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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. Hope might be on the horizon! Thanks Wes! Fingers crossed geofence will work better in the near future.
  2. Quick question to start - did you change your router at all during the summer? Since you're using DDNS it's pointing you to the IP your ISP gives you. You then need to open up a port on your home router to direct to the ISY (Video for setup port forwarding: https://youtu.be/VV7u771uX7E) However, as some will suggest this does open up your network to outside access so make sure you have a strong password and don't use the typical default ports. You'll need to remember the ports you use an use that in your setup. The current recommended method (and more secure method) would be if you have ISY Portal (https://my.isy.io/index.htm). With the ISY Portal you can use the URL found in the portal to access the ISY remotely. Some help from the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Admin_Console Looks like Agave is simple to connect through the ISY Portal - https://www.agaveha.com/docs/connect-to-udi-portal/ Good luck! Hope this helps easily.
  3. I'm with ya! Here's an interesting read though... https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/cllocationmanager/creating_a_location_push_service_extension So I wonder if Apple broke old API Geofence pulls on purpose. @InsteonNut Have you seen this information? Do you think this could be impacting Mobilinc geofence? My Alexa geofence seems to work 100% of the time. But it doesn't have notifications on the phone, but it is triggering routines in Alexa as I cross the boundary I setup in Alexa.
  4. Doesn't appear to be any way to downgrade back to 14 even though they (Apple) are releasing security updates they're not allowing anybody that upgraded to iOS15 to downgrade back to 14.x at this point. (my old phone and ipad went up to 14.8.1 recently) Really hope they get this fixed. Now in the iOS15.1 life it stinks. Mobilinc works now and then, but mostly only when I leave it open/active as I cross the geofence. Locative isn't working at all (even after remove and delete steps @MrBill outlined). Oddly enough though Alexa location services are working more frequently for me. So this is oddly enough an interesting geofence dilemma. I've also experienced that Google Maps is not updating location history if the app is in the "background" for too long. I've suddenly left locations after being there a few hours even though the app was still running, but not in focus and the phone not unlocked. Apple must be getting more like Google in killing location apps more than users want them to.
  5. @DikH How are you installing Java? And are you installing 32-bit or 64-bit? I know the log shows you have the latest build, but what does this show: Open command prompt. Type: java -version What is the result? Mine: java version "1.8.0_311" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_311-b11) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.311-b11, mixed mode) Open Java Control Panel (in Win 10 hit menu and just type Java and it will show "Configure Java"). Click "Java" tab. Click "View" button What is your path? (Mine shows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_311\bin\javaw.exe) Even though I'm on 64 (Win 10 Pro) and running 64 bit Chrome seems like Java is just installed as 32-bit, but does say "mixed mode" (above). You can have both installed on your system. So maybe you're only installing the 64-bit, but you need to also have the 32-bit version. From Java downloads: https://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp Last resort - manually set Java Home - https://mkyong.com/java/how-to-set-java_home-on-windows-10/ There are other instructions that seem to be about the same. This is very strange. I would expect proper removal of Java and clearing the cache would clear this up. The only thing I can think of is you're only installing 64-bit java and need to have both. Last thought...are you running any 3rd party firewall or antivirus software? Those can also cause some launcher issues. See the wiki of how to adjust firewall if needed - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Configure_Firewall_Software
  6. @MrBill oh...opening a port. while not always "safe" it's usually easier (for me, IMO) than always having to know the huge portal URL. I've never really tried to figure out why sometimes my work computer will save or not save the remote access URL, but know 80% of the time I have to add back the remote access URL. Good suggestion of the duckdns option. I knew you'd have a different/better option to use.
  7. @adambuild You might have done it in the past, but sometimes finder doesn't always find remote ISY. I have this issue a lot when trying to use admin console from a remote location that I have to manually add the location back in. Sometimes it's easy if using DDNS so you have a simple URL to add rather than knowing the IP address. Many routers now include DDNS setup, but if not check out https://www.noip.com/ (others might suggest different ones to try out - just know many are free, but might have a requirement to update every 30 days or so).
  8. @DikH, Make sure you're clearing Java Cache! https://www.java.com/en/download/help/plugin_cache.html Important step - make sure ALL THREE boxes are checked! Once Java cache is cleared then download the launcher mentioned in this thread. That should clear you up. Once you install the launcher it should add an icon to your desktop for "ISY Launcher" That should get you into the finder and able to run admin console again. The launcher is great to making sure that you're running the correct user interface with the firmware of your ISY. One important thing... Make sure you DELETE any old versions of START.jnlp. If you've got an old version that's different than the firmware on the ISY you could be running into other problems. But, since you can't even get it to run it sounds like your Java isn't clearing out the old info and causing you this problem. Other things to check if still having the issue is check the light status on the ISY. Make sure the PLM is connected/online and powered on before the ISY is powered on (in case you unplug/re-plug any devices). Report back if resolved or still have issues! Good luck.
