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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. If you look in the ISY Log does it show anything? Maybe in Diagnostics you could use the Event Viewer in level 3 and see what is happening. Some outside noise can also make the LEDs blink and look like an X10 or Insteon message.
  2. Is the noise always present or only during actual Insteon control? You maybe hearing the noise of the digital electronics running in the ISY99i or PLM. AM has a hard time with any digital noise. I can walk around my home with an AM radio. Get near many digital devices and light dimmers. The noise is very present. My router makes all kinds of AM radio noise. I also found my MicroBrite CCFL bulbs emit an RF signal right smack in the middle between the X10 120 KHz and the Insteon 131.65 KHz. Not on the power line so it doesn't effect the control signals but messed up my XTBM tester. You may want to try moving the receiver to different places or if the noise is sneaking up the power line. A filter on the radios power cord may help. Preferably one made to play nice with X10/Insteon power line signals. Like a FilterLinc or maybe an X10Pro XPPF.
  3. No Insteon module can have its firmware updated by software. It can only be done with a hardware programmer physically connected to the modules programming connector.
  4. Sorry I have no data on SwitchLinc relay versions. Other than my real old 2.0 and 2.1s are in the range of bad tact switches where the paddles stops working. Smarthome will replace those if they get intermittent.
  5. What interval is the Weather Module set to get data? Mine by default was every 60 seconds. I turned mine off when we where having the 1941 date thing along with the NTP Automatic Time Sync. I never turned it back on after updating to 2.7.12.
  6. Zone Alarm is fine. It was only a problem when I first had an ISY-26 and the ISY address was not in the "Trusted Zone"
  7. I updated from 2.7.6 and half way through the update. I got an error message that I didn't write down. Must have been partly done as trying to use the backup done before the update gave a can't use this back up kind of message. Again I neglected to get the exact wording. Tried it a second time and it went all the way and so far no problems. I also turned off Zone Alarm the second try but don't know if that was the cause. AVG was also running and I never did find out how to turn it off so it was on both times.
  8. If I sounded like it was right it was not. Errors do happen but I thought only I was the one that got them. I hope Smarthome will make it right for you.
  9. That could also explain some of the Authorization Failed Messages. Possible it had a different password in it or as you thought. Lots of unfound modules scenes and locations. A field return should have been at least put in the Open Box area or returned to UDI for a test. Maybe it was returned a flaky or a changed my mind thing.
  10. That doesn't sound correct for a new ISY99i setup.
  11. Have you tried going though the UDI Link? http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/
  12. What Operating System are you using? Do you have the needed Java Program? Do you have a Firewall Program and what is it? What Router are you using? Default user and password are admin. If you use caps it will not work. Are any of the LEDs on the ISY99i On? Other than the PWR.
  13. Turning off load sensing does not disable the current. It just sets the module to ignore the changes. My ApplianceLincs always have the current there and are set to ignore changes, with Local Control Sensing Off.
  14. The module may have a small capacitor across the relay contacts for protection. With only the high impedance of the meter on the switched outlet. It still may read some voltage. If you added a small load to it like a 4 watt night light bulb. It most likely would be zero. You may also find a real low current LED bulb may also glow dimly even when off. I don't know if the OutletLinc has local control sensing, but if it does. That also would read on a high impedance meter. My ApplianceLinc's are the same way. A high impedance meter reads some voltage even when off and low wattage LED bulbs glow dimly.
  15. If the local control will not turn the light on and off but the LEDs are moving. The switch may have failed. Have you tired a factory reset on the problem switch and then reprogramming it with the ISY99i?
  16. The modules have a firmware update connector in them. I have seen reports it follows the Microchip PIC Micro controller format as PIC Chips are the Micro controller in use. Few points. Most modules have a power line derived power supply and AC Line is actually connected to the logic 5 volts. That could be an extreme shock hazard. Also I seriously doubt Smarthome/Smartlabs would ever release firmware files to the public or even an authorized dealer. Can the firmware be updated. Yes as Simplehomenet sends the PLM back to Smarthome for firmware updates. When you purchase an EZIO8SA with PLM upgrade. Most likely other modules also but the PLM can according the Simplehomenet.
  17. I believe the white sticker is hardware revision and more than one firmware could be in it. In earlier days Smarthome put a hardware and firmware sticker on the modules; in addition to the six digit ID label.
  18. Well the early 2412S PLM has less than half the link database memory as the 2413S has now. 414 entries sounds like what it was. Latest 2412S is 2016 if memory serves me. I see that they found the V1 Thermostat Adapter was one of the causes of the 2413S problems.
  19. In the Administration Console Configuration tab. Time can be set there. What version of firmware is in the ISY99i? There is an issue with I believe 2.7.6 and below if the automatic time sync is being used with the NTP Servers. Sometimes the time server gives bad data and the date changes the date to the year 1941. There are a few threads on this happening. Mine changed I believe six times to a date in 1941. I turned off the auto sync for now. In the search area. Search for 1941. It will find 11 other threads. Maybe your 1942 is related to this also. I believe there was a post here that the ISY99i has a super cap in it that should keep the time for around six hours with no power. How long was your power out?
  20. Well I have both a XTB-IIR and the excellent XTBM X10 test meter. I was amazed at the difference in voltage levels between the XTB-IIR and my Smarthome Dryer outlet repeater.
  21. Using a Low Voltage Transformer on a Lamp Module could be a problem. If the transformer is not rated to be on a dimmer. Even at 100% the module or the transformer may not like it. An Appliance Module or the receptacle maybe a better choice.
  22. No. XTB or the XTB-IIR are strictly X10 signals. The new XTB-R also is X10 only. I know the XTB-IIR detects Insteon Signals and leaves them alone. Some other X10 repeaters falsely detect part of an Insteon signal and repeat the mangled message.
  23. Since the Motion Sensor is normally run by a battery. It goes in to power saving mode. It is a function of the sensor itself and I don't believe it can be remotely woken up.
  24. Does the log show lots of humidity data being sent? I only have seen messages of users with the V2 module and not having the humidity sensor. What version ISY firmware are you using?
  25. Is the thermostat a T1700 or T1800 with out a Humidity Sensor? Check you log as the V2 thermostat adapter has been seen sending random humidity percentages when no sensor is in the T1800 or with a T1700 that can not take a Humidity Sensor. Smarthome and Venstar have a fix for the T1700 have not seen much on the T1800 yet.
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