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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. I have a few UDI model products with different supply ratings. I have seen 5VDC to 30VDC as the input range. Mine where 5V .5A or 5V 1 Amp. Many here are using 12VDC at 1A or 2A. UDI in their sales page. Last time I looked was a 12VDC 2A. Power LED flashing is probably a defective power supply. I had a few between models all die and where replaced. Especially if yours is still the original.
  2. The 2450 should be fine in the pass through outlet on the front cover of the FilterLinc. With the opener into the bottom filtered outlet. That is how my 2413S PLM is and the older 2412S power line only PLM also worked fine in the front pass through outlet. Separate receptacle would work fine also.
  3. Thanks for the information. Does not sound real encouraging. I had six of them and all the plastic back are cracked and will possibly fall off when trying to unplug them.
  4. Some openers generate power line noise or are signal suckers. The recommendation of trying a FilterLinc should remove any signal sucking or power line noise. Others have had similar problem and a FilterLinc corrected it. If it still didn't work without the Range Extender. You may have an issue with the power line only command getting to that location and the Range Extender maybe using the Insteon RF to get the signals to and from that location.
  5. The Fujucon TY sheet I have. Says 2000 to 7000 Hr load life at 105C. Still not the most reputable cap in my opinion. Your finding other bad components. Would explain why some still had problems after a capacitor replacement. While others started working again.
  6. Yes UDI did have a prototype PLM and then Smartlabs reneged on the promised programed controller chips. Thus killing the product completely. There where a few other manufacturers on a list we got in the developers group. To start Insteon support. They changed their minds and went other routes like ZWave. Smartlabs was always protective of their Insteon products. Too soon to comment on the new Insteon Group.
  7. Hardware revision 2.3 changed the caps to a Fujicon TY type and is designed for switching supplies and what looks like a slightly better time rating. A MAX232EI serial port chip. With better ESD ratings. Though sticking with Fujicon may not be the best choice. Revision 2.4 and above. Also has a new serial port daughter board. That also has a signal protection network on the two serial signals to and from the PLM. I actually have a V1.0 with 10uF/25V caps for C7 and C13 and reworked to add the Pi filter components. That they look like they didn't put into the original design. I have seen many different caps for C7 and C13. As they unsuccessfully tried to fix the power supply issues. I too have seen network jack connections issues reported.
  8. I have used the 2450 I/OLinc a few times. From the original V1.0 to a 2822_292 retail labeled V2.3 2450. With the older V4.? and now 5.0.16C. As already mentioned. They are power line only. A dual band devise or access point or range extender maybe needed to get the the signals processed. A power line only module between them may also pass the commands. Power line issues could also have an effect. If you have noise makers or signal suckers on the line feeding the module. It could effect communications. If possible try the module on the same line as the PLM and see if that helps. Double check the modules six digit ID. There are a few digits and capital letters that can be misread. Like the 2413 PLM. They tried a few different capacitors in the power supply. So technicality that could effect one. If the cap is drying out.
  9. If it was a power supply capacitor issue. I would think replacing them would help. If is the serial port chip then it may not help. At V2.3 they changed the chip to one with better ESD ratings and V2.4 and up has a new serial daughter board with the better chip and some signal protection on them. If you are having many PLM's giving the -10. You may want to verify the cable between the PLM and the ISY controller is 100% OK.
  10. Since we have seen others with power supply issues. Corrected with a replacement supply. No or very dim Blue Power On LED could be a failing supply.
  11. Both 2413U and 2431S where on the expected release dates data they posted. March of 2023. If the list is up to date.
  12. Your diagram does not look correct. P2 on the diagram. Back side where pins are inserted. Pin 1 Top Left pin position. Pin 5 on the Top Right. Blue to P2 Pin 2, Brown P2 Pin 5, White to P2 Pin 3. Top left to top right: 1 NC, 2 Blue, 3 White, 4 NC, 5 Brown. Bottom row 6-9 all NC. All the rest of the wires from the network side. Should be insulated from each other and not connected to anything. As two of them are not used TTL versions of send and received signals.
