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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @johnnyt Glad you were able to access it when on the same subnet. Sure seems like something is blocking SSH traffic between your VLANs. Interesting. Make sure you check out the troubleshooting steps in the Polisy User Guide in the Wiki. If you're still able to access the Polisy vis SSH run the following command and report the result: sudo uname -a Just checking that you've got a recent update.
  2. Running the IF doesn't do you any good if you have it set for a particular time. It's checking if it's 10pm. If you ran it when it wasn't 10pm then nothing would happen. What @MrBill was getting you to do was to make sure if the program is ever true that it would fire (work) as you expected. So if you leave your simple program alone at 10pm tonight your party lights should turn off. That's the only time the program would be "true" and trigger the "THEN" portion of the program. What you did (running the if) would update the summary screen (program tab -> summary). It should now say "last run time" whenever you told it to run the if. For instance, I have a program that turns a light on the front of the house 30 minutes before sunset. I just told that program to run the "IF". The light didn't come on because it's not yet 30 minutes prior to sunset. But in the summary tab it updated to "last run time" of when I told it to run. For your other program issue that you don't think is running what is it saying for the last run time and the next scheduled run time? The program could be running, but the "THEN" or "ELSE" might not be doing what you expect it to do. Not having a thermostat like you have I don't know if it's possible to set the cool and heat targets at the same time. That might be a heatpump type options, but I have AC and Gas Furnace and we can't set cool and heat at the same time. I know there were "Auto Mode" thermostats in the past, but I haven't seen one in our area in ages. For us "Auto" just refers to the fan/blower. In your program: If you did as @MrBill suggested and Right Click -> "Run Then" and it set the thermostat to 70 and 67 then that portion is possible. Additionally, it should then work as you have the time being the only thing it's checking to be true. But if it didn't do that then you've got to re-think what your program is trying to accomplish. You might need to only set one setpoint depending on if cool or heat is on. That could go in the IF portion and you would need a different program for each. Is this thermostat program the only one you're having issue with that was a "problem" before you tried to update to 5.x firmware?
  3. That's risky business there! I'd never have a geofence setup to open up access to the house. What if you were within your fence area, but not going home? Sure, you can try to make a very small area/boundary to cross so you might be in the driveway looking at the house, but opening up an entrance to the house is not my idea of something I would trust to geofence (the way it's been designed to date). And I get the part about not having a cell tower in the planned community. That sucks, and we have the same near where we live. Thankfully not impacting us directly, but that is a direction that I have issues when I cross my geofence boundary, but usually my iPhone and Mobilinc pick up the change when the phone hits the next tower closer to home.
  4. @JCelotto Welcome to the forums. Really glad you got upgraded to 5.3.4 and it worked out for you! That's great news. Probably not the total part of your problem, but ultimately having matching UI and Firmware are the most important troubleshooting steps we suggest users work through. It really makes a difference when you're updating devices, programs, or scenes. As to your question above about uploading/sharing programs...you can individually or by folder. If you right click on a program and select the "Copy to Clipboard" option that will copy a text version of the program. Then open your favorite TEXT editor (in Windows I suggest the basic Notepad app). Paste what you copied into the text editor. (NOTE: do NOT use Word or other Word processor program/app as they sometimes auto format special characters. You want a plain TEXT editor.) If you want to copy ALL of your programs then right click on the root directory/folder of the Programs tab and use the same "Copy to Clipboard" function. Then the paste will be much longer and will have space between programs. This routine is more for personal use/noting for when you update. Typically it was good to have this when upgrading from 4.x to 5.x because the "adjust scene" programs did not convert easily. Final note...make sure you use the COPY to Clipboard option. There is an "export" option. You DO NOT want to use that just to make a simple text file for reference or for forum support if you ever need programming support in the future. Good luck and happy exploring the ISY994 possibilities!
