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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. If the device is connected to UD Portal in the "ISY Information" screen it should show the "Internal IP". Another option is the ISY994 is running 5.x firmware and if you setup UD Mobile it might have the IP in the "Local Connection Settings" for the controller information. Settings menu in bottom right -> Controllers -> click ISY994 -> click "cancel" on sync pop-up -> "Local Connection Settings" (down arrow on right) Otherwise, you'll need to log into the router to find the IP. Sounds like "user" might be good description for this client of yours. If they're using the prior homeowner's network equipment and needing somebody else to setup the ISY994 seems like there will be a lot of future support calls for you. Good luck! Best thing would encourage them to remove/uninstall the Bitdefender firewall software, replace or reset the router with their own login information so the prior owner isn't able to access it.
  2. @Schederz welcome to the forums. Sounds like the firewall is more than likely the issue. Is there a way the user would be able to disable it completely and attempt? Also be sure if they're running Windows (10 or 11) that they have just the standard version of Java installed (directly from java.com - currently Version 8 Update 441 - Release date: January 21, 2025). If they must keep the firewall active perhaps review this portion of the wiki for guidance: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Configure_Firewall_Software It doesn't specifically mention Bitdefender, but I suspect some settings should be similar to the ones mentioned in the wiki. If IoX Finder window doesn't find the ISY994 you can attempt to add it manually: http://isy994.ip.address/desc (I think this works for the ISY994. It's been a while since I had to attempt to add it manually and don't remember if it needed a port. You might need to include ":8080". Be sure to replace "ISY994.ip.address" with the actual IP address of the device) If the above fails try using the admin.jnlp directly downloaded from the device (use a browser and surf to http://isy994.ip.address:8080/admin.jnlp) then you bypass the need for the IoX Launcher/Finder process. Since it's an ISY994 there aren't any more firmware updates coming so they wouldn't need to get a new admin.jnlp file down the road.
  3. @DreamerI90 that's a question best asked directly with UDI. I would open a support ticket to see if there's a way to repair the drive now or in the (near) future. There have been some recent issues with the 5.9.1 release that people were able to re-image existing drives of the Polisy, but it requires support help so best to just go that route now. Good luck! https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  4. @bcdavis75 probably best to start your questions in the ZMatter area of the forum rather than "hidden" in the support thread for 5.9.1. Glad the update went well.
  5. As @Guy Lavoie says I think there might have been something (perhaps) internally that UD found a connection, but no users here have said what was their common link. The basic thing is more or less have you kept your Polisy up to date or has it stayed on a very old version of something? I don't personally have a Polisy, but was helping with one before this release to at least get it up to current release to be ready for the update and it bricked. It was a very early Polisy build. If you're concerned I would suggest possibly opening a support ticket to ask UD directly if they knew/determined what the common thread is and possibly review your system or give you the processes to review your system to see if it would be at risk. Some that seemed to have a bricked device appear to have a way to resolve it. At that point it becomes a situation of if you've got the pieces and experience to fix the device. Support ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  6. Is there a reason not to update? The latest devices (Polisy and eisy) handle so much more than the older ISY994 devices and updates are fixing bugs and other programming dependencies that are best to keep updated rather than fall many versions behind and have issues trying to catch up at that point (trust me, I just had a major issue with a Polisy update that wasn't being maintained along the way). I would suggest you keep the device up to date than ignoring the update notices. I certainly can understand a hesitation of updating a big release on day one, but beyond that I think it would be wise to keep the system updated as best as possible. Typically the 1st step in troubleshooting if you need help would be to bring the system up to the current release state.
  7. @737simguy interesting that it had another update to process. Not sure about this error. What do you see when you go to this page: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/pkg.upgrade.htm (maybe use the eisy IP address if it doesn't resolve. If it gives you an alert/warning about it not being safe click to proceed since it's a local device it's okay to proceed.) Looking for results: "No packages need upgrading." In admin console is the Matter option "ON"? If you don't have any Matter devices leave it "OFF". Then run a sync again see if you get any errors. Be sure to fully close the app while you're working in Admin Console then reload the app. What app version are you running?
  8. I looked into it when you posted and didn't have any issues and didn't see any issues on the developers side for the forum software. I don't think UD has run any updates recently that would have caused this. I tested on two different windows (10 and 11) with Chrome and Firefox and didn't notice issues at the time. I haven't tried on iOS devices specifically, but still today on one computer with 3 different browsers (incognito/private browsing) things seemed to work for me.
  9. @737simguy Looks like you've already updated to 5.9.1. Make sure you've run a sync on the app. Moving this to the UD mobile area since it seems to be an issue with UD Mobile alerting you about an update.
