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Everything posted by Geddy
@oskrypuch Awesome! You'll enjoy it. I hesitated getting a Polisy at first. Got one last fall and have enjoyed it since adding it to the system. I don't use it anywhere near as much as some around here, but it is nifty to have. Good luck getting it up and running. If you run into any major problems remember UD offers top notch support through their ticket process on the website. The forums are a great place for help too, but do consider it limited user-to-user help. Off topic...Trust me...shipping anywhere these days is an OUCH! I'm shipping a truckload of product from LA to Utah and the flatbed fuel surcharge adds 38% to the freight bill! I mean...just include it in the total charge so I don't really get sticker shock.
Yes, that is what the migration process does. Moves all the ISY "data" from the 994 to Polisy (IoP). It's easy to think of it this way (at least for me): ISY = Software/Firmware Polyglot = Software/Firmware 994 = Hardware Polisy = Hardware (sure...let the CS geeks rain down on me for being wrong (or simple), but as a non-programmer and only part-time geek this is MY easy way (for ME) to think of this situation) Yes, I don't know the exact details of it at the moment, but PG2 uses port 80 as default web port. So I use the Polisy IP (*http://polisy_ip) and can access the PG2 interface. PG3 uses port 3000 (*http://polisy_ip:3000) to access PG3 information. It's just sitting "idle"/empty currently. If you wanted to use PG3 you point it to the existing ISY994. (again...let the CS geeks rain down on me for being wrong (or simple), I don't know/care if the HTTP or HTTPS matter, but for this it's just a general statement so use whatever URL you find works for you.) I only suggested PG2 node servers as a baby step from PGC node servers because they've been available and updated to a "stable" setup for a while. Of course, as things change with Polisy and PG3 it could break some PG2 interaction, but at least you can get comfortable with local running of node servers before you have to make another step up to PG3. Found in the Insteon Support section of the wiki - The Polisy can use any PLM connection (Serial, USB, USB Wireless) Ideal would be to use your current PLM (from what others have said). This way you know it's currently working and has the existing links. It should be covered in the migration process IF/WHEN you go to IoP. Additionally, PLMs are basically out of stock at Smarthome. Some places have one now and then (this has been covered in lots of other posts so please...look around the "Coffee Shop" forum for those discussions). If you have any old/non-functioning PLM there is a person on ebay offering a repair service (Thanks @MrBill for the link). There is also another person selling caps (again, thanks @MrBill) that you can get to self-repair a PLM if you have the skills. Again...those topics are covered elsewhere in the forums. Final note - If you have z-wave you (eventually) need to buy a z-wave dongle for the Polisy. It does not come standard. UDI is now offering those so you can buy the Polisy and z-wave dongle with the discount code mentioned in the PGC offline announcement. Hopefully that helps answer some questions and get you heading the best way for you.
@Michel Kohanim From his first post... Maybe still too many bumps in the road to jump all at once.
@oskrypuch, Yes, you can keep the ISY994 running as you have it. Just avoid the part about migrating from 994 to IoP. I'm currently running ISY994 (v5.3.4) with PG2 on Polisy. I have not yet loaded any PG3 node servers, but I do have PG3 and IoP running on the same Polisy, but not using them. My ISY994 is running just fine.
@oskrypuch The easiest source would be the wiki with the Polisy User Guide. There are a lot of posts to sort through for the steps beyond the wiki. I will only caution you that PG3 and IoP are still in development and there have been a few bumps along the way, but if you wanted to just get the Polisy and get running with PG2 Node Servers to get your feet wet and keep your current ISY994 setup that's fairly simple. The ISY994 can use node servers from either PG2 or PG3 (at least from what I've seen mentioned on the forums. There does appear to be one specifically written for IoP, but not released yet) For Polyglot 2 there is a list of the node servers available. I haven't seen the same list made available for PG3 yet, but most PG3 node servers should have a forum in the PG3 section. Know that if you go the PG2 route that they should work for now, but support and updates might not be available or delayed as most developers are focused on PG3 development. There is still the option to run PG2 on a rPi (if you're so inclined and abled), but know PG3 will only run on Polisy. So if you're planning to eventually run PG3 it would probably server you better to get the Polisy and start learning with PG2 or PG3 as development continues.