  5. @johnnyt Very strange. I haven't had much experience with SSH and zero experience with VLAN so can't help beyond the Putty option. I think you should open a ticket with UDI Support and see if they can troubleshoot something specific to your setup. Otherwise, is there anyway to get a computer on the same subnet/VLAN to try cutting possible traffic steps out of the equation. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com Be sure to post the steps you go through if/when they get you up and running to possibly help others that might come across this issue in the future!
  6. @johnnyt Not 100% sure of VLAN, but is there some sort of firewall blocking port 22 connection? Are you on Windows using built in SSH? Have you tried PUTTY? Any different results?
  7. While you’re at it, read all the posts saying that 5.3.4 is “stable”. It has been available since July 2021 and no other updates since, so that’s a fairly safe indication that it’s good to use. There were slight updates since 5.3 that are good just to have implemented in general. But it seems that you have an old saved file of admin.jnlp that’s getting used. One run of the start.jnlp you’re getting should put the “ISY Launcher” icon on your desktop to use for future access. You shouldn’t have to load anything from a website each time you want to access the admin console.
  8. @JAboud As @lilyoyo1 says you might need to re-save the programs. Also, did any of the programs use "adjust scene" when you were on 4.x? That really takes a little re-working for each program when you upgrade to 5.x. From the release of 5.x upgrades: You had a screen shot of the program summary page, but only showed 2 programs. Do you have more than just the 2 programs? On the summary page are any of them yellow? Or say something about out of memory or other strange error? (I forget the actual wording, but you can find references to it elsewhere in the forums). Basically that means the programs didn't convert correctly in the upgrade. Although, you might have other issues since they were not working correctly prior to the upgrade either. Let's fix the upgrade issue first. Then we can troubleshoot if you might have bigger issues since things weren't working prior to the upgrade. Let's do this...get updated to version 5.3.4. (just to make sure...you're not running any z-wave are you? If not then 5.3.4 is good for you!) Review ALL your programs (click on each program). Look for any "adjust scene" issues. Then SAVE the programs again. Make sure none of them have a little green arrow on the program itself. Also, on the summary page they should all look the same as what you pasted above (at least for line 1. Line 2 appears to be the selected line in that screen shot). After upgrading to 5.3.4 find a program you would like to resolve (like the sunset/sunrise above). Right click on that program to "Copy to clipboard". Paste that program here. Describe what you are trying to accomplish with the program. We'll be able to review here and give you some tips of what might need to change in the way the program is written. Often times it's as simple as removing something from the "Else" of the program. Hope that works out. Make sure when you upgrade though that you follow each step of the process in order. Quick note just to be sure...you will download a ZIP file. DO NOT unzip that file! The ZIP file is what you use to upgrade the ISY994. Install instructions from the 5.3.4 release post: STOP HERE on Step 7! Just use this launcher link. It will assure you that you have the UI matching the FW you installed. Don't try the direct from ISY link. The launcher is more user friendly approach (certainly for Windows users). Once you get the programs sorted out then we can look at step 10 of making another backup. But, to be safe as you do make changes once you upgrade do make a backup after major changes to programs so they can be undone if you really mess up. But most of the time it's a simple fix rather than having to restore from a backup. Good luck! Post back any update and looking forward to trying to help once you're upgraded!
  9. @Techman but his program was wrong. He doesn't need the "pro" version to fix the issues he's having. his links show 12 (0-11) links in the PLM and 3 (0-2) links on the device tables. So no where close to even running out of room there. @JAboud the Pro version is a soft update (meaning you just have to pay for it and it gets applied to your ISY), but it's not something you've got to focus on at this point. How large is your system currently? If just a few devices and handful of scenes you've got all you need at this point.
  10. @JAboud And sorry...can't really help with the thermostat program...looks okay to me. What are you trying to achieve? What kind of thermostat are you controlling? I don't have one connected to my ISY. Haven't seen one that you can set cool and heat at the same time. In your earlier screen shot it showed last run time of 7:30am and next run time of 9:30pm It looks like it's running when you want it to. What's it not doing? I think since you have something in the Else if you change it manually the ISY might try to force it back to the setting you have in the program. If you manually adjust the thermostat now does the ISY force it back to the 75/64 temp you have in the else?