  10. @andrew77 I expect it just extends it. I think there's a history of the last few renewals. It's been a while since I looked at it, but I seem to recall it shows the day you renewed, but then shows that it's active following the current expiration until the next expiration. I usually renew mine a few weeks before it expires only because I have a reminder in my calendar about 14 days before the expiration date.
  11. For specifics to what @Guy Lavoie said here's the post:
  12. That's correct behavior. The admin.jnlp is directly from the current IoX firmware. This is acceptable, but know for certain that if/when firmware is updated in the future you will need to clear the java cache and download a new admin.jnlp version. More than likely you could start with a new start.jnlp downloaded from the UD site and things would go back to IoX Launcher/Finder method.
  13. Indeed there's kind of a blackhole for Plugin information. Each one behaves different at times (in my experience). The trick is reading the "more info" link on the plugin you are considering. And don't sweat "coding". There's generally nothing needed as deep as that. All you've got to do is setup a few things in the plugins for them to work. There's nothing to code...that's what the plugin developer does for you. Since you mentioned the Hue plugin maybe I can help you just a little bit there...It's one that I run, but I don't do a lot with it (trust me....very basic). For the Hue plugin you install it through the PG3x web interface (found at http://eisy.local:3000 - or replace "eisy.local" with the IP address for your eisy). The login for PG3x is the same as getting into admin console. Go to the plugin store, Find a plugin you want to install (in this case Hue), click "install", select a slot to install, PG3x will install and pop up an alert on the lower right that the plugin was installed Next go into the PG3x dashboard. You should now see the Hue plugin listed. It's probably showing "disconnected" or some error. Click on "details". There might be a blue bar on the screen telling you to push the button on the Hue Hub (doing this from memory because it's been a while since I set this up. Go and press the button on the top of the Hue Hub and give it a few seconds/minutes to communicate with the plugin. Once the plugin seems stable then you might need to restart the plugin. Just hit "restart" when you're looking at the details page. Once the plugin has restarted it should fill in some "Nodes" for your Hue devices. You should see some "Node Names" and below that the name for the Hue device (bulb or other). Now open Admin Console and you should see a "Hue" in the device tree. Right click that and you can "Group Devices" and that should put all the Hue devices into that tree listing in IoX. Like this: There you go! You've just installed and setup your Hue plugin. Do know that the Hue plugin hasn't really been updated recently, but it works for me (and others). Some have had difficulty setting it up (see the Hue area in the forums for that discussion). It works and is a simple free version that allows you to incorporate the automation in the ISY world rather than the "simple"/basic (but functional) automation within the Hue app. Now...what do you want to do with it? Well, I use the Ring plugin and my Hue plugin to turn lights on when the (Ring) doorbell rings. Here's my simple program: ~Door-Ring - [ID 0058][Parent 0052] If '~NodeServers / ~Ring / ~Fr_door' is switched Ding Then Set '~NodeServers / ~Hue / Couch' On Wait 5 minutes Set '~NodeServers / ~Hue / Couch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') There's unlimited possibilities for what people can do with plugins. The trick is trying to figure out what you want to do then just sorting out the best way to achieve that. I just wanted a way to visually alert anybody inside the house that the doorbell was pressed. I have different programs for if it's rung in the middle of the night and also have a trigger on a different Ring unit (flood light cam) if it's triggered in the middle of the night. I haven't used the Bluetooth plugin yet so I can't help with that one. But I know there was a lot of discussion about it somewhere...it looks like kind of limited discussion in that part of the forums though: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/441-bluetooth/. I recall @Techman seemed to do a good bit with that plugin. Maybe start a thread in the Bluetooth area asking about use and setup if you need/want specific help with that plugin.
  14. @walkman9999 there's also this old thread that might be helpful to trigger Alexa: (I used it a long time ago, but haven't recently so not sure if it still works since Amazon messed up Alexa/Echo interface so frequently I quit using any triggers/routines with IoX.)
  15. In theory I think this is accurate. It seems in current IoX it would be enabled (at least evaluated) at startup, but might not rely on having that option selected (on) in the summary window. At least based on the old (trusty?) ISY cookbook it includes this information for reference: (Source: ISY Cookbook page 183 - Section 9.5.5 - bold added for attention) It seems that it's more as @Guy Lavoie points out to set a default level or a variable setting. I think some have created a program for a timer since last reboot or something that if the device restarts in the middle of the day their timer needs to be adjusted to be correct for other programs to trigger. But I see it more as a way to trigger a single time occurrence that might have happened while the device was off. I don't have any specific examples for my system as most of my "timed" events are set as "from/to" times (i.e. sunset to sunrise). If the device restarts those programs do get evaluated and run based on the IF portion.