  9. @MrBill yeah, I think @CPrince is saying that he tried that and goofed something up internally or within the system that he's been running. Seems he runs his own mail server. Don't want to get into a mess mixing up Google 2FA and a home brew system. I agree with @MrBill though...UDI Support is fairly quick with replies during the week. So either it got missed or a reply got filtered in spam somewhere. Perhaps send @Michel Kohanim a PM here or email support again just to be sure it's handled. Good luck @CPrince! Post back if you need more help.
  10. Are you having an issue with a lot of communication problems? if so, are they Insteon, Z-Wave, or other devices? I guess the question really is why go through this much trouble rather than see why there's a communication issue? You shouldn't have problems once things are up and running. If you have a lot of communication issues then you should spend the time and effort finding what's causing that rather than just having a program tell you there's an error. As @MrBill pointed out early on: It's taken me a while to figure out that notifications are more meaningful for when things don't happen that are supposed to happen or critical warnings. If you're checking for these devices to be "false" it could create a lot of traffic back and forth and you might end up getting bad notifications just because of the amount of communication going to each device.
  11. @mongo Great to hear it was resolved. That was next on my list to suggest looking for. Another was going to ask if you kept admin console open all the time or only as needed? Some people keep it open and it can really create strangeness on computers. Admin Console is not meant to be kept open 24/7. Besides, it's Java based...who really wants that running on a computer 24/7? Glad you found an errant program and resolved your issue.
  12. Great job going through all the troubleshooting steps! Glad it worked out. Just so we know...what firewall are you using? Do you know what version of Jave you had that you removed? Perhaps it was outdated? But certainly sounds like the firewall was the issue from the start. Just for reference there is some information about firewall config in the wiki.
  13. What's the "temp one"? I haven't looked for that info, but wondered if it was available would ask. Personally, I've used a dedicated Gmail account since setting up the ISY. It's only been flaky a few times in the 5 years of use. I've tried to get into pushover now that I'm on 5.3.4, but haven't sat down to really make those notifications work.
  14. @CPrince Are you sure about that version number? I don't specifically see this one. I see 5.0.13D in the past. Perhaps you meant 5.0.16C. Do you have/use z-wave? If so, what version is your controller? If version 300 you cannot go beyond version 5.0.16C. But if it is a version 500 you should upgrade to the latest build of 5.3.4. 4.9.0 was the update to the 4.x line that altered the default mail server settings. There is a message from Michel from back in May suggesting 5.3.3 if on the 5.x release (and you meet the requirements if you use z-wave) If you don't have a z-wave controller in the ISY then move up to 5.3.4 and you should be good to go again. I'm not sure if 5.0.16C had the updated default mail update or not, and doesn't look like they're going to push out a "D" version there for that. If you're "stuck" at 5.0.16C because of z-wave you should consider setting up a gmail account to use for notifications. Those directions can be found in the wiki.
  15. Sorry, can't help with Google Home, I'm not a user. Not sure how that works. Shame the Alexa part didn't work out. As I said I haven't tried it yet with mine. I have Somfy with the myLink and hope one day to have them tied into the ISY. I don't have the area (in the window) to add any other devices to try to get them connected other ways.
  16. I'm not entirely sure if this will work, but you might want to look here and see how ISY can trigger Alexa routines. Hope it works out. I haven't tried this, but know that it's an option. Maybe @bmercier can help if you run into problems. Just post back here if you're successful or not.
  17. @dobenland, very interesting indeed. There's several possible issues, but most concerning is you say you cleared Java Cache and still doesn't find it. It's possible you might be on wifi and the ISY is not reachable through this method if something changed in the router. Have you changed any network settings in the last few months? The quickest way to make sure you can get to the ISY with the admin console this way is manually add the IP address. If you can do it this way then we know the ISY is at least on the network and you're able to access it. Otherwise, it's possible that the ISY might not be connected to the same network as your computer. When you access the ISY Portal does it show the ISY as being online? (green light to the right of the UUID) Perhaps log into to your router and get the IP address of the ISY. Look for the MAC address to match the UUID if it's not programmed into the router as the ISY. I'm guessing you got the start.jnlp from the launcher (linked in these directions). This would then put the "ISY Launcher" icon on your desktop. This sounds like more of a network related issue than ISY issue if you're using the launcher. The only time that I recall it coming up and not finding the ISY is when I try to access remotely and the launcher has "forgotten" the URL I use to access the home system. If the ISY Portal shows the ISY is online you can then use the long URL in the portal information and add that and login using the Portal credentials.
