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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. Mine was greater than 100° F today and probably is near 120° during out hottest days. Thus, I see no problem with temperature. Using the tags and Wyze cameras has been very helpful. I did, however, use an Insteon device to power each camera so I can reboot them remotely.
  2. Larry, I didn't know that.
  3. Thank you.
  4. My email account is changing. Does anyone know how I can change the login for my CAO account?
  5. Fortunately, this is the only time I have experienced this failure. Given the distance to this residence from my primary the fact that it occurred alarms me a bit. However, re-entering the serial number of the tag manager should work from any location, if needed. I hope! Thanks again!
  6. My thanks. I re-entered the serial number of the tag manager as if I were installing a new one and the tag manager and tags reappeared in the app! All is well!
  7. In my long ramble I forgot to add that is my messing around in the app I got the message that my tag manager was not connected to the internet.
  8. I have two tag managers located in homes approximately 325 miles apart and with two separate ISPs. Both tag managers have worked flawlessly until recently when the ISP at one location had problems and sent an email of apology stating that users would probably need to power down and restart some devices. It was during that timeframe that the tag manager at that location stopped displaying its tags in the app. I have since travelled to that location and done everything I know how to do (powered down the router and tag manager, rebooted the router, disconnected the tag manager from the router and reconnected the tag manager). The lights on the tag manager all appear normal but the tags do not appear in the app. I am considering re-adding the tag manager to the app but before doing so I thought it wise to seek your sage advice. It appears that a logical next step would be Settings>Account>Add a New Tag Manager>Useful when replacing a defective tag manager with a new one, without having to re-associate each tag. The subject tag manager is not new but I am assuming the app would treat it as new. Thoughts?
  9. Duh! I solved my problem. Three of the scenes were in the scenes category. The others were in the devices category. They were there all along. Forgive me for wasting your time.
  10. It has been a long time since I have done work in the portal. Yesterday, I made several changes including creating spokens for fan speeds. These changes do not appear in Alex (Mac or IOS). I have tried forgetting all devices and discovering them in Alexa. I have tried deleting and installing the skill (Smarthome V3). All I ever get is what was disoverable previously. None of the changes show up. I know the method I used to set up the fan speed scenes was correct because one that I had done a long time ago displays in Alexa and its spoken works. I am probably missing some minor issue and that is why I am requesting help.
  11. Yes, the alias is invalid. I have "lived" with this anomaly for a few months. From my experience, the workaround is solid. Best wishes.
  12. "I already fetched https://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.9.0/admin.jnlp and when I ran it I did get version 4.9.0 of the UI, but it did not install a new alias on the desktop nor a new app in the Java cache. Perhaps that is because I disregarded the instruction to clear the Java cache since I did not want to lose the 4.6.2 version of the app that was working with a desktop alias. " I use a Mac (Mojave) and the alias appears on my desktop however I cannot access the Launcher using that alias. I get the message: "You can’t use this version of the application “ISY Launcher” with this version of macOS. You have macOS 10.14.6. The application requires macOS 10.15 or later." Fortunately, I can place the start.jnlp file on the desktop and access the Launcher through it by double-clicking on it.
  13. Yes. Poor typist and failed at proof-reading!
  14. Unfortunately, I didn't finish my comment. I have found Insteon devices incredibly reliable. My device failure rate has been extremely low. I am hopefuly that Insteon will emerge stranger than ever before and with an incredible new product line.
  15. I deleted the Java cache and it still doesn't install the "correct" Launcher. It installs one that will run with Catalina but not Mojave.
  16. Michel: Perhaps this will help: This launcher is incompatible with Mojave In the past when I placed the start.jnlp icon on the desktop it changed to the Launcher Icon. This time it changed to the incompatible Launcher above and temained on the desktop.
  17. start.jnlp
  18. I cleared the JAVA cache again and I continue to get a Launcher icon that will not run with Mojave. Need help.
  19. I just downloaded the most recent version of JAVA and version 4.9.0. When I place the start.jnlp file on the desktop the and select the Launcher Icon I get the message that it required OS 10.15 or later. I am running Mojave because an important app will not run under Catalina. I can access ISY using the start.jnlp icon but I would like to use the Launcher. Any help?
  20. Was unaware of the Alexa skill. What is its name? Thanks.
  21. I would delete it from the ISY then factory reset it. I would then add it again.
  22. For what its worth, there have been times when I have gotten the "I'm not quite sure what went wrong" message. In most such cases I have found that only one of seven Alexa devices was having a problem. I disconnect power to that device and reboot it. That has resolved the problem for me on several occasions.,
  23. I appreciate the clarity added by the last few posts. I have two homes. Both have ISYs and all the devices at both are Insteon. I haven't counted them but I suspect I have about 80! My setup is solid. I am technologically challenged so I avoid change as much as possible. Thus, I have avoided the Polisy to this point because I foresaw it to be an emerging technology--the cost was not an issue. I understand UDI's business decision to move to a system based almost exclusively on node servers. However, I can already see that each node server, at least at this point in time, represents a technical challenge to the developer and the end user. So, I will be waiting until the "dust settles" on this issue. I am thankful that at present, at least, I can expect my Insteon systems will continue to function. One Insteon device, the SynchroLinc, already presents a problem to me. Insteon has dropped it, and I can't find it anywhere. Fortunately, my neighbor is very talented at replacing the caps in such devices. Perhaps he can resurrect it.
  24. There is another side to this discussion. I have two homes that are all Insteon. I have two ISYs and Portals for both. I have avoided a system using more than one technology, i.e., Insteon and Zwave. I have also avoided the Polisy thus far because it provides nothing to me since I have no need of nodeservers at this time. I love my setup. It is dependable. I have a lot of time and money invested in it, and it concerns me deeply that the ISY may be going the way of the Dodo and Insteon no longer being supported. Were that to happen I will have to assess the wisdom of not only a very significant financial investment but the personal labor that will be required. I am 76 years old! I rue the day that I might be forced to abandon all my home automation.
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