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Everything posted by Techman

  1. What's your Firmware and UI versions? Unplug both the PLM and the4 ISY. Power up the PLM, wait about 10 seconds, then power up the ISY
  2. Did you add the button as a Controller? If not, then delete it from the scene and add it back in.
  3. What Is the version of your ISY firmware and UI?
  4. Techman

    Bad PLM?

    Your PLM is about 2 years old, about the time they start to fail. Do a PLM link count when the ISY isn't busy. A unusually low count usually indicates an impending failure.
  5. Let me/us know if you make any progress.
  6. Here a link to the ISY Wiki. Scroll down to Instructional Videos http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
  7. Being that the leak sensors usually sit on the floor their RF signal range is adversely affected. Chances are that the PLM itself will not provide reliable RF coverage and you'll need additional dual band devices. The Insteon technology is a mesh network. All dual band devices act as signal repeaters. The more dual band devices you have in your system the more reliable the network becomes. Take a look at this link regarding Insteon communications http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=INSTEON:_Troubleshooting_Communications_Errors
  8. UDI is a 3rd party developer. Smartlabs is the developer of Insteon products. Smarthome is the retail arm of Smartlabs which sells among other things, Insteon devices and the ISY.
  9. Welcome to the forum. The leak sensors are RF only devices. You'll need some dual band devices to pass the RF signals to the powerline. You'll also need to bridge the two sides of the powerline using the dual band devices. Either range extenders, on/off modules, or lamplinc modules would work. What you want to do is fairly simple. Once you get your hardware in place let us know, there's always someone on the forum who'll help you with programming.
  10. RE: ISY and Motion Sensor II. Just saw this post on the Smarthome website. Can anyone confirm this? Smarthome Reply: You are able to add this device by Insteon ID number and instead of using Auto Discover, you would want to select the device option: [10.01] (2842-222) INSTEON Motion Sensor. This will allow the same functionality as the previous model 2842-222 Insteon Motion Sensor. Posted on 6/28/2017
  11. Smarthome was recently sold and they are in the process of transitioning. It will probably be several months before we know exactly what direction they will be taking. . Hopefully the new owners will take a more open approach in reaching out to its developers and end users.
  12. Thanks for the clarification. I'm hopeful that the new ownership will be more accommodating. I just found out that Smarthome is moving to a new location in Irvine, once they get settled in maybe they'll be more open in working with developers.
  13. It appears that your signal quality has improved based on the number of hops left versus the first scene test.
  14. UDI has marginal support (motion only) for the sensor in firmware 4.6.2. It's supposed to be fully supported in the 5.x.x release. I would hold off buying them until they're fully supported.
  15. You scene test appears to not have any errors. Take a physical look at all the lights in your scene to verify that they all turned off after the test turned them on. The scene does indicate marginal communications in several of the entries such as the one below: Tue 07/25/2017 03:38:51 PM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 13.4C.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0 As Paul suggested, upgrading your devices to dual band should greatly improve your communication problem.
  16. Renaldo, I believe the 2476S is a single band device, so you lose the advantage of RF Almost all LED bulbs have a driver circuit. If the circuit in one of the bulbs failed it could interfere with the Insteon OFF signal You can run a Scene Test by right clicking on the scene. This will give you a detailed readout of any issues. Post the results after you run the test. As BrianH mentioned above it can also be a problem with another device. The latest Dual Band devices have updated firmware and hardware which helps improve the network reliability.
  17. Here's a tutorial on Insteon communication http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=INSTEON:_Troubleshooting_Communications_Errors
  18. What type of load is connected to the problem switch. it's possible that once the load is on it's causing interference on the powerline.
  19. Do you have any newer dual band Insteon modules such a an on/off module, or a dual band lamplinc module that you could move around in an attempt to improve the Insteon signal?
  20. If the Thermostat is showing firmware v.00 in the ISY then it's possible that the ISY and the thermostat aren't properly coupled. Try doing a diagnostics / compare link table on the thermostat. You can also try a restore device on the thermostat
  21. The power line is divided into two legs. The PLM signal need to have access to both legs in order for devices on the leg opposite from the PLM to work. You may have to add two range extenders, one on each side of the leg, in order to bridge the Insteon signals. It's also possible that there is signal interference on the leg the PLM is currently plugged into. How many dual band devices do you have? Are you currently using any range extenders or dual band plug in devices such as on/off modules?
  22. What is the ISY firmware version, is the admin console the same version as your ISY firmware?
  23. When you do a replace device it has to be like for like. You'll need to delete the device, do a factory reset on the device, then reinstall it
  24. Thank you. The big problem is that Smarlabs is constantly updating their firmware and doesn't provide release notes. What makes sense today may not be the case tomorrow. Maybe the new owners will be a little more sympatric to our frustrations.
  25. IndyMike, Thanks for the follow up. The developers guide I have is dated 2009 and doesn't include IC2S commands and shows the EA link as reserved. Michel, If you agree with this assessment could the EA link records be configured to not show in the diagnostics? Techman
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