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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @KTrautman Not sure if this is the same problem macOS has caused in the past or not, but take a look at this thread solution to see if it resolves your issue:
  2. Again, explain wasn't working and you might get further assistance. Since I never ran PG2 on rpi then I don't know if there is an updated version that would run on rpi. Perhaps the version I referenced above was written specifically for the Polisy and perhaps because developed stopped on PG2 for rpi or 3rd party hardware before it stopped for UDI hardware (the Polisy) it might be that you can't update beyond what you have. I think you've got numbers in the wrong order. If you're talking about an ISY994 firmware version 3.5.0 would have been years ago. I believe you're meaning 5.3.0 for the ISY994. There was a huge difference from the 4.x to 5.x code and there were some that had issues in the update. Apparently you were hampered by a more extreme issue during the update that caused you to lose the entire configuration. I'd say a vast majority had very little issue aside from the key points mentioned in the 5.x release notes along the way (programs that use "adjust scene" and disabled programs becoming enabled). But, I will say...if you do mean ISY994 firmware version 5.3.0 then if you have z-wave 500 controller or don't have z-wave then you should update to 5.3.4 (in my link above). That's the most recent release for the ISY994 and possibly the last (unless any security issues arise). That's been the stable release now for over a year. And it's much easier than any update from 4.x so it's a very simple process. And yes...it's been well documented that the "auto update" feature was removed in the 5.x line because of the issues caused from 4.x to 5.x. You can read more about the eisy in this thread that teased the equipment earlier this summer. Then there is an active thread discussing the product found here. That's a question that @Michel Kohanim or @bpwwer would need to address, but simple answer is probably not because eisy is a UDI developed product with Polyglot running node servers. You can apply to become a developer for UDI and perhaps develop a node server to work for that charger line. There's already a Tesla EV node server that many are using. This is where I feel your terminology is incorrect. Polyglot is a "service" that runs on equipment. Polisy is a device released by Universal Devices that runs Polyglot (version 3) (learn more about it in the wiki) Within the Polisy it runs ISY as a service (ISY on Polisy (IoP)). This way the Polisy replaced the ISY994 and an external rpi to run Polyglot. By developing the hardware UDI is better able to control how their system (Polyglot and ISY) runs. eisy is the new device released by Universal Devices. It will also run Polyglot (v3) and ISY as services and developed along side the Polisy for the time being. It's the evolving world of technology. ISY994 is still running strong, and is stable with it's many firmware along the way. Have a great rest of your day! PS: I'm just a user of UDI products like so many here. I'm not affiliated or connected to the company in anyway. I just help out here on the forums to try to keep things somewhat organized. As best as herding cats can be sometimes. The forums are mostly user-to-user support. UDI employees do help out and post and interact as time allows, which is a huge plus!
  3. Negative. You asked how to upgrade Polyglot. That's the link I gave you to the PG2 discussion of the forums. In there you can find ways to install PG2 on rpi as recent as earlier this year. You've made almost no sense this whole thread. You've spend the last hour ranting about Polyglot not updating and wanting to know if you should buy a Polisy. If you had just checked the UDI store site you would have seen that Polisy and Polisy Pro aren't even available. Then, as @MrBill pointed out they've been sold out since early summer (after Insteon shut down and people scrambled for different controllers). Now parts are unavailable to build the Polisy so UDI has developed a new controller that will be released soon and available later this year or very early next called the "eisy". Sadly, yes, the information for that is (hidden) in the Coffee Shop area of the forums, but it's there for the reading. What's really shocking is that you haven't really explained what your issues are. Perhaps by calming down a little bit and explaining why you need to try to update or what's going on perhaps you could get other users to help resolve the issues you're having. If your only issue is that you can't update Polyglot v2 on a rpi system that's one thing. If there's issues with how the ISY994 is acting that's another. First step would be to update the ISY994 to the most recent firmware version that it would accept (again, depending on z-wave controller dependent). Good luck!
  4. Go read this area: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/155-polyglot-v2/ PG2 on rpi has always been DIY. There's been lots of changes to underlying rpi OS that's probably impacted PG2. But to further the above comments that you dismiss PG2 has been deprecated. This was announced by UDI through email blasts, their website, and this forum area when Polisy was announced. As for your comment about version for PG2 I believe this is the most current: Then for an ISY994 you can go here and find out how to update to the latest (most recent) version of Firmware (make sure you meet the requirements to upgrade to 5.3.4):
  5. Same. I only have 1 and need another one for me and a couple for my father-in-law (who really puts out the holiday lights!).
