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Everything posted by G W

  1. G W

    New Dot

    His original sentence states you connect wirelessly, either by Bluetooth or cord. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  2. G W

    New Dot

    I did in the post just above the one you asked. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  3. Software is available as mentioned by rccoleman Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  4. G W

    New Dot

    These new kids don't even own the AP Style Guide. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  5. G W

    New Dot

    I'm guessing schools don't teach sentence structure. It's just like writing code with math and operator functions. There are ORDER rules. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  6. If the software is available which I think it is, yes. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  7. G W

    New Dot

    Users who want high-quality sound must connect the device to third-party speakers wirelessly through Bluetooth or with a cord. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  8. G W

    New Dot

    I didn't miss the or. It's poorly written English. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  9. G W

    New Dot

    "Users who want high-quality sound must connect the device wirelessly to third-party speakers through Bluetooth or with a cord." Hummmm, wireless with a cord. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  10. I agree. You won't find a better system than the Elk and it works very well with the ISY. There a few Elk dealers here and many of us have an Elk. You will get great support from Elk and Elk users. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  11. I have MyQ and love it. I'll connect it to the ISY but not with an IOLinc. Maybe the Elk. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  12. Battery cost has never been an issue with me. It's the "I don't want to deal with it" factor. I went with Arduino because it has multiple inputs and outputs AND i can write my own code. I can also use a single device for multiple functions. It's just something I want to see how far I can go. Best regards, Gary Funk
  13. I am using small Arduino boards that I have accumulated over the past year and standard temperature probes. I'm looking into super small boards and small temp probes. Everything I have now is hardwired with power and Ethernet. I'm looking for a method to run power and data to a central hub to collect data. I'm just not sure where I want to go with this but I want it to be cheap per device and scalable. I want hardwire because I don't want batteries and it's rather easy to run the wiring in tbe ducts. I've run Ethernet cable to connect the few devices I have. They collect the data and post it to a website which stores it in a database. I did it this way as a proof that everything is working. In the end there needs to be a small device to collect and store the data then forward it on demand to something. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  14. Unfortunately these units are not accurate enough to provide true temperature readings. It appears these are set to provide temperature in .5°C increments and that leaves a rather large error when converting to F. I think we'd be better of with Arduino temperature sensors in every room and collecting temperature data to make decisions. Personally, I am working on installing an Arduino with sensor in every air vent and a sensor at every window. I'll collect the data, analyze it, and make a decision on what to turn on or off. I'm mostly doing this out of curiosity, interest and because I can. It will be a fun project. Best regards, Gary Funk
  15. G W


    I understand now. Thank you. That was a bad idea made worse by the power event. Best regards, Gary Funk
  16. G W


    Without any control a lamp will return to its last state when power is returned. That accident would have happened regardless. Best regards, Gary Funk
  17. We are sorry but no one knows. Turn in a ticket to UDI and see if the company can help. Best regards, Gary Funk
  18. Teken will be along shortly to answer all your questions. I'm enjoying my last few days in Saigon and off for another cold drink. Best regards, Gary Funk
  19. Stu likes to push things. Best regards, Gary Funk
  20. I was referring to electric items. I do cook with a gas cooktop but the oven is electric. And of course a lot of water is turned on and off while some is controlled by push and pull. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  21. Everything I own is push button. I don't remember my kids ever turning a knob. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  22. I still don't understand why we continue to "turn" lights on and off. I taught my kids to "set" the lights and switches. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  23. That would be useful. It reminds me of the TV show "Blake 7" where the ships computer would announce, "Information..... " This would be useful. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  24. Thanks for your words, Teken. As far as being called an a**hole, that's bothers me none. I fully admit it, I have no problem with it. In fact, I embrace the fact and live with it. All my friends know I am and the also know I am honest and that they can depend on me above all others. I'm enjoying the time with my wife and her family. I have but seven days left in Saigon and then back to Denver. It's been a wonderful visit and I have much to do to prepare for my next visit. I need to work on a automatic gate opener for my father-in-law. On the other hand out subject has shown me that what I write on this forum matters to him. It's nice to know he looks forward to reading me. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
  25. I guess that's another reason to avoid the Hue lighting. There are just so many products that out preform the Hue that I'm surprised people still buy them. Short and to the point. Best regards, Gary Funk
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