  18. @Samedarkclouds, very strange. Was there something you did or changed on the ISY to cause you to look at the event viewer or to get these messages? Even though you say the firmware is 5.0.16B does your UI match? (Help -> about) Did you recently change to this firmware? If so why not go up to 5.0.16C? Or even 5.3.4? What controller type is your zwave board? You can find how to figure that out in the wiki or other posts (I don’t have zwave so don’t know that by memory) while yes, typically it appears that if the SD card was bad or going bad you might not get a good backup, but more posts seem to suggest this error is directly related to SD card failing although 2 years seems really quick Do you have any spare SD cards that you could use and try to format and see if the error goes away? how to format the card: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card let us know how it goes
  19. @mongo very odd. Thankfully I haven't had that situation. I know you've got a replacement ISY (either on hand or on order), but have you opened a support ticket with UDI to see if something else was going on? I've never heard of an ISY getting sluggish. To me it either works or not. Perhaps @Michel Kohanim might have some insight. Otherwise, open up a support ticket and maybe they can help you troubleshoot a few things to be sure your existing ISY is okay or if you really need to replace it. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com As @MrBill points out...make sure you get firmware versions to match before you go through the backup/restore process.
  20. Do you think it's the ISY being slow to respond? How old is the computer you're running admin console on? And how many nodeservers are you running (if any?). Make sure you've adjusted the Java runtime memory (from the 5.3.4 release notes - and other recent release notes) I know I didn't do this once and the ISY was sluggish, even when running on a newish laptop with plenty of memory. I have 16GB memory so up the variable to 1024m. It seems to work crisp enough. I do notice that as I add more nodeservers the system is slow at first log in, but when actively using it there's not much delay.
  21. Don't try to set the program to run at a specific time right now. With the program set right click on the program and should have an option "run then". Does the pump turn on?
  22. @smokegrub Sorry, not a mac user, but could it be the memory issue like suggested in the latest release thread? Since you have 16GB memory maybe increase the 512 to 1024. Again, I'm not sure if this would apply to MAC as well or if this is Win specific modification. Hopefully other mac users can chime in with what they've done. It's very odd that some mac users get the launcher to work without issues, but others have a lot of problems. It's just an ongoing battle with java and os trying to block it a little more with every update. I think @MrBill has the best suggestion of being sure you're getting the admin console (admin.jnlp) directly from the ISY. It's just that macOS tries to block the file, but there's no problem with it since you're getting it directly from the ISY.
  23. @Roman Did you delete the geofence in MobiLinc? (@InsteonNut suggested this in his reply) I still haven't updated my iPhone X to 15.x for this reason so can't directly help. However, if all you're trying to do is get geofence to work again you might consider Locative App and ISY Portal + Occupancy Node Server (if you're running 5.x on the ISY). As @MrBill points out it's working on iOS15 using that method. Steps to set this up can be found in the Wiki. It's possible for some reason Apple might be killing the Mobilinc app or you haven't allowed locations to always active. I know that was a problem for me in iOS14 until making that change. That is in the settings for iOS in "Privacy Settings" -> "Location Services". Make sure Mobilinc is set to "Always" for "Allow Location Access". If it is already then there should be a purple icon. If it's outlined it's running when needed. Solid purple arrow has recently used location. (I assume this is still the same in iOS15.1, but there could have been some adjustments.)
  24. @TDiaz Balderrama So, are you fixed or still having issues? What are you trying to update to? The updates to the 5.x branch can be found in this thread. Be sure you meet the requirements to move all the way up to 5.3.4. Also, be sure you read the directions step-by-step before you attempt then follow them. There have been lots of posts of issues during the upgrade and lots of solutions given in the release thread. If you're still having issues please update here and be sure to include a screen shot or mention of what firmware (FW) you are using and what your user interface (UI) are. This information is found in the admin console menu -> about. (For example. Since 5.3.4 was released in July 2021)
  25. Are you trying to set them up using the Ring Nodeserver? It appears that the Ring Nodeserver is only available on polyglot cloud. It seems to have been updated within the last month to add some flood light support. Perhaps if you offer more details as to your situation you'll get a better reply to specifically address your situation. What kind of camera are you trying to add? What have you attempted to get cameras in this time? Also, by checking PGC store this is a node that @bmercier created so perhaps tagging him will get his attention and possibly get you some assistance.
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