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Everything posted by oberkc
I would have said "yes". It is possible to have a device turn OFF when you send to it an ON command. I would have said that setting the ON for 0% would be the way to do this. If I understand you correctly, your device it turning ON even though it is set to 0%. That is not what I would have expected.
Program disbled? ISY time not correct? I have never experienced any probems with these type of programs (hard for me to imagine a bug).
Well. Interesting...my memory must be failing more than I remembered. I would have made a very large bet on my scene being as I had described originally. I think I will continue to insist that I have a good memory and, instead, that something has changed in one of the ISY updates over the years. But as of now, as I look at my scenes, they are exactly as you describe, with Z-wave with in red, added as controller, but showing as responder in the membership list. This zwave switch location has also been the one with which I have experimented. I think this is the third z-wave switch I have tried here, all in an attempt to better understand z-wave devices and trying to get this scene to work. Perhaps a prior version of this switch worked as I remember but the current version does not. Because of my experience, I have not expanded my use of Z-wave devices as controllers beyond this switch. Perhaps I am loosing my mind.
I have a scene with a Z-wave switch (controller), secondary keypad button (controller) and an Insteon micro module (responder). When the z-wave switch is turned on, the micro module responds, but the keypad button does not. Is your experience different?
I have the same issue. Some time in the past, I recall having a discussion with UD about this and came away with the impression that this was due to the fact that secondary buttons on a keypad switch cannot be directly controlled from the ISY. Of course, there is no direct link between the z-wave switch and keypad button. So...even though this keypad button is in a "scene", it appears that the ISY is trying to mimic an Insteon link between the z-wave and Insteon devices by sending direct commands to Insteon devices "linked" from z-wave devices. In my experience so far, this problem is limited to keypad secondary buttons. That is my theory and I am sticking to it.
There are system variables for day-of-month, and month-of-year. For Holidays with fixed dates, one could use these variables in a program condition. Unfortunately, it gets a little harder for holidays that can have flexible dates.
To the others, I will add that is it possible that there was a hub not provided by Universal Devices. It is possible that there was no hub at all but, given your description of the current situation, I find that unlikely. Insteon (originally sold by smart labs) had a hub and the current Insteon company does, as well. Also, there were companies that that make hubs or use computers to run software to control and manage Insteon devices. Almost all hubs (except the actual "Insteon" hub) require the use of a "PLM" which plug into an outlet somewhere. If you don't see a little white box plugged into an outlet, it is unlikely that you have a working hub somewhere. Another feature of Insteon is that they can be used without actually powering a specific load. Insteon switches can be configured to simply send a command to another Insteon device which, in turn, powers the load (a light, in most cases). Since your post mentioned dimmers, I would tell you that these have three wires coming out of the switch housing: black, white, and red. Black and white connect to line and neutral. Red would connect to a load, but could be left unconnected. The meaning of the status lights varies by generation and I would have to look up the meaning from a user manual. Having said that, I do not recall an Insteon dimmer switch without some sort of status light. I would guess that constantly cycling LEDs is not a good sign. Cycling once, from low to high, is a good sign. Flashing red may indicate that it is failing to receive an expected response from another linked Insteon device. Assuming you have some comfort with electrical systems, my suggestion would be to open a box containing a switch that otherwise appears to be operating normally (no continuously cycling LEDs) and see if anything is connected to the red wire. If not, there is more investigation needed. Another suggestion is to post your location. It is possible someone lives nearby that could help. It is possible that you could make this work again, but it will require expenditures of time and money. It is up to you to decide if it interests you. I suspect most Insteon systems are installed by homeowner hobbyists. There are a couple around here that may still try to make money on installs and maintenance, but whether you could find such a person near you is unlikely, I believe.
Are the programs disabled?
Yes, I went ahead and ran the power cycle. It is now on 5.7.0_5. My programs and needs are nowhere as complicated and numerous as many here, so it was not much more than 10 minutes of work to manually re-enable the appropriate programs and all appears to be working again (except the known problem with displayed sunrise and sunset times). On an unrelated topic, while I was on a roll, I finally upgraded to polyglot 3X without any apparent issue. Update: I guess something happened last night and even the displayed sunrise and sunset times are back to being correct.
My system sunrise/sunset times are off one hour (early), but programs based upon sunrise/sunset are scheduled one hour later (correct time). Based upon my system, I see no reason to think that this is nothing more than a UI issue.
Not yet. Just "rebooted" (from the admin console). I may do this soon.
When my programs became disabled (and sunrise/sunset times wrong) over the DST change, I ran upgrade packages. I started on _4 and am still on _4 after the upgrade. It is very possible I am doing something wrong, but I did not observe any unexpected problems.
Same here. I am assuming this is fixed in most recent update 5.7.0-5. Unfortunately, I was on -4.
I use hue and twinkly. Integration with hue seems rock solid to me. Twinkly works reliably, but options are limited to OFF and ON (no color or brightness options). i use a couple of other brands, but without ISY integration. For those, I power through insteon or zwave so that I can at least turn them on and off) having confirmed that the various settings persist when power is disrupted, and changing settings via the little included remote. One such brand is ecosmart fro home depot and another is from batteries plus (brand I cannot remember).
To the advise by dbwarner5, I add that having Alexa turn the program ON will run the THEN path of the program, and OFF will run the ELSE path.
I had a fan on a fanlinc that lost one of the speeds. It turned out to be the capacitor that is part of the fan. Might be worth considering.
It is near certainly doable, but the wiring method would depend on the original, whether there is currently a neutral at the switch box. If not, you will need to adjust the wires at the fixture box.
I have five in my house, including one outside (covered space, Ohio) and have had them since they were originally introduced. I have had zero failures.
Just upgraded to 5.7.0. Upon quick and early inspection, I don't see any programs that were marked disabled that were not supposed to be. On the other hand, like the others, I have an error message in the launcher "Not Found" but this was happening before the upgrade. Also I see two instances of "My Lighting": one with the 192.168.... address and one with the polisy.local address. Selecting either one seems to work. Neither the error message nor the dual instances of the IoX seem to be a functional problem, as near as I can tell. Now...off to upgrade to PGX
I don't suppose that the name in the program list has a little green arrow? Is it possible that you made changes to the program but did not save them? I agree, this program should work, and not turn on the lights outside the stated time range.
I think you have a logic (boolean hierarchy) problem in your program. Try (same approach for both programs): If ( ‘Hallways / Hall-Up Sensor / Hall-Up.1 Motion’ is switched On Or ‘Hallways / Hall Entry Sensor / Entry.1 Motion’ is switched On ) and From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) Then Set ‘Hallways / Hall Lights Day’ on Wait 35 seconds Set ‘Hallways / Hall Lights Day’ off Else -No Actions
Upon further review, I think your point is correct. “Control on” would not trigger the program from the reciept of an OFF command.
I also recall a time when a setting (trigger reverse?) on the iolinc could result in the overnight query triggering a garage door.
I suspect the problem is that when the motion sensor turns off, it triggers your program and runs the ELSE path. Unfortunately, it likely does so while the program is in the WAIT state, interrupting the program, and the 30 minutes never gets to pass. Make sure your motion sensor is configured only to send ON commands.