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Everything posted by Techman

  1. the conundrum just got a bit smaller, but hasn't gone away I found this post from 2015 http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/15336-device-links-table-corrupteds/ I just found an old version of the Developers guide. At the time the guide was printed the EA link wasn't being used. Seems it was reserved for I2CS. Anyone have a current version of the guide?
  2. What is an "EA" link record. They frequently show up during a link record diagnostic / compare. My recollection is that they can be ignored, but I still don't know what they represent or what creates them.
  3. if you delete a device from the ISY it also gets removed from programs, however the program will contain a null where the device name was so the program won't function properly and might cause issues.
  4. It's possible if the problems only show up when the light is on. You'll have to go through the process off elimination in this order 1. Factory reset / restore device 2. Try a different bulb. 3. Replace the device My guess is that's it's probably a failing component in the device.
  5. Being that both your bulbs are high output they probably generate some heat. Over time the heat can degrade the driver circuit.
  6. JSP0511, Most LED bulbs contain driver circuits. It's possible for their components to fail after being in service for years. If your problems persist after the factory reset / restore then I would suggest swapping out the bulbs. Do the bulbs have adequate air flow around them?.
  7. JSP0511, I've had similar problems with KPLs. Usually a factory reset followed by a restore device clears up the problem A power fail or power surge also seems to wreak havoc with KPLs Another possibility is that the load is creating noise on the powerline. What type of bulbs are you controlling?
  8. Take a look at the ISY error log. Any SMTP errors should show up.
  9. Most likely What's the version and date code on the PLM?
  10. MFBra Take a look at this thread. This should resolve your backup problem http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19368-unable-to-backup-isy/
  11. Do you have any ZWave devices? What version of the ISY firmware and UI are you running?
  12. Are you backing up to your local harddrive? Try rebooting the ISY and your Computer then give it another fry.
  13. The current official firmware release is 4.5.4 Click on HELP | ABOUT in your admin console and double check your firmware and UI version
  14. Is your ISY firmware and UI the same version (4.5.4)? If not then delete your java cache, including all applications, and then download version 4.5.4 of the admin console.
  15. The subject and body of the email notification must be populated otherwise the ISY won't send it out. That might be your problem.
  16. Try rebooting the ISY by removing power then wait a few seconds and power it up. If the ISY does a query after the power up be sure to wait until it's completed before you try another backup When you backup does it show the backup location before you start the actual backup?
  17. Hi Michel, I just tried a restore device on the 8 scene Remotelinc 2, the restore device completed and it now works as it should. I also experienced problems with several of my wireless thermostats and had to factory reset them. All this happened after a replace PLM. At the time of the PLM replacement I put each wireless device, one at a time, into linking mode and wrote the updates to the devices without any error messages Apparently there was some anomaly that came and went. Guess I'll just attribute it to Murphy's law. One possibility is that Norton Security erased my temp files, as it does on a regular basis, during the restore process and messed up the admin settings
  18. No, but it's possible that there could have been a pending write and for some reason the icon didn't show.
  19. Not sure if 2.3 is the final fix. We all hope so. It was a hardware revision so something got updated. As far as RMA on the PLM's, Smarthome has taken a responsible position when it comes to replacing defective PLMs. Give their customer service line a call.
  20. The current hardware version for the PLM is 2.3 If there's no entries in your log for any of the devices that turned on then there's a good possibility that the ON signal originated in the PLM. I'm not sure what changed in the PLM between versions 2.2 and 2.3, but I know there was an issue with the RS232 daughter board interface in the PLM which has recently been updated along with some capacitors in the PLM power supply that were known to fail.
  21. There's a good chance your ON event is due to a failing PLM How many motion sensors do you have? What ISY firmware are you running? What's the date code and version of your PLM?
  22. This happened with the new PLM installed. The only issue was with the remotelinc 2. This was more an ISY issue as the restore device window wouldn't open for this device. I did several restore devices on swithclincs with no problems.
  23. Just got off the phone with Smarthome. They're replacing the PLM under warranty even though its 3 years old. The new PLMs, hardware version 2.3, have beefed up capacitors and a new RS232 interface. They believe that these enhancements should rectify the PLM issues. They're open to suggestions as to new products and / or product enhancements. Just send them an email to CustomerService@Smarthome.com. I'm optimistic that the new management will take the company forward, however it could be awhile before we start to see results
  24. So the question remains, why didn't the restore device work. The restore device window wouldn't even open
  25. I recently noticed that some devices located only within scenes would occasionally fail to either turn on or off. This problem was consistently inconsistent. When I did a compare link tables on the devices all looked normal. I even did a restore device(s) which didn't resolve the problem. However I noticed that when I ran a scene test on a problematic scene where all the link tables appeared correct I would always get at least one random device that would fail the scene test. The PLM was firmware v9E, Hardware version 2.0 and a date code of 1425, so the unit was about 3 years in service. I suspect that daughter board in the PLM which contains the RS232 circuit may be the culprit. I just replaced the PLM with one just obtained from Smarthome. The new PLM has a date code of 4616, v9E firmware and hardware revision 2.3. I didn't check to see what RS232 chip the new version has but was told last year that they were updating the RS232 components. After installing the new PLM the scene tests don't indicate any failures.
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