What phone/OS are you using? Are you using Mobilic Portal (MobiLinc Connect) or UDI ISY Portal access? Are you using direct connection (or port forwarding) access? Did you attempt to move all the settings from the old phone to the new phone? If using ISY Portal to access make sure you're using those credentials (same that you use to log into my.isy.io). If you're port forwarding then it would be what you use locally (user = admin / pass = whateverpassyoumade). If you still have the old phone make sure you're using the same information to connect found in: Settings -> Lighting Controller User Name, Password, Secure (URL), and connect method If on iPhone (and you still have the old phone) try to transfer the settings: Old Phone: Settings -> Copy Settings -> I'm Sending New Phone: Settings -> Copy Settings -> I'm Receiving (I've never personally tried this so can't guarantee it works, but it's an option!) I'm not sure if this is offered on Android app, but check (if that's what you're using).
Is there a reason you "only" went to 5.0.16C? Do you have the old style z-wave? Otherwise, you need to move all the way up to 5.4.3 before you continue to troubleshoot. If you've got the 300 series z-wave then I get it, but if you don't or aren't using z-wave you really should upgrade to the current version to make sure that any possible issues you continue to face weren't fixed along the way. I mean, this was covered 2 weeks ago. So wondering why only partially upgrade. Now you're kind of all over the place in looking for/finding errors. I'm not sure why/where you're getting this: There's no reason (very little anyway) to use web access for the ISY994 device these days. Admin Console is best accessed through the Launcher (has been the preferred method since 2018). Seems like @MrBill was right...could be electrical noise or failing PLM.
Yes, all Polyglot Cloud (PGC) node servers are offline. If you have a rPi you could run PG2 (you can find install directions elsewhere in the forums) and run node servers locally. Just note that PG2 is no longer being developed and many node server writers have turned their attention to PG3 systems. But many continue to work...for the time being. But support and continued stability may eventually become an issue. Otherwise, you can purchase a Polisy (as mentioned in the post @bpwwer linked to) with a discount currently being offered. The Polisy is the (only) unit that will run PG3 and will also allow future versions of ISY system (ISY on Polisy - IoP). So you will no longer need the 994 product (if you get the Polisy).
If those are ALL the devices you have, and you want to get rid of them all hit the trash can at the top of that screen and it will give you the prompt to delete all spoken Otherwise, individually, click the red "x" on the left side. IT will say: Click "yes" Then on the Alexa side either delete from the app or go to alexa.amazon.com click on "Smart Home" then "Devices" and click "Remove" on the right side of the list.
@brians You didn’t do the restart command. At least doesn’t show above. sudo service pg3 restart
@smithlevenson so when did you upgrade to 5.0.16A? You say the programs were written in V4.x, "haven't been touched in years", but now you're on 5.0.16A. When did you upgrade? Did you update/save the programs since that upgrade? Have you since upgraded to 5.3.4 as @MrBill suggested? Just wondered if any of your programs (other then the one you posted) had scene issues that were messed up from the 4.x to 5.x upgrade that didn't get sorted out. Or perhaps programs haven't been saved since the update. There were some early 5.x releases that had big program bugs from upgrade that might have required a lot more interaction to get them working again. What do you seen on the summary page of the program tab? Any yellow text in any of your programs there? (I forget what the text would say) I'd lean more toward what @MrBill mentioned of PLM issues or Noise issues. Could come from simple new bulb installed, bulb going bad, or any little electrical change (known or unknown). Have any storms, power surges, or outages lately?
2413s Insteon PLM / Modem still available anywhere? Discontinued?
Geddy replied to telljcl's topic in Coffee Shop
We'll know soon enough..."hey, got a new (to me) PLM off ebay. How to I factory reset it?" -
What process did you use to update? If SSH then log back in and try pkg version Check for PG3 version in the list. If still showing 3.0.45 then run the commands in the post @bpwwer made for PG3 announcements. sudo pkg update sudo pkg upgrade sudo service pg3 restart I think the other option would be to follow the wiki instructions of pressing the multi function button on the front once. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Update_and_Upgrade_All_the_Packages I did not reboot the device after updates. I figure if it needs to be rebooted somebody will say reboot. I don't know enough about FreeBSD stuff or *nix to know when to reboot or not, but always remember the computer geeks I know bragging about never having to reboot their *nix machines just stopping and restarting processes seemed to be the same as a Windows reboot. So I try not to reboot or power cycle the Polisy if I don't necessarily have to. That's just personal preference.
