had to resaved by “clicking” update to any line and then save.
  18. Totally agree. I know he works long hours and in the >15 years I have been using UD, he has always been involved at this level. Amazing! and one fo the reasons that I never take advantage of his generosity in refunding $15 for an outdated module I purchased for $45 etc...
  19. I have a separate session planned with Michel later today and will show him live....problem is easily reproduced.
  20. @Javi please look at the screen shots attached. The problem is not with UD Mobile as I originally thought. It appears that the ISY is using GMT time for variable changes, which is the time that UD mobile is picking up as you suggested. Look at the two variables: I_Thermostat_ML_Minutes and I_Thermostat_UP_Minutes. These variables increment by 1 every minute based on two programs: Thermostat ML Monitoring and Thermostat UP monitoring. In the screen shots you will see that the programs are running, their times /status is correct. The variables changed, and the times for them changing did update, but are off by 5 hours (early) which my time zone is GMT+5. Let me know if you need more.
  21. No I cant as it has changed since then. I will watch for any future discrepancies and see what I can come up with for you.
  22. agree with the time stamp. I have added that as well and switched to pushover for the notification, but it still doesn't explain the time stamp of the UD mobile variable. The text messages were coming in regularly every hour as expected and increasing with time as expected. The value of the NS integer was the correct ending day value, but the time showed it changed at 6:59pm, which I know is 100% incorrect.
  23. I have. program that sends me text with certain integer values. The texts are arriving each hour and time stamped when received per the text system. The last one I receive at night is before 11pm and reported a value for one of the variable as 94. See below. Text is at 9:06pmEastern: (the 9:02 in the upper left is 9:02am the next day when I took the screenshot) However at 12:17am (next day), I checked my UD mobile to see what the value was. It had increased as expected, however the time it notes as "last changed" is at 6:59pm, which is BEFORE the above text and is incorrect. Is UD mobile defaulting to west coast time, or other? The time in my ISY is correct. (eastern). See below screen shot.
  24. @SESamuels Question for you. You using the iAqualink NS on PG2 and it is working? mine quit about 2 weeks ago. Error connecting to the server. Maybe I should delete it and re install it. thanks
  25. @SESamuels On the screen you show above, go to System / Polyglot Settings. that will open a page where you need to put in your IoP information: -IP address of the Polisy -Port, 8080 -Username of Isy -Password of Isy. Scroll to bottom, Hit SAVE. For PG3, you need to do the same, however it is under ISY / Add ISY.
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