  13. None of my 2476S SwitchLinc module have all the LED positions installed. Only the On and Off LED are there. So even if it could be used to control a dimmer. There are no LED positions to show where the switch set another module, just empty holes with the light pipe in it. The FCC Database photos of the 2477S modules. Also only show the On and Off LED installed. So if anyone has all LED's in a switch module. It must have only been in certain revisions. The old company did indicate you could buy a cover with all the positions so they matched the one you where using now.
  14. Some brand LED bulbs do not play nice with Insteon dimmers. Some users have reported flashing that was corrected with a different brand and model LED bulb. Firmware probably would not fix the issue. Some models had hardware changes in them like a different coil in the output to try and correct it. In different revisions of a module.
  15. No way for you to reprogram the module. It does have a programming connector but you need a programmer to do it and the needed programming code was with Smartlabs and I imagine the new owners now. If it was dual band. Then it has two programming connectors. One for the RF controller and one for the main controller. It is possible the electronics in it has an issue or their was an upgrade to the circuits themselves. Was it 2456D power line only or the 2457D dual band model?
  16. I have seen a how to on replacing the battery in a Remotelinc 2 They found one that had a lower capacity but it fit and you could snap it back together. Seems the original one was a uncommon size. There problem was would charge but had very little capacity and needed very frequent recharges.
  17. List indicated new 2413S PLM near the end of the first quarter of 2023. Improved specification one in second quarter of 2023.
  18. The company went belly up in the early 2022 and everything was gone. Including the HUB servers. The company has opened under new management. Many are employees from the older management. Yes they are again selling modules and have posted a list of dates when things should again be in stock for sale again. The 2477D was one of the modules being sold again. They have resumed production of modules. Things like new 2413S PLM scheduled for the first quarter of 2023 and the improved PLM in the second quarter.
  19. This wiki entry may help. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Resetting_Your_ISY
  20. If it is functioning OK except the normally very bright Power LED. The LED maybe failing or the current limiting resistor maybe failing. As it is directly driven by the ISY internal power supply. If it starts also having dimmer indicator LED brightness or it starts to malfunction. I would suspect more than a Power LED circuit issue. Power supply range is 5VDC to 30VDC. Most find a 12VDC works fine. Note the ISY store now sells 12VDC 2 Amp replacements. Not too clear on the ISY994 being stocked again. As the eisy unit is in the near future and there is Z-Wave available also. I do remember a few other posts here. Where the users ISY99i was working fine but the power LED was Off. Didn't see any information on it effecting anything or a fix.
  21. That is very good news. Thank you for finding it out and posting it for all to read.
  22. From my own 2413S PLM modules. V2.3 had the newer C7 and C13 of a Fujicon TY type for switching supply use and a TI MAX232EI interface chip. With better ESD ratings. V2.4 and V2.5. Have the newly designed serial port daughter board. TI MAX232EI chip, serial signal protective components and C7 and C13 TY capacitors on the main board. I have no information on the later ones above V2.5
  23. Unfortunately the new 2234-223 that got to the FCC Database entry. Does not look like it is in the cards right now. It had a universal power supply. 100VAC to 240VAC, 50/60 cycles. Larger link database ~1000 to ~4000 links. Faster clock and memory. It could also supply +5VDC on the serial connector. So like the old 2412S could power an ISY994i with out the wall wart. From the FCC photos. The AC input sub-assembly looked like it could be changed to other locations in the world AC connection. So a PLM may have been possible for the other countries. As I believe the RF section with its own controller. Could be programmed for the local accepted standard.
  24. On mine. The On/Off module had some big design faults. They used a flat head screw in a counter sunk hole. To mount the cover. The plastic used also seems to be too brittle. The screws in mine caused the back to crack. The assembly also looked too high for the cover and I could see the back slightly bowing out when the case was closed. I too have some unused ones. With totally cracked backs and screw mounting posts. At least the 2457D2 Lamp Linc used pan head screws and it looked like they didn't over stress the assembly.
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