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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. So when you say it's crashing it's crashing the (old) ISY994i device? Not the ISY on Polisy process? Hope you were able to clear it out and get the "proper" SMTP settings back in easier this time. Thanks for testing them again. I think I'll certainly steer clear if it's on the 994 device. Can't have that crashing on me! Just one reminder...if it's an extra Gmail account (only for sending ISY notifications) it is a good idea to log in at least once a quarter (every 3 months) so they don't deactivate it for inactivity. I forget what Google set their timeframe too, but I know they've been adjusting their requirements for such "dummy" accounts that just send the same messages over and over. The default mail process was fixed in 5.3.4 (or maybe just prior) for the 994 devices. I would expect it to work as intended in IoP. But, it does always have the potential for issues, so it's good to have a backup plan to switch to in case. Or to take some traffic off the UD servers depending on your notification load. I know @MrBill, and others, suggests the Notification node server and the Pushover app for mobile notifications rather than email alerts. It's all in personal preference.
  2. @CPrince Thanks for the update. Interested in if you can get one working again. I've got 3 in the house and have had one go bad early on (replaced by Smarthome at the time). Fingers crossed they'll keep running as long as I need them to. But will be good to know if they can be revived if they go bad. Glad they had one for you to get up and running at the time. (looks like they still have some in stock!) As for having the fanlink running at 2 speeds...that would be crazy. I would think that the signals wouldn't get there fast enough to "confuse" it, but anything could happen if it was failing.
  3. @DennisC and @mmb - personally I would say the change shouldn't impact the operation of the Gmail account, but as @Michel Kohanim says it depends on the final change. I've been running with Gmail since I got the ISY. I haven't made the change to IoP yet so can't confirm there. But I have always had 2-Step Verification on and an app specific password. I didn't get a notice (probably because of that fact). When I go to look for the "Less Secure Apps" section in security I get this notice: So my guess would be if you use Gmail with 2-Step Verification and have an app-specific password you should be able to continue using. Now... @mmb for your question about Outlook.com...can't help on that. I've never tried using Outlook.com servers. And my current setup ain't broke so don't want to temp fate and make any changes. Maybe before I migrate to IoP I'll give the Outlook settings a try. I have 2FA setup there as well so that will need an app specific pass also (for me anyway). If you can't get by using the Gmail with app-specific pass and need to use Outlook perhaps open a support ticket for them to check the logs when the IoP is crashing.
  4. Geddy

    No inventory

    @diggler we all feel your pain. This topic has been covered numerous times on the forums. No need to rehash it...yet again. There's a fun search bar at the top right of the forums if you'd like to go hunting for what others have said. Good luck finding supply anywhere.
  5. @BamBamF16 & @MrBill That's good to hear! Although, from what I was seeing with regard to Tapatalk was that the banner was only supposed to be seen once a month. Perhaps something wasn't being triggered when you were visiting and it was happening all the time. From the Tapatalk site: So it might only be limited excitement, but at least if it's only happening once a month instead of each page load that will be great! @larryllix The issue was not just limited to iOS users as @DennisC is on Android and also never had Tapatalk installed.
  6. Good to hear! Sucks to have to redo the favorites, but a chance to set it up a little different and adjust.
  7. @dbwarner5 in the HTTPS line just use “my.isy.io”. Don’t use the full URL. does that change anything? That’s all I have in my profile and can get it to just update. I haven’t tried the “download all” option because I don’t want to risk having to redo the favorites. Depending on how large your system is it might take a while to sync.
  8. Not sure the reason to want to go direct, but the portal account access is super easy, reliable, and cost effective! 2 years is a whopping $23 for the first two years then $20 for two years after that. For less than $1/mo you get all the great advantages of ISY Portal.
  9. @macjeff This topic has been covered tons of times in other areas. We don't need more threads to say the same thing that has been talked about for the last 3 years+.
  10. @dbwarner5 Take the extra "https" out of the URL. Just use "my.isy.io" (oops...just saw you edited the original post) Also remove the port on the local port just to be sure nothing is there. Not sure about the other issue. Might be best to post in the Mobilinc forum and tag Wes or email Mobilinc for support. OP was posting about a different app.
  11. Have you tried all steps in the wiki for remote access? Read here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Remote_Connections Next question will be, what is your ISY Firmware version? What device are you running ISY on? (ISY994 or Polisy) Welcome to the forums.
  12. It doesn't "bring" you to the Admin Console, that's just how you log into the console remotely. It should work for accessing in most apps since that's what they're accessing anyway. When you were using the IP address did you end it with "desc"? You will need to use the entire URL. It should start with "https://my.isy.io/isy". I don't know how that app works since I'm not an Android user. Although, it you were using the IP address then using the URL for Admin Console or even the "URL to ISY" should work for one of the options. As you mentioned you will need the portal credentials to access the ISY using this process. It also might only work if you are remote. I've never tried it in other apps while local. This URL aren't typically ones that you are using to surf to the ISY, but they're used for accessing through Admin Console or apps. I too get the "not found" if I try going to the "URL to ISY", but in an app to access my ISY it works without issue. When you use the IP address are you using any port forwarding on your router to point to the ISY? Using one of the "URL to ISY" or "Admin Console URL" paths should give the app the address directly to the ISY. You don't need to use port forwarding when accessing the ISY through the Portal through this method. If you've got it working again that's great. Just make note that if it stops working again you can log into the ISY Portal and get the current public IP address for the ISY. Perhaps there are other users of Simple Home Controller here that can give you more insight and help.
