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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. Does your control unit also do things like temperature display, light control ans power thhe display on it. All on a single pair of wires? If so you may not be able to short the pair with the 2450 relay output if it also carries data and power. An indication would be the control display goes off. Every time the 2450 ties to open the door. I believe they do have a dry contact to their control adapter if needed. The data Andy P asked for would be a big help.
  2. If the closet was set to 100% and not Off. That would explain why the All Off program turned it On when run.
  3. In the Administrative Console. Click on the SWL in question. On the right side of the display should be a Management Listing. Responder too list and if it is controlling something. There will also be a Controller list. Just noticed. Your original post shows it is a Responder to. Entry Way KPL All Off and Upstairs. One of those maybe running and changing your SWL state. You may also find some information. In the Log file and maybe the error file.. In the Administrative Console.
  4. It is in the Current Releases Section. It is for Polisy and an eisy. As firmware updates where stopped. When the ISY994i was discontinued. So it depends on what UDI controller you are trying to upgrade. https://www.universal-devices.com/finalbye994/
  5. That is the two addresses in question.
  6. Remove previous links should have removed no longer used links. If it is not in any scenes and directly controlling any other modules. It may have too many links in it and that is one possibility it is still following scenes it is not related too. The first two are the PLM's ID if I read the screen correctly. The next three are links are for other functions. #5 is the end of link table entries. From the link below. The next three A2 links are responder links. To scenes or modules controlling it. This my help: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/9525-how-to-read-a-link-table/
  7. The 2450 I/OLinc is a power line only communications device. Are you using a 2413U USB PLM or the old 2413S PLM with a USB to serial adapter? One thought is there is a different power line command sensitivity and the USB is slightly less sensitive. Another thought is the eisy's power supply has a capacitor across the power lines to stop internal electronic noise from getting back on the power lines. That the ISY994's supply didn't have. If the eisy and PLM are both on the same power feed. It maybe possible the supply is absorbing the power line signals. Depending on the revision of the 2450. If it is an I1 communications. It takes 8 peek poke messages to do one link in its database. If you have a dual band module to test with. You could try putting it in the front pass through outlet on the 2450 and see if anything changes. That may give you a clue to what maybe happening.
  8. Your findings look correct. Good chance of a poor connection and not good ground protection. For the connected device.
  9. Is it new and never used or reinstalled SWL previously used? Did you factory reset it before adding it? If reinstalled as you found still may have old links in it. If it was new occasionally we see one with test links from the factory and always for a good measure factory reset it also. In the Administrative Console. If you click on the SWL you should be able to do a show the links in the unit and that may also give you some information.
  10. Updated program to also work with an eisy or polisy. Along with the ISY994i. Should be fine and I have it for my ISY994i.
  11. Do you have the PRO module? That expands the size of the modules,scenes and program data memory size? It almost looks like you may have hit the limit. There is a way in the Administrative Console. To condense the database by removing data marked as no longer used and just filling an entry. Power supplies have also been known to start things strange happening. You may want to try a supply. I know it fixed issues for me and others here.
  12. Another possibility. Is the power supply maybe deteriorating. Making noise or interference back on the power lines. Or has a large AC rated capacitor on the line absorbing the power line command if the RF distance is too far or blocked by where it is mounted. Both the dimmer and On-Off have a built in communications test that also my give you some more information. Changes in the home. Like a new or moved device. Can also effect power line communications. I got a replacement 22" LED TV for the kitchen. Was a signal sucker and I am old school. Dated power line only Insteon modules. It effected my home until I put it behind an X10 XPPF filter. If the On-Off module has communications issues. You may want to look at the power supply for the LED bulbs.
  13. The PRO ISY99i will have the added choices to turn off automatic updates to modules and RF modules. So you can do them individually. Also has a larger allowed database size so more addresses can be used. Though that may not be an X10 also sized database. I have not seen anything on a Micro SD card in any ISY99i but they do have an adapter in some SD card kits or separate purchase. To let you use a Micro SD card in a full sized SD card slot.
