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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. Like I said, start a ticket with support. Don’t go randomly doing stuff at this point. They will have a harder time fixing it and you might have to factory reset everything to start over, if it’s so messed up just leave it alone until you can get support. probably only thing I would suggest Is to restore modem on the ISY994 and it should recover. But I’d stop messing with the Polisy right away.
  2. @macjeff you might be best served by opening a support ticket to get things squared away. I wouldn’t use a new PLM for the change. As you said….you got it as a spare. With them in low supply I’d keep it as a spare and use the one you have working well from the 994 and use it with the Polisy.
  3. @Snibley moved your post over to the 994 area so not to confuse in the IoP (ISY on Polisy) area you originally posted in. For your statement above, as far as I know...once ISY994i went to the 5.x branch the "auto update" went away as the 5.x updates had to be handled manually. There might be hopes of bringing it back, but doubtful (in my opinion). You will need to keep an eye on the "Current Release and Bug Reports" forum for the latest 5.x release for the ISY994i platform. Current release is: 5.3.4 (as long as you meet the requirements for z-wave to upgrade to this version. i.e. if you have a 300 series z-wave controller you cannot go beyond 5.0.16C). Since you mentioned 5.2, I assume you've already upgraded to that. You really should upgrade to 5.3.4 as lots was fixed since the 5.2 build. It shouldn't be that difficult. Just be sure you follow the directions carefully. If you run into issues post back and I'm sure everybody here will be happy to help the best we can. Good luck!
  4. You are correct. Nothing to be worried about on this (based on past posts). Are you running any mobile apps or making any other connections to the ISY? I seem to get them a few times a day and know I can specifically say some are related to geofence crossings being noted by Mobilinc.
  5. Just in case anybody following this thread hadn't seen in another thread that as of iOS 15.3 the Geofence aspect of iOS seem to have been returned to normal function.
  6. @DPhelps - just checking in to see that support got you squared away with the update. Hopefully you're all good and matching User Interface (UI) and Firmware (FW) versions. Welcome to the forums!
  7. @vbphil When in doubt check the wiki! https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Z-Wave_Support Hope it works out as you intend.
  8. The reason there are 0 replies to the announcement is exactly that. It was an announcement and is in the announcement forum. It shouldn't be a discussion thread. That's what this area is for. However, this thread is a good case-in-point that even when the information is given in an announcement form that posts are blindly made asking the question about what is going on. When/if there are updates I'm sure they will be posted either as an update to that post or as another announcement/post with additional information. For the time being let's just hope if there's a way that it can be corrected and turned back on perhaps somebody is working on that. But pure speculation and personal feeling would be that most energy is currently being focused on PG3 development and continued development of IoP and other Polisy development. I, like @MrBill, see this may mark the end of PGC. But again, only my own feeling about the issue. Would like to be proven wrong, but time will tell. Last note: to "tag" somebody make sure you start it with the @ sign then start typing the name and SELECT the person you want to tag from the list that appears. List appearance -> either click on the name with your mouse/cursor or can use the down arrow to select it and hit enter. This way @Geddy would be highlighted and it will send an alert to the user through the notification similar to using them in a quote block. So when I tag ( @Ross) you might get 2 notifications since I also quoted you in the block above. Just letting you know in case you didn't know before.
  9. @bhihifi HAHA! Although, you forgot to add the part about getting an Uber/Lyft (or other DD) to get you back home. Assuming the "consumables" you speak of are adult beverages or other "recreational consumables" that can be enjoyed in more and more states these days. I mean...after all...let's all be responsible!
  10. @tom2020 Welcome to the forums. However, I don't see how you can get much additional support here. This is intended to be support for users of the ISY994i or Polisy products offered by Universal Devices. Your posts appear to be specific to MyQ and Chamberlain products. If those forums or those support lines cannot assist I'm not sure what you want to achieve by asking users of this forum. As you've experienced our users are very helpful and trying to assist based on their own experience and knowledge, but as @lilyoyo1 states you're probably best directing your questions and issues with the manufacturer (and their communities) directly.
  11. @photogeek54 You should be able to setup Geofence with Occupancy and Locative (on iOS) and have it control things on the ISY 994i (or IoP [ISY on Polisy] - maybe...I haven't personally attempted the IoP route.) https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Node_Server_Occupancy_and_Locative_app_Instructions Locative is no longer supported on Android phones, but it is being updated on iOS devices.
  12. @adamthp As @lilyoyo1 pointed out...please see this post: @Ross - This request would be best sent to support@universal-devices.com and suggest that updates be posted if/when available. As far as releases for new node servers that is typically left up to the developer and will usually be found in their respective forums/threads elsewhere on this site. The simple/quick reason for the different sections has been development of the polyglot system. There is a difference in programming between PGC/PG2 and the current PG3. There are differences for each platform. Some node servers appear to have been simple to port over to PG3, but others are taking longer if the developer is even active with support/development. PG3 was developed to allow the node server developers to get paid for their efforts and support. In the past PGC/PG2 were free and developers designed for pleasure and supported without any financial support for their efforts. If there are specific node servers you are interested in please post in the threads for their product (either in PGC or PG2 areas) or even if there's an available sub-forum in PG3 to ask about future releases. You can also follow those forums and get emails (or forum notifications) when there is activity in the forum you are following.
