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Everything posted by Techman

  1. Check your MS batteries, Some of the MS send a continuous ON signal, instead of a low battery signal, when the battery voltage is low. Not sure if this has been corrected in the recent firmware / hardware release of the MS
  2. What's the voltage of your A/C supply? Try doing a restore device, it's possible that the link table got corrupted The temperature only updates about every 2 degrees of temperature change regardless of whether you're on batteries or A/C. A query won't update the ISY. The humidity will update upon a change of 1%
  3. Techman

    Java 2+

    After updating Java and the ISY did you clear out your Java cache, including deleting applications, then download a new version of the admin app to match the ISY firmware?
  4. Only one RF device at a time can be put into the linking mode. After you restore the PLM then put one of the RF devices into linking mode and right click on the device and click on restore device. After that device exits the linking mode you can then do the same for the next RF device. If you're still having issues after the restores then you may have either a failing PLM or a communications problem between the PLM and the devices. A restore PLM rewrites the link tables in the PLM with the data stores in the ISY.
  5. Techman

    Java 2+

    What version of the ISY firmware and UI are you using? What version of Java are you using? What message do you get? I'm also running Windows 10 and have no issues accessing the Admin Console using the Java app.
  6. also try doing a diagnostic | compare on the KPL to see if you have any links that are mismatched. are you running the 994 pro? what version of the ISY firmware and UI are you running?
  7. are you including the bathroom?
  8. How about this setup on your night stand http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2335-222-6-button-scene-control-keypad-with-tabletop-enclosure-white.html You could use the dimmer to control the lights and the other buttons to turn on your scenes
  9. Stu is correct, it was on Amazon. The good news is it's still there waiting for you!!
  10. I just noticed that Smarthome has dropped the price on the 2413S to $53.65. I wonder if they're clearing them out for the new model?
  11. The 2413S PLM is dual band, both RF and powerline. If your system appears to be more dependent on RF then the powerline you may have either interference on the powerline or the two legs of your powerliine may not be properly coupled
  12. Is the green light on the PLM lit? If not then either the PLM failed or the PLM isn't getting power from the outlet. Did you check the cable between the PLM and the ISY
  13. Under tools | diagnostics there's a scene test option which turns the scene on and off and opens up a level 3 diagnostic window with the command details. It also provides a list of devices controlled by the scene. This probably doesn't accomplish exactly what you're looking for but this is the only other tool I'm aware of that might help you out.
  14. Which version of the ISY firmware and UI are you running A switchlinc is hardwired device, how are you plugging it in?. What's the model number of the device? If you remove the LED lights then run the diagnostics what happens? Plugging the PLM or other devices into a outlet strip could interfere with the Insteon signal. Try bypassing the strip
  15. Run a diagnostics / compare link tables on the Switchlinc If you have any mismatched links then do a restore device which will rewrite the devices link tables. If that doesn't solve your issue then you most likely have a communications issue between the PLM and the Switchlinc What type of load is the switchlinc controlling?
  16. What exactly are you trying to accomplish, why do you want to monitor group broadcasts. There may be other options.
  17. Run a topology report (tools | Generate topology). The report is full of info including, at the bottom of the report, exactly what you're looking for.
  18. One other possibility - if the units are linked manually it possible that the ISY doesn't have the correct/complete link tables. which may be causing the master to revert to the wired unit. What happens if you adjust only the wireless unit rather than the wired unit via the ISY/Mobillinc?
  19. Set the wireless thermostat as a master. Does the master setting then, and should, turn off on the wired unit? Note: the manual states that the wireless unit must be linked to the master for this to work. I'm not sure if linking both units via the ISY accomplishes this or if you have to link them manually.
  20. Try using auto detect and type in the device address xx.xx.xx If that doesn't work then you may have a communication issue with the device
  21. There's no way to program or query a battery operated device remotely. They're always in the sleep mode to preserve battery life. The only other option is to use a magnetic contact switch coupled to an IOLinc
  22. The battery signal and the on/off signal are totally independent of one another. It must have been something else.
  23. Take a look at the attached file. What's the date code and version of your PLM. Is the green led on the PLM lit? When you boot up the ISY do you get any error messages? Did you also update the UI to 4.5.4?
  24. Do the lights turn off when you turn the scene off The togglelinc relays probably respond to an either a scene on or off regardless of what their on level is set in the scene.
  25. The ISY requires a separate power supply when you use the 2413S
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