Brian H
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Everything posted by Brian H
Do you know what firmware is in the PLM? You can find that information in. Tools Diagnostics PLM Info/Status That information could help with your question.
I found the installers manual for that thermostat. You may want to look at it. I am not a HVAC expert but the C terminal on your present thermostat maybe the Common you need and the photo shows a wire on it. You could maybe look at the HVAC unit and see what is connected to its terminals. The first link is the Carrier and the second is a Bryant. I suspect they also used it in their installations. http://www.managemylife.com/mmh/owner_m ... s-L0210344 Adobe can save the manual if you click on the small disk icon on the display. http://www.gogeisel.com/geiselonline/su ... nstall.pdf
That sounds like a good idea. Right now mine is sitting in its box and the power supply from the ISY26 kit is running my ISY99i with 2413S. I was thinking of using it in a UDI Upgrade to ISY99i Offer.
Smarthome should ship the latest revision firmware in the PLM. Authorized distributors may have slightly older firmware if there was an update after they got their stock. I don't remember seeing any X10 problems with the later versions of the firmware. I still have a few X10 addresses in my system that the ISY99i controls. Smarthome can update the firmware from what Simplehomenet told me. They have an update service for the early EZIO8SA units and the PLM used with it. Both get updated to the latest firmware that works with the hardware version you send them. I asked if they update the PLM firmware and they said no. They send the PLM back to Smarthome to have the PLM firmware updated. Since only the 2412SR Refurbished Serial PLM is now being sold as the new ones are officially discontinued. I would think again part of the process would be update the firmware to the latest before selling them. I agree with Mark. My 2413S D.B. PLM seems to be better with my ISY99i than my 2412S PLM. Just remember the 2413S needs a external power supply for the ISY99i. As it does not supply power to the ISY99i like the 2412S did.
Are they the same hardware and firmware revisions for the Motion Sensors?
No it can not be field updated and as far as I know. Smarthome does not do it either for end users. The five pin programming connector is in them but there are no firmware files available to do it. I believe the pins match the Microchip PIC Micro-controller programming header format.
Thank you for the information on the way the improved switches work. Glad it went well.
If you bought the ISY99i as a kit from Smarthome it should have included the power supply. If the 2413S was the PLM supplied. Is the Green LED on the Power Supply On and is it firmly connected to the External Power connector on the ISY99i?
Do you have the 2412S PLM that supplies power to the ISY99i or the 2413S PLM where an external power supply is connected to the ISY99i?
On the old revision 1 models. Jumper 5 did nothing and was marked not used in the instructions.
Thank you for sharing your findings. This may assist others to check things thoroughly. Glad you caught it before it got to be a major flood.
Yes that is what I am using. With my 2413S.
Well the OP title says No LEDs, but I asked if the PWR LED was off and never got an answer.
Yes Mark. I have found some of my invoices for original ApplianceLincs and the prices are now much different.
Rand, Would a bad SD card kill the PWR LED?
Oh that could be a problem if you had things like Motion Sensors. You maybe able to get the family to not touch a switch but not move in a room with a motion sensor. I like your tandem filter thing, but as you said my 2413S would still receive things like motion.
The PWR should be On. If the PWR LED is Off. Is the unit powered by the 2412S PLM or an external power supply if you have the 2413S Dual band PLM? If it is the 2412S PLM is its LED On and the cable between it and the ISY99i is firmly connected. If you have the external supply and a 2413S make sure it is connected well to the ISY99is external power jack and that the Green LED on the supply is On.
Well I have a small system and my PLM Link Table count is a firm 77. I did a test and sent some Insteon Commands from my RemoteLinc. One time the count was 41 another time 31. This is with a 2413S Dual Band PLM. Which may also have been processing the RemteLinc RF commands. Tried a X10 signal on the power line and it gave me a count of 46. SwitchLinc Relay locally toggled on and off gave me a count of 22. I am sure UDI may confirm this, but it does look like power line activity can effect the count. Though you also maybe getting close to that 800 link thing. Do you know the Hardware and Firmware revision of your PLM? 2412S or 2413S PLM?
Did you change anything in the home. Like a new cell phone charger or electronic device? Move a device? Change some lights to CFL; CCFL or LED? Computer Power Supplies and UPS Units are noted for being problems in many cases. Something may have changed either making noise or absorbing line signals. FilterLincs are fine for isolating noisy devices but if you get one between a PLM or Insteon device you want to control. It will probably kill communications to the device or PLM.
In the Link Management Tab. Have you tried the Add new button to IRLinc Receiver choice? Since the original IRLinc Receivers didn't support or have the Credit Card Remote included. Some user maybe using a different remote. So my thoughts are the special Link Management Add Button was needed.
I think they may have quietly changed it to both Insteon and X10. I do remember when it was only listed in the X10 Troubleshooting Section. The specifications sheet on it still shows the 120KHz X10 frequency attenuation as 49.2dB. No data on the 131.65KHz Insteon line frequency. Though I have seen a schematic of a FilterLinc. I have not seen any data on retuning one. Would require 5 new capacitors if my memory is correct and the ones in it now are not low tolerance ones so it maybe closer to Insteon than many expect. The three pin passive dryer coupler was easy as it is just a capacitor and coil in series from line to line. I can look at what I did.
In the Smarthome wiki manual for the FilterLinc. It indicates being used by Insteon and X10 signaling. http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?tit ... c_Features Insteon is not that far away from X10s line frequency and it would not take much to slightly retune it to Insteon. I retuned one of the three pin dryer outlet X10 couplers to the Insteon 131.65 KHz by changing a coil.
I don't believe the V1 version used jumper 5 to allow remote programming and was marked as not used. Also didn't have the analog pots for timeout after motion stops and day night threshold.
Yes the Quick Guide for the newer one says 2 hours with the Left Pot Dial all the way clockwise. The 2420 Motion Sensor Data sheet from the SDK Code area indicates there is a memory address where you can set the time out to (255X30)+30 seconds maximum. A zero at that location is 30 seconds default is 01. Not sure if this applies as it was data for the original version motion sensor. My feeble memory did see a mention of 8.5 minutes somewhere.
The 2411T can be added in the Link Management Tab. Add new Insteon/A10/X10 device. If you don't auto discover it is 03.07 in the manual choices. Though if there is a latest firmware problem in the 2411T not working. That could also be a problem.