  13. @lhranch sounds like a bad switch if you're having to do it that often. That or noise from other electronics is causing communication issues. If it's "always" been this way then replace the switch. Typically Insteon switches don't need continued resets. Having about 30 switches in use (inside and all over a mid size house) have only had to reset one switch in 5 years, and that was due to user error when setting it up in part of a 3 way switch.
  14. @lhranch try taking the face plate off to get slightly better access to the set button. Thankfully this shouldn’t be a process you need to do often. If you find yourself having to factory reset a lot of switches or the same switch a lot of times you might have other issues.
  15. @drprm1 I can confirm the cable I have in a NIB (new in box) Serial PLM appears the same as yours. I wouldn't worry about it.
  16. @Bob Amott welcome to the forums. Sorry you're having difficulty. Sadly, I do not use macOS so can't help very much other than try to point you in some generic directions. Do you happen to have a Windows computer you could try this on? There have been some mac users that sail through without issues and others that something in the system just blocks everything they try. But for starters make sure you check out the wiki for Mac user troubleshooting: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#MAC_OSX and here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#MAC_Users Are you going to continue to use the 994i or are you attempting to setup ISY on Polisy (IoP)? Indeed if you're going to migrate to IoP then you will need to update the 994i to 5.3.4 before you can then attempt to migrate to IoP. The firmware for the 994i is looking for a .zip file. I'm not sure if the macOS is saving the .zip file to what you're saying is .img file type, but this is the first issue. The file downloaded should remain a .zip (compressed) file. Do not unzip/decompress it. Finally, and as much as I hate to say this...probably best to open a ticket and get Universal Support to walk you through specific steps for macOS for full upgrade. Upgrading from 4.x to 5.x is very complicated and if something isn't right there's a lot that can go wrong trying to help through forum posts. So hopefully support is better able to handle live help and support on macOS.
  17. I see you found it, but it's right click on the program and select "Copy to Clipboard" then paste into the post on the forums. Make sure you use the "COPY to Clipboard" option...should be last on the menu when you right click on the program. I think you might have been looking for this really, really old post you made: At least seems similar enough to me. Found it using Google Site Search (In Google type: site: https://forum.universal-devices.com/ <search term>) I agree with @MrBill's method of using 2 programs. You could also put them in a folder so they're together in case you give them wildly different names and they aren't next to each other in the "My Programs" root folder. So (years) down the road when you see them you know they belong together. Perhaps the only issue with having a time range is if the heat turns on again in the middle of the night it will be true and run the other program. So if you want it to ONLY run at 10pm until you turn that heat source off just use the one time. Then the "run if" line you have after the wait will only check the status of the heat and only once it's been run in the first place (assuming it's disabled). Perhaps you could setup a variable and have it advance each time the system reminded you and after several reminders turn the program off. I think others are better with variables than me, but that would be my suggestion. Of course it would be annoying the few time it reminds you if you did want to leave it on, but it would stop it...but then you run the risk of forgetting it...which isn't the point of the reminder/notification anyway? Just need to have a program reset that variable at a later time. Maybe then it could remind you again. Maybe? Sorry to offer up an option, but not have an example how to use it. The other option would be a way to make the "if" statement false if you wanted to let it run. Then you wouldn't get the reminder at all to know that you're ignoring it.
  18. @SLP, First, an easier/clean way to copy programs to the forums is to right click on the program then select "Copy to Clipboard" (last menu item) then in the forum post just paste. [Make sure you're not selecting "Export to clipboard" that's something else entirely. You want "COPY to clipboard"!] It will look like this when you paste it to the forums: New Program - [ID 0000][Parent 0000] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') (NOTE: This is a blank program used just to demonstrate) Now, to your issue: In the content window you want to clear out what is in the "from" line. That will overwrite your email SMTP settings for the "from" email and might mess up the send process. If you want it to appear to come from a different address you need to use the same format as in the "From" setting in the SMTP settings: "First-Name Last-Name:Email-Address" (make sure you're including the colon between last name and email address!) In the Subject and Body sections you can use variables found in the wiki for any range of items you want to be notified about. Body Example: "The light turned on at ${sys.time} on ${sys.date}." If I had a program that emailed me when a light turned on this would notify me the time and date it turned on. (Not really important to me, but you get might the idea.) In your case it's failing because you have something in the "From" line. Take that out and you should get the message as you have it now. Make sure to have something in the Subject and Body of the email. Otherwise the email won't send. The FROM is the only section that can be blank!
