Brian H
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Everything posted by Brian H
Rare instances. Power line noise may fool the PLM into thinking there is a valid message in progress. It will then wait on both power line and RF messages until it thinks the massage in through. I agree your Link Database is too small for almost any system.
Have you tried the default admin admin. In case it changed back to default during the update. Do you have a series 300 or 500 Z-Wave board. As there was only 500 series in the later revisions.
Verify the PLM is powered on and completely booted. Before you start the eisy. So it is found when it is started up.
Correct. No power. The Appliancelinc and newer on/off module will have no power to send a signal.
You may want to try the capacitors. As it has the same 6.8uF/250V capacitor in it as the 2413S/U PLM and I/OLinc. That would indicate it has a switching power supply running at a high frequency. Normally using a capacitor designed for a switching power supply. That Smarthome didn't always use in their modules with switchers. If it is completely dead. There is also an inline fuse. From the line input pin the the line input on the board. It has a current sensing metal strip from the neutral line to the neutral to the output socket.
It will not work as you thought. Different RF frequency. I mentioned it before I realized the frequency was different.
There may still be a firmware update but limited to the last one supporting a 300.
The 2466S is a power line only relay style module. Sounds like it has failed as you expected. Since you chose the 2477D dimmer. Replace will not work as replacing a relay with a dimmer will not give you a choice.
Z-Wave may depend on the board installed in it. 300 or 500 series. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Resetting_Your_ISY I am like you. My ISY994i is still 100%. If I can get answers from users here. It will be fine for me. I updated mine and its backup to the latest firmware and added a few options to the backup. Before they where discontinued. Now if you wanted to use some of the latest I3 Insteon Products or third party programs. Then an EISY would be needed.
I have seen other Zwave modules with a similar must be with in 10 feet for Include to work.
Little more data. The first digit after the - is the assigned frequency for the part of the world. A -2 is USA 915MHz, -4 is the European 869MHz and -5 AUS/NZ 921MHz. The second two designate the exact model. 22 eight scene, 32 four scene separate on and off button and 42 single on off paddle [ Switch ]. How you got an overseas model would have to be answered by the vendor. Probably the new Insteon company. The US model is a 2342-222.
One more thought. If you want to do a basic test and have a module you can easily test with. See if you can do a manual set button linking between the remote and a test module. If they are on different frequencies. There is a good chance they will not manually link successfully.
You are in the USA? (I saw New York City in your post). Using the Insteon 915MHz frequency. Described in the online manual covering all the areas of the world. The 2342-522 Is a AUS/NZ 8 scene model and uses 921MHz. That is the reason you can't link it to your Polisy. Category 00 and Subcategory 18 shown in one of your photos. Is a 2342-522. Just a 921MHz model.
You did wake it up before trying to add it? If you typed in the 6 digit Insteon ID. Verify the ID. It is easy the sometimes read the ID incorrectly. Especially like B or 8.
Also when on a dimmer. Verify the LED bulb is rated to be on a dimmer. Not all of them are made for a dimmer. Also may have mounting restrictions. Like not in a totally enclosed fixture or damp locations.
The compatibility check in the previous post. Would definitely determine if the 2450 dry contact output. Will control the door. Without any added interface or creative actions. The connection on the motor side is the same as the control end of the same two wire cable and maybe where you already have the 2450 connected. Though either end should be the same signal.
You may want to check the momentary mode choice on both sides and if both sides show the sensor On with the door in the same open or closed position. Are both 2450 units the same revision or close to the same. The administrative console would also give you the firmware version. The LED on the side indicates when the rely is On. When in the momentary mode it will pulse bright for the amount of time the relay pulsed On. Momentary B sends the pulse. When its receives either an On or Off command. Momentary C takes into consideration the Sensor being On or Off. Have you found out if the new opener is even compatible with a dry closure pules. Intelligent ones may not like a dry contact pulse on their control wires.
It does look like the PLM power supply has failed. Some of us have rebuilt ours but a brand new one will have all the latest components and RS232 signal lines having some protection.
I tried the lox finder on an isy99i and it also showed a ISY994i. Nothing happen for me also to find an Administrative Console. I thought you needed an older finder for an ISY99i. It had the last 3.3.10 released for that model.
When it pulses do you see anything on the 12V on the NO and COM terminals? If you temporarily disconnect the wires on the NO and COM. Can you see with continuity tester or ohm meter a pulse when it activates? The bright LED pulse does indicate the 2450 is receiving the ON command.
I have seen a similar security message when trying to access an old ISY99i. My Java Security display use to have a third security choice that relaxed the security setting to below the High choice. Now gone.
You maybe able to hear the relay inside the 2450 if it is not too noisy around where the 2450 is located. When trying open or close the door. The LED on the side close to the manual set button should also pulse bright and dim. As the relay pulses. That may give you a clue to see if the 2450 is actually trying to open or close the door. Tried both a V1.0 and V2.3 2450. Set to Momentary B (tried C also) 2.0 second On time. On both of them turning the relay On resulted in a 2 second bright LED indication on the side LED. If the LED does not pulse Bright. It is possible the Insteon command is not getting to the 2450. Your meter did show the sensor changing. Another indication is the Green Sensor LED on the external wiring area.
You can still get ISY994i support but for a year it is a fee support. Fellow users here are always a very big help. I would also try the Launcher pointed out. One other thing has been the ISY994i power supply getting near end of life and causing issues. If the launcher doesn't find it. You may to try supply as a test. You may also find it in your network routers connected devices list. That may also give you some added information. Though I suspect the latest Launcher and Java may do the trick.
The S and GND connection sounds like it is detecting the door open or closed as it should. With the kit supplied sensor. Is the NO and COM connected to the control wires for the opener? My previous statement may have been confusing. Does the opener's two control wires connect to an intelligent control that also may have a built in motion sensor or malfunction buttons? If you try and open the door. You may see the 12V pulse low for a moment as the 2450 tried to open or close the door. If it does show a brief pulse. The 2450 sounds like it is trying to control the door. That should tell you if 2450 is acting correctly and if the opener can use a momentary pulse for control. Your new opener may not act on a momentary pulse from the 2450. As some do not act on a momentary pulse. As they have intelligent controls and a simple pulse will not work. They have date and power for the controls on the same two control wires. I have seen some reports on other forums using a pulse with the newer openers not working. There where some work around. Like the manufacturer makes an interface to use a momentary pulse. Getting a spare remote and soldering the wires for the 2450 to its on off button or opening the controller and soldering to its on off button.
Does your opener have a Multi-function or Motion Sensor control? Connected to the two wires from the opener and that is where you tried the 2450? That would appear to have intelligent communications. If the display goes off and reboots. A direct pulse on those wires may not work as it shorts the power and data. I did not see any information on a direct push button working in the manual. Someone with that type unit could verify it a direct button is compatible with that opener. You may have to get creative. Like adding a remote and then connecting the 2450 output directly to the remotes push button. That way you would not violate the warranty by directly soldering the 2450 output to the controllers button.