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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. I tried to determine how this is resolved. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  2. Thanks. Problem resolved.
  3. I have two ISYs (Chesapeake and Wolf Creek) that normally display in the portal. I have travelled to the normally remote location (Wolf Creek). There, the Wolf Creek ISY displays properly in the Launcher; Chesapeake does not. I have updated JAVA and files as required. I have readded the Launcher and the Chesapeake ISY still does not display. Next steps?
  4. I have my bedroom light flash several times and a buzzlinc (Stu's invention) sound off in my bedroom as an alert for a water leak or a door opening. Definitely gets my attention.
  5. Problem resolved.
  6. Looks like we probably just need to wait until this gets resolved. I saw the option to override the warning but I don't plan to do that unless I can determine that can be done safely.
  7. Alexa told me to re-enable skill this morning. Can't do so. I get the message that This Connection is Not Private. You Should Close This Page. Webbsite's certificate has expired. Certificate issued by Rapid SSL RSA CA has expired. Can I safely override this morning. If not, what must I do next?
  8. @bmercierI finally got the time to try to straighten out the mess I have gotten myself into. First, I have tried to change the password for Alexa account A. Although I can "see" my devices on the iPhone app and my Mac app and thus knowing I am in account A I can find no way to edit the email address at that level. If I log into www.amazon and attempt to log-in to the account using the old email address and password that fails. I asked Amazon for a new password and that failed. Note, please that the log-in's set up for the iPhone and Mac are working since I can log-in that way with ease. Thus, I don't know how to change the account email address. Am I going to have to abandon that account and set up a new one?
  9. I am only now beginning to realize what a mess I have created. It all began with my wanting to change my email address. Cox has advised that they will no longer be supporting email so I decided to switch everything to gmail. No problem until I got to UDI. I have two ISYs. The remote may be unaffected by all this mess. I don't know at this time. This began with me changing my email address in the Portal to a gmail address. As I previously noted, if I use the Portal thus configured I can access my devices, etc. using ISY Web Access. But I can no longer access my devices through a link with Alexa. I also checked the ISY Launcher and it no longer works. It is obvious that I must have to change the email address elsewhere before things are going to work again. Before I do anything I need to know precisely what to do to get everything communicating again. Your help is essential and much appreciated. Alexa is still working locally and I don't want to lose that.
  10. I think I have already done that but will repeat tomorrow morning and let you know how it goes. Thanks.
  11. I get all devices when I do discover in Alexa. In the Portal I can also see all of them ISY Web Address>My Devices. I just can't access them from the Portal in the manner where I could change their interrelationship with Alexa. What steps do I need to take to link the accounts (I have two) with the Portal?
  12. I changed my email account for Alexa and can access the account successfully. I also changed the address of the primary account in the portal. I can successfully open the portal but when I select tools I can see and use ISY Web Access but I can no longer link to Alexa. I have "forgotten" the devices and "discovered" them in Alexa. How do I get Alexa to link with the portal? Under My Profile I have the options USE Preferred ISY or USE all ISYs in Account. Neither option works. It appears the link to my ISY has been lost.
  13. I changed my email account for Alexa and can access the account successfully. I also changed the address of the primary account in the portal. I can successfully open the portal but when I select tools I can see and use ISY Web Access but I can no longer link to Alexa. I have "forgotten" the devices and "discovered" them in Alexa. How do I get Alexa to link with the portal? Under My Profile I have the options USE Preferred ISY or USE all ISYs in Account. Neither option works. It appears the link to my ISY has been lost.
  14. Sorry for the bother. I got it fixed. Wife is happy again and my blood pressure has decreased.
  15. Now Alexa does not work and I am in trouble with the wife! All I wanted to do was change my email account!!!!
  16. I did precisely what I feared. In attempting to do this I somehow messed up and now I can't access my account.Canyou offer further help or shall I submit a ticket?
  17. Dropping that email account.
  18. Thanks. Will check them out.
  19. Any recommendations on a UPS?
  20. Worked! You guys are the best! Now, we have a temporary solution in place until the new plug arrives.
  21. I found a cord that produces 9v 300mA Would that be safe to try?
  22. Gotcha! I will order one now. Please accept my thanks. You done know how much you rteply on your home automation until it is no longer there!
  23. Pardon my naivete but do you mean the power cord? I have noticed that the plug is flashing very rapidly.
  24. We had a rare power interruption this morning. After power was restored no lights on ISY. I have checked connections. Are there any next steps?
  25. I just returned home and checked the status of the remote ISY. All devices are now correctly reporting their status. From the other comments it seems apparent there was some problem with the portal connection. Thanks for the feedback.
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