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Everything posted by Techman

  1. If you're seeing the "Safe mode" message then that means that there's a communication problem between the ISY and the PLM. First Check your cable connection between the PLM and ISY. Remove power from both the ISY and the PLM, then power up the PLM and then the ISY (in that order) Do a PLM link count. If the count seems low then try doing a restore PLM If the above doesn't resolve the problems then you may have a defective PLM
  2. Make sure only one battery operated device is in the linking mode at any one time. it's a bit of a pain but that's the only way to link those device to the new PLM
  3. The 2844-222 is not supported in the ISY 4.5.x firmware. However it will be supported in the 5.x firmware which is still in alpha testing, so it will be sometime before you're able to use the sensor.
  4. Techman

    Finding ISY

    To uninstall the Admin Console go into your Java settings and delete your java cache including applications. This will delete the admin console. Then go to the admin console download page http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19961-release-454-is-now-official/ and reinstall the admin console app
  5. Techman

    Finding ISY

    What are you using for a firewall What (did you) changed since it last worked?
  6. Is the First Alert model you have a "ONELINK" model? The smoke bridge works with the SC0501CN-3ST and the SA521CN-3ST
  7. No, you have to update each one individually When you update the UI you first must delete both your Java cache and all java applications before downloading the UI. Be sure to do a ISY backup before any ISY firmware update
  8. The ISY firmware and the UI should always be the same version. It's best to upgrade your firmware to 4.5.4
  9. What version of the ISY firmware and UI do you have installed? What's the date code and version info on your lamplinc (from the sticker on the back of the device)? It appears that you have a communication issue and either a device or ISY firmware that may not be current What's the date code and firmware info on your PLM?
  10. Techman


    Maybe when, and if, you eliminate the reliance on Java?
  11. Techman


    Hi Michel, Any chance we could have the option to create a unique directory for the ISY's config files?
  12. Techman


    Norton Internet Security routinely runs a performance "tune up" utility which among other things also deletes the contents of the Windows temporary folders causing the ISY to revert to its default settings.
  13. There's no option for the backlight to stay on. Probably done to save the batteries in the event you're not hooked up to a power supply.
  14. Techman


    The ISY configuration is saved in the Windows temp folder. If the temp folder contents is deleted the ISY reverts back to the default value. The ISY Version 5.XX firmware is supposed to address some of these issues, but it's still in alpha testing.
  15. Take a look at your "ramp rate" it may be set too high If your scene and program are written correctly then the light should come on at 50% without a delay
  16. I don't think Insteon is the answer. There are commercial options available, some available from alarm companies, that you should look into. Google "medical alert systems"
  17. Sorry, I left out that you have to first put the switch into a scene. The program runs the scene which adjusts the on level when the switch is turned on, but does not turn on the switch when the program is run. See below If From Sunset + 1 hour To Sunrise (next day) Then In Scene 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 20% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 45% (On Level)
  18. The program in post #3 will do exactly what you want. Just substitute the name of your Switchlinc and the time frame.
  19. Does this help? If From Sunset + 1 hour To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 20% (On Level) Else Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 45% (On Level)
  20. The PLM was manufactured in the 34th week of 2015, it's probably OK. Take the device, "Penny's table", and plug it into a circuit close to the PLM then try to query it. If you're able to do a successful query and a restore device then you most likely have a communications issue, if not then you might have a defective device. When you do a factory restore on a device be sure to wait until the long beep stops before releasing the set button. You can also try removing power from the PLM and the ISY then power up the PLM, wait about 10 seconds then power up the ISY
  21. What's the firmware version and date code on your PLM? Do a scene test on the "Penny's table lamp" scene. That will give you a level 3 report with details.
  22. Take a look at this thread http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/20511-remotelinc-2440-problems/?hl=2440 All battery operated devices need to be put into the linking mode in order to write updates to them. When not in the linking mode they are in the sleep mode in order to preserve the battery life. If you have more than one battery operated device then only one battery operated device should be in the linking mode at any one time. If the lamplinc is still giving you problems then you might want to try doing a factory reset on it, then do a restore device.
  23. Put the mini remote into the linking mode then click on write updates to device.
  24. I think the problem may be in your scene and not the hardware Run a scene test and post the results
  25. Try removing power from the KPL for about 10 seconds by puling out the set button. If that didn't help then try a factory reset / restore device. I've had several KPL's act up when there has been a surge on the power line. The reset seems to work for me.
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