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Everything posted by Techman

  1. Be careful, I just had to trash a 2441zth because the batteries leaked and destroyed the circuit board. There's no way to warn you if the batteries fail when you're on AC power.
  2. The downside is that it has batteries that need to be replaced. I attached the manual. The IOLinc can be queried, the sensor can't. I prefer the IOlinc when I have an outlet close by. 2843-222 Open-Close Sensor.pdf
  3. Techman

    Occupancy sensor?

    You might want to check these out http://www.homedepot.com/p/Lutron-Maestro-2-Amp-Single-Pole-Occupancy-Sensing-Switch-White-MS-OPS2H-WH/203202128
  4. Techman

    Occupancy sensor?

    Keep in mind that the motion sensors don't really detect motion, they detect variations in temperature. As larryllix suggested it would be best to have two units mounted 90 degrees apart as the sensors work best when a person moves across the sensor path not into the path. Take a look at the coverage chart in the attached manual 2842-222 Motion Sensor Manual.pdf
  5. The open close sensor has an option (screw terminals) to attach an external sensor.
  6. Sorry, I thought you were using an IOLinc to monitor the garage door. Even with the bulbs removed the ballasts can still be a problem by injecting noise into the powerline. You should do a 4 tap test on the range extender to verify that it's communicating with your other devices and the ISY and that both legs of your powerline are properly bridged
  7. Techman

    Insteon Siren?

    Unfortunately NO. However it will most likely be supported in the ISY version 5.x firmware release.
  8. With A/C power on the 2441ZTH it will report humidity in real time and temperature with every 2 degree change. You're also able to query the stat and make changes without having to put it into linking mode.
  9. Can you post a copy of one of your programs that isn't working what ISY firmware and UI are you running. What version of the ISY do you have?
  10. I have to agree with oberkc. The fluorescent lights, once on, could be creating powerline noise thus interfering with the off signal. If you can turn the lights on and off from the switch then I would try plugging the range extender into the IOLinc which might help improve the signal. Do you have other dual band devices close by other than your range extender.
  11. Take a look at this thread, #15. Seems the old RL's can be somewhat problematic. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19294-communication-issues/?hl=%2Bremotelinc+%2B2440&do=findComment&comment=181041
  12. Try doing a scene diagnostics which will give you a log (hopefully) showing where the problem is.
  13. Put all the lights into a scene and then run a program at sunset to turn on the scene You can run a 2nd program that runs from 10:01pm until ?? that says if lights x,x,x are not off then turn them off.
  14. Noremac, I noticed that your Remotelinc is showing v.00. It most likely didn't install properly. You should delete and reinstall it. When installing/linking battery operated devices make sure only one battery operated device is in the linking mode at any one time and that the device is within close proximity to a dual band device to insure RF coupling.
  15. Do a factory reset on the switch then a device restore from the ISY
  16. Hi Drew, I'm not sure what the factory setting is, but it's really no big deal to play with the led setting to find one that suits you.
  17. If you're using the device with the ISY then you have the option in the admin console to adjust the device's leds Being that you have manually changed the setting on the device it's probably a good idea to do a restore device.
  18. You might want to run a PLM link count again, if it looks like the PLM is not retaining its links then you have a defective unit. If you bought it from Smarthome then its still under warranty.
  19. What's the date code and the version number of your PLM. Did you buy it directly from Smarthome?
  20. did you link them following the instructions that came with the devices, or did you link them using the instructions for the ISY?
  21. The PLM date code shows it was manufactured in February 2015 so it should be OK. Some of the earlier PLMs had issues with their power supplies. I would focus on electronics that may be interfering with the Insteon signals. Do you have a UPS, TV, etc on the same circuit as the PLM? Here's a troubleshooting flow chart https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Troubleshooting_Flowchart
  22. Cam, What's the date code and version number of your PLM? If you run a diagnostics / compare on one of the devices that's problematic does it show any mismatched link tables? It's possible that the PLM is failing or that you have some interference on your powerline. Have you recently added any new electronics, etc?
  23. It's probably not a good idea to have to door close unattended. What you could do is have a timer signal an alert in the house if the door is left open for a period of time.
  24. The date code on the keypad indicates it was built in 2009, the firmware is v.36. The unit probably needs to be replaced if a reset didn't resolve the problem. Some of the older keypads had problems that have since been resolved.
  25. Techman

    IO Link

    If you have a Lamplinc, a On/Off module or a Range Extender, which are all dual band, you can try plugging one into the IOlinc to see if that eliminates your problem. If it does then you most likely have a powerline communication issue that you'll need to work on.
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