  16. Interesting. I thought others commented that after update it did properly update the plugin. I know @Panda88 said in another post that he's traveling so might not get a reply from him right away, but sure he or somebody will post about their update story. Perhaps try a power cycle of the device, but if you don't want to then hang on until @Panda88 can give feedback. I might suggest changing the log type to "debug" then perform an update process then maybe a plugin restart to catch any errors. Allow a few minutes for the plugin to stabilize then download the log package. PM the log info to @Panda88 in order to possibly give more data points to review. (Be sure to change the log level back to info or warning.)
  17. @TJF1960 what device are you running and what Firmware are you currently running? There were some earlier posts that 5.8.1 and some underlying PG3x versions were having issues updating. Those seemed to have been fixed in 5.9.1 release and device OS update, but not sure what device you're running on to just suggest updating to get this to update. Also, are you sure it's 1.0.15? I think you might mean 1.4.15. That's showing the current version on the Polyglot page. My eisy is currently running 1.2.7 of the YoLink plugin. I tried an update earlier and it won't go. I haven't yet updated to 5.9.1.
  18. More than likely something else. You say the power light is on, but is it really bright? It could be that your power supply has failed. Please review the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights You commented on a lot of computer stuff. Sounds like you're not able to get into admin console. I'd try a new power supply and the rest should be okay. Doesn't appear that you've loaded an odd Java version and as long as you don't change the default program to open .jnlp files (should be javaws.exe - found in the "bin" directory of the current version). The address is usually stored in a "cache" (.state) file elsewhere on the computer so it might be loading that address even though the ISY994 wouldn't be connected. (Just an assumption, I've never attempted this to prove it) There are .state files (see wiki reference) that can be removed manually, but do not think this has anything to do with your current status. Just mentioned as reference to this comment you made.
  19. There was an update to the beta a few days ago (I forget when it came out). Not sure if/when it will hit production release. I'm not sure the process to get the beta version now, but needs Testflight from Apple. There was a post elsewhere that I think had the process. I use the beta version so not keeping up when official releases are available. Reports (other posts on the forums) are that the beta version has the Matter option.
  20. @dgwete % is "%25" in HTML. %C2%B0 = degree symbol (the % are (probably) spaces) Is there a reason you haven't updated the eisy in ages? 5.4.5 is from 2022 and didn't appear to have an official release notice (from the prior versions area). Step one in most support cases would be to upgrade to current firmware. Many "bugs" and issues are fixed along the way.
  21. @nlaredo this was something discussed about a year ago. I know a lot of people seemed to jump on it when first "announced", but not sure how many are doing it currently. And the recent update on Polisy/eisy might have changed things so be careful how you proceed. Old post with information of how to do this midway through the topic.
  22. @mrxmas what OS are you running on your laptop? If on Windows you just need to set what program is associated with the .jnlp file. Also, be sure you're just installing the "basic"/current version from java.com (currently showing as Version 8 Update 441 as of today). Don't get any different version a higher number is better. You want the .jnlp to open with javaws.exe (usually found in: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_441\bin) [NOTE: the jre1.8.0_441 directory is the current installed version] I'm running Windows 10. It could be in a different spot in Win11, but doubtful. Not sure about non-windows machines.
  23. @GHenry re-launch Admin Console and try again. I just logged into a 5.9.1. system and it did work for me. What version Java are you running? What is the exact firmware/UI on the Help -> About screen? (oddly enough for me first time I've noticed this that the time stamps for UI and Firmware don't match for the system I logged into)
  24. @Tmc first off I'm impressed that your PLM lasted 18 years. That's amazing! I'm confused as to your question. Is that looking at the link table in the OLD PLM or the new PLM? When did you remove the 2334-232 from IoX? I wonder if it's possible for the PLM to keep old devices for a period of time. Somebody with a lot more knowledge of when and how information is written to the PLM will need to answer this. Would certainly be a risk of having a lot of orphaned links in the PLM if a lot of devices are deleted but never actually removed from the PLM links. I wonder if you have the new PLM connected and made a current backup of your IoX system then restored it would that overwrite any links in the PLM? Interesting situation you have posed. Hopefully others have information to give light on what is expected. (oh, and moved this out of Insteon area into IoX area since it's more relative to IoX level of discussion.)
  25. @drprm1 do you already have 5.9.1? Not sure how you'd have the OS 14.1 if not part of the 5.9.1 update. I know some were reporting having 5.9 recently, but wasn't sure if it was completely released in the wild yet. So it's possible you might already have 5.9 and just need to run updates to get to 5.9.1. However, since you've got 14.1 then I'd run it to get the IoX Firmware and possibly any PG3x updates applied. Let us know how the update process goes...maybe time it too. Hopefully running on an eisy.
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