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Everything posted by TJF1960

  1. Programs containing "Control" in the "If" section will only work if the actual device is locally operated. In other words If Control 'Switchlinc 1' is switched On Then Else This program will only evaluate to true if the actual switch itself is manually turned on. If this program needs to be true no matter how the Switchlinc 1 is turned on then instead of "control" use "status".
  2. This works to turn the LED back off after an accidental "one press". Do you see any problems elsewhere with this? hyounker I don't see any problems with this.Looks like I tried to over-engineer again Although, in my defense, the reason I went the long way around was that your original Night Time program will evaluate every time a light is turned on or off or faded. The program will either be sending out an On or Off to the kpl button every time it evaluates...which just increases data line comm., and the possibilities of collisions.
  3. Try these programs out. Set up the first program like this: If Control 'Good Night' is switched Fast On Then Set Scene 'Night Time' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Next define a State variable such as sNiteScene. Then change your Night Time Indicator program to: If Status 'Antler Chandelier' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen KPL Kitchen Lights' is not Off Or Status 'Brkfst Table Lights' is not 40% Or Status 'Mstr Bedroom Fan Lights' is not Off Or Status 'Patio Door Lights' is not Off Then Set sNiteScene = 0 Else Set sNiteScene = 1 Create two other programs like: If Status 'Good Night' is On And sNiteScene is 0 Then Wait 5 seconds Set Scene 'Night Time' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Status 'Good Night' is Off And sNiteScene is 1 Then Wait 5 seconds Set Scene 'Night Time' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Now when your first program turns true by a fast on at the kpl button it will turn the scene on. When the scene turns on, the second program will turn false setting the variable to 1 indicating the scene is active. Programs 3 and 4 will evaluate to false...doing nothing basically. Now when your second program turns true by a light being turned on locally or otherwise, program two will evaluate true and will set the variable to 0 indicating the scene is not active. Then program 3 will turn true and turn the kpl button off in 5 seconds. I used a wait to make sure all scene commands finished. You can probably shorten the time to 1 or 2 seconds. Now if you control the scene via mobilink programs 3 or 4 will evaluate and set the kpl button to the correct status as well. At least in theory Tim
  4. If changing from status to control in this program hasn't changed the way everything works then you should be able to change it to: If Control 'Good Night' is switched Fast On Then Set Scene 'Night Time' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This will require the kpl button to be pressed twice rapidly in order to run this program.
  5. I am with you right up to this statement. This leads me to believe that the kpl button is included in the scene, otherwise I am not seeing a reason for this to happen in the two programs. Is the kpl button part of the scene?
  6. Ok, this is where I am getting confused. If you are using mobilink to turn the Night Time scene on and off it should work regardless of whether you are using "status" or "control" of the kpl button in the program. When you are using the scene in mobilink or the scene in the ISY to control the scene, the program should not be called to run. Right, the kpl secondary buttons cannot be used as a control and turned on or off other than locally. Is this what you were wanting to do? To control the kpl button from the device section of mobilink?
  7. Ah, I see what you mean. Can you turn the program on and off from mobilink? edit: I just looked over your programs again in the prev. thread, not sure if they have changed any. Are you trying to turn on the scene by controlling the kpl thru mobilink or thru the night time scene in mobilink? Can you post your programs again please? Thanks, Tim
  8. Hello hyounker, If I followed your post correctly and this is still part of the program controlling the goodnight scene then you could change this: If Control 'Good Night' is switched On to: If Control 'Good Night' is switched Fast On This will require a rapid two button press to execute the program. Tim
  9. Just as a test you might try a 50-100ft extension cord from the outletlinc to the pump. I had a similar issue with an appliancelinc and battery charger once. The extension cord provided enough of a buffer to prevent the module from locking up when turned on and off every few times. If it help then you will know a filter will help.
  10. Hello hyounker, Two things I noticed right off the bat are the ramp rate of 9 minutes and the status of any possible dimmers in the second program. SmartLabs changed the 9 minute ramp rate to .2 seconds at some point, so it may not give you the ramp down you want, if not change it to 8 minutes. In the second program, if one or more of the status are of dimmers you may want to change the "On" to some percentage of On as the program will only be true if the dimmer (s) are full On. Tim
  11. Hello Tim, There have been some reports on this forum that Java 7 caused issues and the advice was to downgrade to version 6. Tim
  12. io_guy, just so I understand you correctly, ISY is the client and you would leave DHCP checked in the admin console and simply reserve the ip address the router assigns it in the router config.? Thanks, Tim
  13. Just a quick question in reference to what Xathros ask, specifically “How is your static address for the ISY assigned? At the router or hard coded in the ISY's admin console? If in the admin console, is the address used outside of the router's DHCP pool? If a static ip is assigned to ISY, or any device for that matter, should the ip address to be outside of the DHCP pool? If so, could this be a possible cause for the OP and aLf’s intermittent issues?