  6. I run admin console from 3 different Win10 machines and never had to add anything like you're showing.
  7. Not sure what you mean by this. start.jnlp isn't trying to install anything Java. It's just going to put the ISY Launcher (now IoX Launcher) icon on your desktop. I do not use Win11 yet, but does it have a way to set default apps like available in Win10? Look at (Windows) Settings -> Apps -> Default Apps -> Choose default apps by file type In Win10 I have the option that .jnlp files are associated with Java(TM) Web Launcher) This way when I run/double click the start.jnlp it auto runs in Java and runs the processes as expected. Your issue seems that Java was not installed correctly, the .jnlp is not associated with Java, or you have anti-virus and/or firewall running. Above you said you don't have either anti-virus (other than Windows Defender) or firewall running (mostly 3rd party anti-virus and firewall will block .jnlp from running). I would follow the steps you posted in your original message. You can ignore Step 2 (doesn't apply). After Step 3 I would uninstall Java (again?). On the Java website there is a tool to remove all old versions of Java (https://www.java.com/en/download/uninstalltool.jsp). REBOOT your computer Then re-install Java (from java.com) You should see this when installing: (screenshot from today 11/15/22) Then continue with step 4 from your original post. Check if Win11 has the same setting to associate file types with apps and be sure you have .jnlp set for Java Web Launcher. I know there is a growing number of Win11 users on here that don't seem to have issues.
  8. Why abandon what you've had working? There's a seller on ebay that sells PLM repair services - see their listings here - (https://www.ebay.com/sch/nilachidatasystems/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=) Many on the forums have used them to repair the PLM. Additionally the new Insteon owners have shown that PLMs should be in stock in 23Q1 (maybe give or take when they actually get them). Might be worth getting them fixed rather than the expense of replacing so much other hardware. How long did each one last? If not long then you've probably got other issues you should get checked out.
  9. This is perhaps where you went wrong. The file downloaded from that link appears to point to 4.9.0 firmware. You need to get the ISY Launcher from here - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp I'd say clear your Java cache to wipe out what you've got (selecting all three boxes in the process). Download the start.jnlp file and then launch into Admin console and try the restore again (that is if your programs don't appear). What you're describing (no programs showing) is what @MrBill commented on that your UI/Firmware didn't match. Then when you said you downloaded admin.jnlp from that link that's pointing to 4.9.0 firmware, but you're running 5.3.4. You need the ISY Lancher or download the admin.jnlp file directly from the ISY locally and not from the UDI site. If you've started a ticket though I'm sure you'll get sorted out, but just wanted to point out that the ISY Launcher method is the suggested route to make sure UI/FW match.
  10. @tmorse305 out of the box thinking...what if you created a second kasa account for only those holiday devices and then installed the node server in another slot to operate only that account. Then you could delete that node server when not needed and install it again next holiday season. Not sure the impact it would have on programs so those might need to be recreated every year. Just a thought so they're not mixed in with stuff you actually use year 'round.
  11. What version Java are you running? Make sure it's just the current version of Java you can download when you visit java.com. (Current version is: Version 8 Update 351 - Released 10/18) You should clear you Java cache (make sure you select all three boxes in this process). Get a new download of the ISY Launcher (name recently changed to IoX Launcher), found on UDI's site. When you log into the Admin Console go to Help -> About and confirm that your Firmware and UI match EXACTLY (even date code should match). While in Admin Console make sure you don't get any warnings that you're in "safe mode" (meaning the PLM isn't connected). @MrBill asked you about the lights on the front of the ISY. Please refer to the wiki for meaning. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights If you don't have a steady (and very bright blue) power light then make sure you change the power supply. The type of power supply is covered in the wiki (and mentioned in lots of other posts on the forums - a recent one is here). What cable have you tried? Don't try any typical/standard network cable. It might cause problems. It has ends like a standard network cable, but only certain wires are used to carry signals between the PLM and ISY. Finally, don't just do a single link count. Those are often very inaccurate. If there is ANY traffic (switch activated, battery motion sensor, heartbeat signal) it will corrupt your link count. For that reason it's suggested to do it when nobody is home and/or when nobody else is awake. Take multiple counts. If you get a few that are the same you should be good. But, then...what do these link counts really tell you? What to you try to fix once you've done a (few) link count(s)? That's never part of the suggest when it's given. Who knows what your link count was before you had issues? How do you know if your link count is giving you an accurate number? And then what do you do next? I don't know...that's why I'm asking.
