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Brian H

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Everything posted by Brian H

  1. You should check across the super caps connections. To see the voltage applied when running to keep it charged. Batteries normally don't like a voltage applied to them unless it is a chargeable type and the charging is regulated to not over charge it.
  2. Good to see you are again working. Another symptom to think of with a PLM.
  3. An FCC Type Acceptance number on the module. Would also indicate it was Dual Band with an Insteon RF Transmitter circuit in it.
  4. The PLM comes with a DB9 to Ethernet style connector. Serial cable in the box liner. Many folks miss it and toss the box. There are a few construction posts here on doing it and Smartenit also sold them if they have any left. The DB9 end is a female to mate with a male serial connector on a computer.
  5. Being power line only doesn't help. It also has the switching supply chip in it and different capacitor choices depending on the revision.
  6. I had a email from one of my friends that is a Moderator on the Insteon Forums. He said the available openings where all gone. When he tried to join. Ask me if I had joined, I had not. But if I had any data I would send it to him
  7. There is an EBay seller who rebuilds SwitchLinc modules and also has an option for the KeypadLinc. Both older power line only and the dual band later ones. I don't have the link but I know a few have posted it.
  8. I have seen an X10 third party device provider. Indicate some of the parts are giving 6 month or more lead times. So I too would think variable delays would give firm schedules a hard time to stick too.
  9. Did you try a power cycle reset on the KeypadLinc or a factory reset and restore? Your description of goes dark or relay buzzes. Sounds like the units power supply is failing. If the power cycle or factory reset doesn't correct a module.
  10. The V2.3 was the first revision I have see with C7 and C13 changed to a capacitor made for a switching supply. I would still think of the PLM as a possible problem. Especially if a power off and cool down would make it work again. Empty or almost empty Link Database would be another clue. Having to Query the modules to show their present state maybe normal. If the ISY controller does not know the modules present state at power up.
  11. You could also do a Query from the Administrative Console and see if the tripping also happens then.
  12. Years ago when X10 was popular. As Z Wave and Insteon started to take hold. Leviton phased out all of their X10 compatible devices. They maybe steering their products in a new direction.
  13. I too have seen the same model LED bulbs act differently as the main model number was the same but the manufacturer changed the design in later produced units.
  14. Yes it was the same sellers page with other items for sale. They had a few kits for the 2413S and some for the 2413U. You could tell them your hardware revision and had different kits to match what your version has in it. Tried a direct link but it was like 4 lines long.
  15. I also see capacitor replacement kits for those who want to change them themselves.
  16. From the sites page. That link is from Smartenit and only for repairs of their Smartenit and earlier ones with their older name Simplehomenet products. Units using the 2413 base plm board may or may not be fixed by them. As they got burned with poor capacitors like we did in our 2413S PLM and Revision 2 of the Access Points. Though asking them if they would consider fixing other modules could get a more definite answer. Depending on the model of the device. It should have more than one electrolytic capacitor. The 6.4uF 400V is the primary side of the switching power supplies input filter capacitor. Some I have seen more of the electrolytic style and some look like they have surface mounted Tantalum caps. Many times marked with the polarity and ratings. Yellow body is frequently the color of the cap. Tantalum caps are better as long as they are not stressed.
  17. If you have a ZWave board. Pay close attention to where the older board support was ended. Later version if you have a ZWave board only work with the new board. So you would need which board you have before picking a firmware version.
  18. My Revision 1.0-4014. Does not have a 18F25J10. It does have a white programming sticker indicating "18FJ2910 0333 V9D SMH316". That I believe is a PLM PIC chip. Since one is marked as the RF chip and the PIC32MX695F looks like the main controller. I have not removed the sticker to read the actual chip markings. It has a total of three 5 pin PIC programming connectors. J15 PLM ICP, J8 RF ICP and PIC32 ICP.
  19. The power LED is connected directly to the ISY994i's power supply so nothing controls it On or Off. Either the LED itself has failed or the current limiting resistor is opened. I looked at the photo in the how to add a ZWave module to an ISY994i. The LED is a separate LED assembly on a 90 degree frame. Looks like an LED assembly as I have them in other devices. I opened up my spare ISY994i and did not see a screened part number on it. It is a through hole mounted LED. Soldered on the bottom of the board. The others are also individual assemblies that I originally thought where one long assembly. I would suspect the LED itself first as it seems to be very bright on mine.
  20. It looks like I may have found the Nokia HUB data in the FCC Database. As a BC01. There are four sets of data. I believe the difference are the Test Results data. The manual is from the original manufacturer and is not updated to the Insteon name in it. This was in 2020 the files where posted. https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/GenericSearch.cfm Grantee Code SBP Product Code -BC01
  21. If they use ASCII commands and not the HEX commands. Then converted Nokia HUB would not work with third party devices like the Smartenit EZIO8SA and software from other manufacturers. Without modification.
  22. The information was very informative to me. Photos where very clear and helpful. Thank you for posting it.
  23. The 2412S was used before the 2413S was being produced. Came in two link database sizes. 417 links and 2016 links. Was slower and most found around 800 links the ISY99i (maybe the ISY994i also) would start missing links. Probably the way the database has to be addressed. It also supplied unfiltered 12VDC (around 18VDC) out the serial port cable and could power the ISY controller or Smartenit EZIO8SA. I still have some 417 link units as two 2016 link units.
  24. Thank you for the tips. I will look at the items you mentioned.
  25. I looked at the insides of a 2445-222 and unfortunately there was no easily found points for serial in and out signals. The original poster maybe able to provided added information. Ebay posters are all not totally truthful. The HUB has the same switching supply as our 2413S PLM and capacitor problems. So you may find some that are close to being dead. Some of the chips in the HUB are made for 3.3V supplies. Some where 5V. So I don't know what precautions you have to use when using an external serial board. Some of the 3.3V chips have some 5v tolerant ratings.
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