  19. @bhihifi welcome to the forums and the world of Polisy (ISY on Polisy and Polyglot)! Be sure you don't skip the factory reset step . There has been some debate as to the purpose for this, but the ideal situation is to factory reset the devices when going from one system to another so that anything in the hard coding of the device is not kept when linked to the ISY on Polisy (IoP). Since you are coming from the Insteon Hub to the Polisy if you need help in the future and mentioned that you transitioned from one to another typically the first question or first step in troubleshooting will be asking if you factory reset before adding to the IoP. So take the time now and knock that off your list as you move things over. The Polisy User Guide on the Wiki has been updated recently to try to help with the general process. As for the app look for the UD Mobile app. This is the official release from Universal Devices. It is still being developed and updated regularly. It is working great for most people that have started using it. Probably the biggest hurdle you will need to overcome will be the Admin Console. It's fairly simple once you get the hang of it, but it's not your typical web access to a system. The IoP and Polyglot are very complex systems that allow virtually unending programming options so it's not going to be a simple "point and click" system. But it will be leaps and bounds better (in the sense of variability) than the Insteon Hub you've been using. Make sure you follow the steps to get the Admin Console on your computer found in the wiki (quick start guide). Again, welcome. Good luck setting things up!
  20. The information for 5.3.4 can be found in the Current Release area of the forums. It's the post pinned to the top! It can't be missed if you're looking for the latest release. As long as you have a series 500 z-wave controller board, 5.3.4 is the release everybody should be using.
  21. Once you're up to 5.3.4 then fix any issues you have. There's no since to go up to a random build once later builds come out. Even if you thought 5.2 (or, again, even 5.3.2 because that's what you linked to in your first post) was the latest version, the first "official build" to support the z-wave 500 series controller was 5.3.0. But even that's been superseded by updates that have fixed some issues along the way. While UDI cannot call the 5.3.4 an official build because it has not been certified by z-wave (that costs a lot of money to go through certification) the certified build of 5.3.0 has minor bug fixes to reach the current supported build of 5.3.4. Additionally, 5.3.4 was released in July 2021 so has over 6 months of life under its belt with very little issue from most users. True...good that you're fixing things that aren't integral to your system so hope that you can resolve any issues that remain. Also, @lilyoyo1 made some great notes in this z-wave tips and tricks post that you might want to familiarize yourself with in case it will help resolve any issues that result from the upgrade. One final question and a couple of suggestions... What kind of computer are you using to access the Admin Console? If Windows please make sure you clear the java cache and use the ISY Launcher to put the ISY Launcher icon on your desktop to access your ISY994i. When you run the ISY Launcher you should see the ISY Finder window and if on the same local network should find the ISY. Click anywhere on the row of your ISY to get a menu to access the admin console. It should look similar to this: LAN will download the admin console UI directly from your ISY (so it is sometimes a little slow). Cloud downloads from the UD server the proper UI for your firmware. (sometimes this is quicker) This new process makes it easier to always match the UI and Firmware. A key point to be aware of when updating firmware and starting to make changes. Following your upgrade and the first time you enter the Admin Console please go to "Help" -> "About" and CONFIRM that your Firmware and UI match. They should look like this: Good luck!
  22. @SirParadox May I ask why you (only) went to v 5.2.3 (I think you mean 5.3.2)? If you're upgrading past the 5.0.16C because you have a Series 500 board you should upgrade all the way to the current release of 5.3.4. Perhaps some "bugs" might have been fixed in later updates. I cannot answer to your specific question as I don't use z-wave, but my first, and foremost suggestion would be to fully upgrade to 5.3.4 first before fixing what you've done to this point. I wouldn't want you to have to do this again. I mean you even linked to a post that is in the "PREVIOUS BUILD" area. You should upgrade to the pinned firmware in the CURRENT RELEASE section.
  23. @JTsao Not entirely sure as I can't test currently for not being at home, but you can look at the UD Mobile wiki section. Local IP should be the IP of the ISY - can be found from your router (if not known). Be sure to include the HTTP:// before the IP address. (not "https" and no "/" at the end of the IP address) Local port should be 80 - unless you changed settings on the ISY itself (perhaps with ISY on Polisy it might be 8080 - I don't run IoP yet so can't tell you 100% certain, but I've seen some mention the 8080 port for other items.) If you are able to access the ISY via admin console look at the configuration page and see if you have the HTTP port showing there. If you've set static IP on the IoP you might have the local IP shown there as well. Last thing to check...make sure "Only Use Local Connection" is turned OFF. This way if you have a remote connection it is still being used when not connected to your home network. The local then is only used when you're on the home network that you setup already.
  24. Agreed. Thankfully it's not something that has to be done often. What's worse is through the years the same devices had different methods of being reset. So what might work for one might not work for the same type of device bought several years later. That's a wonderful pain to get into. Nope...just have to buy different products to avoid the wacky design of a feature not often used.
  25. Ahhh...the ways important "SAVE" step! Glad it's working. I've been a t-mobile customer many years, but never send notifications to text through them. I attempted that, but was never happy with the speed of notifications. Of course, I wasn't really doing anything mission critical, but sometimes the texts came in quick and other times it would be hours later. Glad you got it working, and hope T-Mobile works out well for you. Their service is good and customer service had been great...it's starting to decline (as with most these days), but it's still miles better than other providers I've had experience with over the years.
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