  12. Did you see my comment above? Send @simplextech a PM on the forums. They've commented elsewhere that they don't get forum alerts so PM is the only (best?) way to get their attention. Otherwise, perhaps open an issue on their github project.
  13. @johnjces I believe if you're in the admin console and you rename the ISY in the tree it will then push that name to the Finder. Just right click on the ISY name and "Rename" is an option. Close admin console and re-launch IoX (ISY) Launcher and it should display the new name.
  14. @Michel Kohanim mentioned in another thread that it could also have been some issues with the UDI website not allowing the cloud option to process correctly. I have to say I was able to use the cloud option to access the ISY994 while remote yesterday (not sure what time I attempted it). I tried the IoP access via cloud option last night and it worked fine on 5.4.4. Today everything seems to work fine with IoP 5.4.4.
  15. @Illusion and @mbking there were other reports of this issue in this thread. Hopefully it was just a limited issue with UDI site/web and it's working for everybody again. I just tested with IoP 5.4.4 and can load admin console via cloud option without issue.
  16. Right click on the device. There should be an option to “remove from folder” (or something along those lines).
  17. @PhoneGuy Are you having issues with failing devices? Why not replace them with current/new Insteon devices? To answer your question though...it's really up to personal needs/wants. Honestly, I'd say nothing would be as reliable as an Insteon setup for overall use. You can go higher end, but that typically requires professional installation and programing; ending up not so "hobbyist/DIY friendly". Z-wave and Zigbee all have their shortcomings, and many have overcome those to fit their needs. There are a lot of other posts exactly like yours further in this forum area that you could review to see what people have suggested. But in the end, it comes down to your personal needs/wants for a system. If you've got a Polisy then I'd say just buy more Insteon. The new owners of Insteon have quite a bit of stock already available and more coming. You can shop them here and watch these threads for additional info:
  18. Geddy


    Well I, for one, would hope they find a developer that understands what it means when a user sets a setting that we only want to see a clock (on the Show formats) means "ONLY SHOW THE CLOCK". I have 2 small show that I just want/use as clocks in rooms. It never fails that when I look at them there's some ad or notice or alert taking over the screen and the time is so tiny you can't see it from across the room. I've also turned off getting Amazon shipping notifications several times, but they keep being reset to being on. And they're off for all accounts in the house. To me the larger Show screens are probably nice to have multiple things showing on them during the day, but these small (5") screens are best used for clocks and all the other crap they show on them is useless in probably 80% of the applications they are used in. IMO So...Alexa/Echo...be a clock...be a glorified light switch. But for goodness sakes...follow the settings entered by your master!
  19. Make sure you let this process run a while. Did you hear beeps? If not just let it keep running. Since you’re on a very old version it might take a while. Whatever you do…DO NOT UNPLUG THE POLISY…once you started the update. Confirm the light status on the front of the Polisy (see the wiki Polisy User Guide) that it is done processing before you proceed.
  20. You’re on the PG2 dashboard. You need to add :3000 to the URL you're using to open PG3 web interface. When you’re in PG3 you should see menus that look like the attached picture (on a mobile device so can’t paste inline). Not sure what’s causing this. But once you’re in the PG3 web interface you should be okay. If not then open a support ticket for additional help.
  21. If just starting out you should probably update PG3 first. It's currently on version 3.1.14. Information for updating found here:
  22. @someguy not technically the same error as where you originally posted so split out for help. That thread also had a solution. If you attempted that solution and still had problems then starting a new thread usually gets additional view and help. First question I'd have is what version is your PG3?
  23. Noticed this earlier. It seems that UDI is changing it from “ISY Launcher” to “IoX Launcher”. More details to come, I’m sure. But this is intended. Perhaps @Michel Kohanim can shed some light to confirm. 😀
  24. You cannot. That's currently not supported. The only way you could do this would be to run a VPN at home and connect via VPN while remote and then access it. I'm sure there might be a way through port forwarding, but it's not secure in anyway so I wouldn't suggest doing that. Only ISY on Polisy can be accessed remotely on the Polisy. PG2 and PG3 all have to be accessed and managed locally.
  25. @thewebgeek excellent! That was super fast to get it up and running so quickly. Glad the information worked to make it "easy" to setup.
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