  14. Couple of questions. Which program doesn't enable sometimes? By enable do you mean another program is supposed to run and enable it and it is not? Or do you mean it doesn't run when it should based on status? How is the motion sensor set up. Sounds like it is directly linked to "01-SLD-Powder Room" is that correct? If so what is the timeout on the MS set for? What exactly happens when the program doesn't enable? The light stays on or doesn't turn on? Thanks, Tim
  15. Part of the reason for the 2v on the zone may have to do with not having end of line resistors installed. With a 5.6k resistor in series with the motion detector relay the demand for current would be less on each zone. Seems to me though when I decided to remove all of my eol resistors I had to reprogram the panel and perhaps the panel compensates for that. You may be able to install a 1k resistor in series with the EZIO8 to decrease current draw which will increase voltage at the zone inputs if the panel doesn't like the 2v. But I would think it should be fine because the panel is looking for a short circuit on each zone anyway. Please do keep us posted.
  16. Hi LeeG, sorry for the delay. Sounds like my panel and the OP's panel are similar per Brian's description. All zone grounds are common to power supply ground. All zone positives are current limited with I am assuming a pull up resistor for each zone.I originally had used the end of line resistors (I believe 5.6k as Brian indicated) on all zones. My panel did produce enough current on each zone to operate the optocoupler inputs of the EZIOxx as well as provide for proper operation of the alarm panel itself. Even after removing all EOL resistors the panel and EZIO6i worked well together. I ended up removing the resistors just to tidy up the panel, as they were installed in the panel and therefore ineffective as were originally intended.
  17. The relay is wired with the normally closed contacts (NC) which means under normal (de-energized state - no motion detected) the contacts are shunting the zone + to ground. Measure the voltage across the ms zone when someone is waving their arms in front of the motion sensor and you must see voltage. This voltage will be used to trigger the EZIOxx....provided there is enough current to drive both the zone electronics and the EZIOxx. In my case there was enough voltage to trigger the EZIO6i from my DSC 632 panel.
  18. The Insteon MS only sends a signal depending upon the time out unless in occupancy mode then I think it is every 10 seconds during detection (if I am wrong someone please correct me). I was worried about too much powerline flooding in my case (very active house), but give it a try and do let us know how it works out for you. That is similar to how I am using mine, we have been quite happy with the way it all works.
  19. For a time I was using the digital inputs on a couple of EZI06i modules tied directly to door and window zones of my DSC panel. Lee suggestion of reversing the leads going to the digital inputs if some or all do not work do to polarity. I used this setup for about 6 months and it worked fine. I did not tie my motions into the EZI06i however because in my house the powerline would have been flooded with Insteon traffice due to the amount of times each motion sensor turns on and off as you move thru the room. Door and windows you typically only open and close maybe a couple of times a day but a motion... The zone inputs on the DSC have a small trickle voltage on the + side of the zone which is currentl limited. The zone inputs use voltage from the DSC panel power supply so the voltage at each zone is not isolated however the panel is powered by a wallwort so it is isolated from the EZIxxx. As I recall I originally used a 1k dropping resistor in series with each zone to the EZI06i but later found the voltage at the zones was at a safe value for the EZI06 and later removed them. However don't take my word for it...experiment safely as your mileage may vary. I later switched over to io_guy's DSCLink which is an awesome windows program that monitors every input and output of the DSC and translates it to a variable for use in programs. The link is here http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=58&t=4642 Tim
  20. Hello rtt3821, Without seeing your program it is hard to say. But given your details a simple program such as this will turn it on at 9pm and off at 5am. If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 9:00:00PM To 5:00:00AM (next day) Then Set 'Devices / Generator' On Else Set 'Devices / Generator' Off You may have to have another program to turn the gen. off on Saturday: If On Sat Time is 5:00:00AM Then Set 'Devices / Generator' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  21. I have had an EZFlora running my 7 zones now for about 2 years...Been very happy with its performance and integration with the ISY. Tim
  22. Was wondering how you were making out with this?
  23. I don't know if these will meet your needs but here are some alternative's to using the admin console for device control. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=6195 http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=84 http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=66 http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=83
  24. Ok. Thank you both. Tim
  25. Ah, that may be it. I didn't know there was a 140 character limit. Is that a text standard limitation or ISY limitation? My phone breaks long texts into 2 or more as well. Do phones do that automatically on incoming texts or do they do that on outgoing texts? Or is that the provider that performs that?
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