  11. @JAboud One more thing...to tag people use the @ then start typing their name, but you have to select the name from the list that pops up below the typing. You've got @Geddy, but it doesn't "tag" me so it doesn't send me a notification. If you click on the name after the list comes up it will change to the blue (seen above in my post) and the person will get a notification on the forum. Should look like this:
  12. @JAboud Not that this will help you specific issue, but wanted to suggest you upgrade to 5.3.4 firmware to get up to the most current build for the ISY994 device. It does not appear that you have z-wave (based on one of your earlier attachments), but to be certain that you don't have z-wave you are fully able to upgrade all the way to the latest build of the firmware. 5.0.16C was the last firmware that supported the old style z-wave controller (300 series). There were a lot of bugs and fixes beyond the version you currently have installed. And now that you're on the 5.x you shouldn't have most of the fixes that needed to happen from 4.x to 5.x. So it should be a simple and quick process. When done make sure you get clear Java Cache (selecting all three boxes in the process) and download the ISY Launcher to put the ISY Launcher link on the desktop. The launcher makes it easier to always confirm your User Interface (UI) and Firmware (FW) match. As @MrBill posts if you right click on the program and select "COPY to clipboard" (last menu option) then paste it to the reply it's the cleanest way to post a program for support. Make sure it's COPY to clipboard - NOT export!
  13. It should be almost instant. I just tried it on mine (on PG2 access) and it was instant. If you're not getting a refreshed screen perhaps it's hung performing other tasks. Is there anything showing in the "LOG" when you click on that? You might want to reboot/power cycle the Polisy. First I'd try System -> Reboot Polisy
  14. @headviking Welcome to the forums. This is typically user-to-user support for Universal Device products (ISY994 or Polisy). I would suggest you look for specific help from DSC - https://www.dsc.com/ - for you issue.
  15. Migration to what? Are you trying to go to IoP (ISY on Polisy)? If you created a new voice entry on the portal you need to have Alexa discover devices again. Go to the Alexa webpage on a computer (https://alexa.amazon.com/) Smart Home -> Devices Is your new voice entry showing in the list? If not then you need to discover devices again and refresh that page (sometimes better to log out, close the browser, then come back to the site and log-in again) The key is anytime you add/alter/adjust entries in the portal you have to "discover devices" before you can use them or see them in the Alexa app. I give the link to the Alexa page as an easier way to see/search/adjust entries in the system. The Alexa app leaves a little to be desired with too many clicks to adjust smart home devices.
  16. @sumguy what if you had two geofence areas to trigger? Perhaps one of them would trigger more regularly. Put the second in a larger area where you know the cell signal is better. It depends what you're triggering with geofence that you could add a wait as you cross the first boundary to trigger as you get closer to the house.
  17. @ronks welcome back! Yes, as @gzahar says get Java from the official Java site. It should install the latest version for your computer simply by clicking "Java Download" then "agree and start free download". Once you have Java installed you'll want to download the launcher mentioned in this post: Yes, this is the most efficient way to access that Admin Console. The Launcher was released in 2018 as development was progressing for Firmware 5.x to assure users always had matching Firmware and User Interface. Since it's been a while since you have been here you probably are running an older version of the firmware. Quick check - what version of firmware do you think you're running? Or do you know what you're running? If you are 4.x you should at least update to 4.9 as that is the last version in the 4.x branch and the last time the ISY994 will "auto upgrade". Any upgrades to 5.x need a lot of attention, and you probably don't need that at this point. You're mainly wanting to get back into the admin console at this point.
  18. @SESamuelshave you tried to access the Polisy web ip again with :3000 behind it? Since you didn’t have the new OS you might not have PG3 running and it would just work. Are you able to access PG2? What does your launcher show now? Does it see the Polisy? If PG3 isn’t running then run the second set of commands in my first reply above. It should start and enable the service. sudo service polyglot start sudo pkg install pg3 sudo service pg3 enable sudo service pg3 start If this doesn’t work then start a support ticket. Thought it would be like what I ran up against since it appeared to give you same troubles I had. Sorry it’s taking a while to get there. It’s worth it though. Good luck! if you do get help from support be sure to post the steps they had you do to help others in the future. Good luck!