  13. That explains it. Yeah, Tapatalk and Android have an interesting issue. I've tried to adjust that, but not sure the impact. It's something specific with Android that they are able to suggest apps tied into forums. What a cluster, if you ask me. @MrBill I agree that the mobile version is just fine, but apparently "forum power users" (that keep up with multiple forums) prefer the way Tapatalk works for them. It's a savage app that once it gets it claws into something is difficult to release.
  14. SSH to the Polisy and use this command: sudo uname -a This information is in the wiki Polisy User Guide (Troubleshooting). If the version is 13+ you should have the ability to one press the multi-function button to update the Polisy. If it doesn't update then @Michel Kohanim gives the SSH codes in the release post to update to IoP 5.4. Also, @kzboray has a great post with the SSH commands to find the version of UDX currently running and how to upgrade that, but @Michel Kohanim also added a follow-up post on the release thread and also here with the commands to get UDX up to 2.6.
  15. @oberkc looks like Android has a different system in place and it's a little bit more convoluted as to if we can make that go away from "server" side. I made a change this morning (3/3). It might help, but it could also impact actual users of Tapatalk. bummer...are you on iOS or Android? I haven't had it again. But I was off and on with it to begin with as it wouldn't happen all the time. Those kinds of things are hard to track down.
  16. @BamBamF16 and @MrBill … the version of Tapatalk plugin that was running on this site was outdated, and might have been causing this issue (for iOS users). The plugin was updated to a more recent version today. Try the site in the mobile browsers and let me know if you still get the “open in Tapatalk” if you don’t have Tapatalk installed. I tried tonight in Safari and Chrome on iPadOS and never got that warning. I had Tapatalk installed on the iPad, deleted it, hard rebooted the iPad, then logged into the forums to test. I viewed threads normally and also copied links from one browser to another and didn’t get the “Open in Tapatalk” pop up. Hopefully you won’t either. Please let me know the results of your tests.
  17. @bhihifi according to the release it would be best option, but kind of depends on a few things. Also, since a later update said 2 files were left out the following SSH commands are necessary: it also depends on what version you are running…some older Polisy boxes didn’t update with the single press option, but the version 13 and beyond should have given the box that functionality on the button press. So try those two commands in SSH then try the single button update process.
  18. @j.rieff you don’t need to keep up with the external IP if you’re using the portal to connect while remote from the ISY. You need to use the “URL to ISY” seen in screen shot attached. It’s a long URL and is updated by the ISY if is needed. This is a more secure way to remote to the ISY. No port forwarding is needed if accessing this method. You just use your UD Portal credentials to log into the ISY. What App are you using on the phone to connect to the ISY? Most of them might allow Portal integration access, but just not sure. if the only way is to use the IP address and port forwarding then there is no good way to know. I would suggest perhaps using some sort of free DDNS. Some routers even have that built in now that it updates if your IP changes so you don’t have to remember it. (You can Google how those work best for your setup) Good luck
  19. @johnnyt That version is quite old and should be updated. You might need to open a support ticket to get you updated completely. I'm not sure if the SSH commands that have been mentioned recently would work for v11 or designed specifically for v12, but the FreeBSD should be at 13 now. (I currently have 13.0-Release-p6) The Wiki has the commands to try. See if you run them if you get up to the latest release. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Polisy_OS_Versions_Below_13
  20. Not sure if the "6 button press" will help, but give it a spin and make sure you wait a while for everything to process and complete. Notes above say to wait at least 15 minutes before attempting anything else. Good idea to not have SSH, web, or admin console open when doing this. The wiki suggests these blinking lights are bad bios related and to contact support. If you attempt the 6 button press and allow it to complete the process and still have blinking lights then open a support ticket to get specific help to this issue. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com
  21. @apodsim in addition to the questions from @MrBill can you describe how you're trying to access the Admin Console? It sounds like you might be using an old method of web page to launch the admin console with Java. Just for reference, what Firmware are you running (or do you think you're running since you can't currently get into the Admin Console to confirm)? The current method to access the Admin Console is to use the Launcher referenced in this post: This works best for Windows users. Sometimes Mac users have reported different results (success and failures), but I'd say it's probably 100% working for Windows users (even Win11 machines, but not confirmed personally). You can find the steps to install in the Wiki as well. You need to go through the clearing the Java cache process - make sure you check/select all three boxes in that process. Once you download the launcher and run the file it should add an icon to your desktop that looks like this: Now, you just have to run this shortcut and it should find your ISY and get you back in business. Make sure to note that now you'll have a "Lan/Cloud" option now for Admin Console. If you are on the local network they are mostly interchangeable. The Cloud option will download the appropriate file from UD servers to match your ISY firmware. The LAN option will download directly from the local unit - sometimes this is slower if you're accessing the ISY994 as it is encrypting the transfer, but it too makes sure that the user interface (UI) matches the Firmware (FW).
  22. Please see this thread for forum support of this update:
  23. Please see the release info here: This thread will be used to support/help with this version of ISY on Polisy.
  24. Interesting...yeah, I think both @DennisC and @MrBill might be on the right direction of troubleshooting the issue. Since it's been going on a long time something could have gone bad or something added noise to your system and it will be difficult to find. @MrBill's method of hunting for noise is perfect! Good luck with the process. Keep us posted on your findings.
  25. Perhaps this might help from the Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series_INSTEON:Enhanced_A10/X10 Otherwise, take a look through the X-10 threads in the forum. I don't have any X-10 experience, but wanted to give tips on possible places that would document how to add them to the ISY. Of course, they probably rely on having the X-10 module, but take a look and you might find what you're looking for to go without the module. But, if the module is $9 it could be a little cost for a huge time saver option. Just saying. (and @MrBill has documented how to get the module purchased)
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