  14. I would definitely check the model number of both units. As the article mentioned the ISY99i had no SD card slot while newer units had an SD card slot. The ISY99i used an SD card while the ISY994i a Micro SD card. So if the second unit is a ISY994i the ISY99i SD card will not fit. Here is the data on the ISY99i replacement of the SD card. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card The modules are in the unit itself and referenced to the units UUID number. I don't think you can transfer the modules. By moving the SD card unit to unit or using a backup file from the original unit.
  15. The ISY994i was also discontinued early this year. Modules where discontinued 06/01/2023 as was free support from UDI. https://www.universal-devices.com/byebye994/ Your 2412S PLM will not work with an eisy. As it is power line only and has unregulated +12 volts on the serial cable along with being serial. Depending on its hardware revision. Small link database of 417 or large link database of >2000 that an ISY994i had trouble with ~800 and above. The eisy uses a USB connection. They do sell a USB to serial kit for a 2413S. I don't see X10 listed on it sales page. https://www.universal-devices.com/product/eisy-home/ From what I have read here. You can use an ISY994i backup file into an eisy. If it is a specific firmware revision. That definitely will not be in an old ISY99i that discontinued firmware at 3.3.10.
  16. Since the ISY994i was discontinued and no more firmware updates will be made. Only the Polisy and Eisy will have full I3 support when their firmware is updated.
  17. One thing I forgot and may have had a effect on this. You had to use the My Account choice on their site. To purchase and manage Modules. The old Modules choice in the Administrative Console no longer worked. I just signed in to My Account and could see what each of their products I own and had for modules in that unit. From my ISY26 to both of my ISY994i and ISY99i. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Add-On/Optional_Modules_for_the_ISY-994i
  18. The ISY994i was discontinued earlier this year. As of 06/01/2023. Purchase modules for a ISY994i was discontinued. Probably why you are getting the error. https://www.universal-devices.com/finalbye994/
  19. That was the way I did a few of the Insteon devices Smarthome sold as an X10 replacement. When X10 was in transition. They took the original label off and changed it but did not re-flash the firmware. So they where still Insteon capable. I had to also do it with a Insteon Controllinc.
  20. My bad. It was a typo. 2457D2 is the one I tried to post about. That the Range Extender is built on.
  21. The V2.6 2434 Access Points are built using the same main board as our 2413S PLM and suffer the same bad capacitor problems we see in the 2413S. I had a pair go bad (No LED or 4 Tap Tests) and rebuilding them with the same information as the 2413S. Made both of them functional again. Not sure if the 2992-222 Range Extenders where in the thread but they also will do a 4 Tap Test and couple signals. By RF and power lines. The 2447D2 Lamplinc is what the Range Extender is built with. Just the dimming circuit removed and it has the same FCC database number.
  22. You may want to look at the 2413U's part number. There was a 2413U and 2413S PLM with the Subcategory used by HouseLinc that was not the same as the one used by the other versions. HouseLinc checked for the different Subcategory ID before it would run. This was the purchased HouseLinc and not the later released free version. You may want to reach out to Insteon Support as a new 2413U should not be reporting it is a special HouseLinc PLM. Though I believe they both work the same just a different ID. The part number would have an H added to it. Like 2413UH for USB or 2413SH for serial port. Though a factory programming error in theory could have the H subcategory and it had a standard part number.
  23. All the 2413S PLM units are Dual Band. Even my V1.0 that needed fly wire changes to the power supply to even be sold. The 2412S was the power line only serial PLM.
  24. One thing to check with USB power. To get the back cover on. They sold a USB charger and a 90 degree connector on the cable. There where some that got a 90 degree style cable but it didn't fit. It seems there are two variations. Cable up or down exiting the connector.
  25. The tap test. Tests the RF and Power Line communications. The flash pattern on the unit receiving the test information. Would indicate communicating and if the sender and receiver are on the same or opposite phase of the homes incoming power feed. In your case I feel communicating on either phase should allow the switch to work.
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