  19. @vbphil what's the "Scale and Layout" size on your Windows settings? Windows 10 -> Settings -> System -> Display -> Scale and Layout Make sure this is 100%. If still bad then not sure what to say.
  20. @SESamuels Yes - follow the link to the wiki. Find the section for OS Version Below 13. That gives you what you need. sudo shutdown -r now curl -s https://pkg.isy.io/script/update121.sh | sudo bash sudo shutdown -r now There could be some delay between the curl and when the unit is ready to run the shutdown command. Allow it to finish before typing in the window. Wait for the unit to reboot (could take several/many minutes. You should hear a beep. Let it run...don't be tempted to think it will be quick.) SSH into Polisy again Then enter these commands: cat /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/update13.sh | sudo bash sudo shutdown -r now Again...wait for the unit to reboot. It could take another few minutes before you hear the beep. (NOTE: I think I got impatient and power cycled the device...not a good idea!) After you hear the beep from the shutdown you can SSH into Polisy again. It should look a little different. To be sure it updated type the "uname" command again. You should now be on a more recent version. sudo uname -a It's quite possible that since you're updating this way you might not need the commands in my prior reply, but more than likely you will. Try the launcher and see if you now have the additional entries and try to access the PG3 dashboard. See if Chrome gives same error. If it does then proceed with the post above for the commands to get PG3 running and listening. Let me know if you're up and running. Good luck!
  21. Are you saying that you've tried user/pass as admin/admin or it worked once you set that up? Make sure you review the Polisy User Guide wiki for any further migration steps from the ISY994 to ISY on Polisy (IoP) If you tried the default user/pass then it's time to start a new ticket (or reopen the old) and see if support can give you the steps to reset the IoP so that default will work.
  22. @SESamuels I had just the same experience trying to get PG3 to start running. First, do you know how to use Putty to gain SSH access to the Polisy? If so what is the current output of this command: sudo uname -a You should see something like this: "FreeBSD polisy 13.0-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p6 #16" Date should be close to Wed, Jan 12 If you do not know how to access via SSH and Putty or if you aren't on this version please refer to the Wiki for Polisy User Guide to get the process to connect and the commands to update to latest package. Assuming you do see this version (or once you've updated) please try the following commands (each line is an individual command: sudo service pg3 stop sudo service polyglot stop sudo pkg delete pg3 sudo rm -rf /var/polyglot/pg3 sudo service polyglot start Change the port for polyglot (v2) to 443 (Mine was already on port 443, but sometimes older PG2 setups was using port 3000. But log into PG2 dashboard then go to Settings -> Polyglot Settings -> Polyglot Web Port. Logout of the PG2 dashboard.) sudo service polyglot start sudo pkg install pg3 sudo service pg3 enable sudo service pg3 start Apparently this process is needed for some Polisy that are coming from older build versions. I've only had the Polisy for a few months and had to go through this process just this week to try to get access to PG3. Chrome (as well as Firefox and Edge) were all giving me the "could not connect" error. Thankfully I got help in a support ticket. So hopefully this will work for you as well. Let us know either way.
  23. Welcome to the forums. Enter currently starts a new paragraph. Putting space between the prior to make it easier for people to read. If you just want to go to the next line you can use space+enter and it will drop to the next line. Additionally, I would suggest updating to 5.3.4 firmware/UI as it's the latest version and while might not directly fix your issues it would be the most recent firmware that is supported and any troubleshooting or suggestions for adjustments given here will more than likely be based on current function of 5.3.4 firmware. Make sure you following directions carefully when upgrading firmware.
  24. This points to possible noise. Perhaps from the gate motor causing signal disruption. Lots of reports of garage door openers causing noise issues. It this is in the same line as a motor operating that gate then it’s highly possible to be noise causing the switch to not send/receive with the ISY994.
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