Very simple instructions requested to get ISY on Polisy
Geddy replied to someguy's topic in IoX Support
https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Default_Username_and_Password Additionally, while I like the thought that @kzboray has for using Windows built in SSH process I prefer Putty settings for Putty: -
Then you should be upgraded to 5.4.3 on your 994. If you're on 5.0.16C you're on an old firmware that has many updates and upgrades since. That's step #1. Follow the steps outlined in the release post - https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/33287-534-update-for-isy994-july-30-2021/ Then, as @lilyoyo1 suggests, read and understand the process. Read the wiki. It has commands you posted above. So, all the information is there to be consumed. You've just got to take the time to read it and understand what the steps do before you get too far down a path. Don't just read a line and do it. Know your plan for upgrading. Just in case you get interrupted in the middle of a step. The key is...always allow plenty of time to pass before proceeding. Sometimes the update can take a while to download and install. So don't expect each step to take 30 seconds and try to perform the next before the system is ready to proceed. There was a report that one of the updates took ~10 minutes before the Polisy was ready to move ahead. I forget when/what that was, but just be prepared to wait until you hear beeps and have steady lights on the Polisy. Post (in one place) when you have more questions. Bouncing back and forth aren't doing you any favors.
I do not know. Perhaps @Michel Kohanim can chime in to confirm. Otherwise, email support@universal-devices.com and ask about upgrading from 5.0.16.C. Support will get back to you fairly quick during the week. Do you have (and use) Z-wave and have the z-wave 300 series controller? If you don't use z-wave or have a z-wave 500 series controller in the ISY994 you should upgrade to 5.3.4 first. But, if limited to 5.0.16C because of your z-wave controller you need to check with support if the migration path is acceptable to attempt. I'm not sure where you see this mentioned or what you're referring to. If there's a file version referenced in early January odds are it has been updated as PG3 has been updated several times since that post was made. I did a search in that post for 1.21 and didn't find any mention of it. Where did you see that? How do you figure that? Follow the steps in this part of the Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Polisy_OS_Versions_Below_13 What version do you have when you run the "sudo uname -a" command? I just checked my system and have: Follow the steps in the Wiki to upgrade OS to 13. From there upgrades can be done using the multi function button on the front of the Polisy.
There is also the documentation in the Wiki for Polisy User Guide - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide I think the post by @dbwarner5 helps fill in some tips/tricks found while doing the real life migration at that time. It was also started before the User Guide had been added to the Wiki.
Looks like PG3 was updated. Usually @bpwwer will make an update in the PG3 Release status thread. I had 115 packages to update when went through SSH update/upgrade process. PG3 is now version 3.0.46. Lots up the updates were to FreeBSD packages. PG3 web interface now shows:
What's the point? It's just meant to be a reference file. If you need it for use elsewhere you can click the "copy raw contents" on the top right and then paste that into Word (or other text/word processing program). Or you could print/save the page as PDF.
Timer ands program oddities after power failure
Geddy replied to andrew77's topic in INSTEON Communications Issues
Did you reboot after sunset? If so this program is only going to run at the time of sunset. If you have it set to run at startup and catch-up programs it might trigger (I don’t have any programs like this so not exactly sure if this will trigger if power goes out and comes back after sunset). Is there a reason to have one program for on and one for off? I have a program for outside lights to come on at sunset and go off after sunrise (next day). That is one program, and would run if the power goes off and back on after sunset. I’m on a mobile device currently so can’t copy/share my program, but basically: IF = from sunset to sun rise (next day) then = turn light on else = blank The program is set to run on startup. (Right click on the program in the summary tab and select “run at startup”. This way if the power resets and the time is between sunset and sunrise the light will turn on (in case it wasn’t already on). -
Timer ands program oddities after power failure
Geddy replied to andrew77's topic in INSTEON Communications Issues
@andrew77 I don’t think your issue is going to be fixed by restarting the ISY. You need to check on the program summary page to see if the programs are set to run at startup. Also, any timers would need to have “catch up on reboot” set in the configurations tab. As for testing if the timer will run without having to wait for tomorrow you can right click any program and run the then or else directly to make sure they do what you expect them to do. You can also see in the summary page the last time the program ran to make sure it is actively running if it should be. What kind of timers and programs aren’t working? You can share them here. Right click the program and select “copy to clipboard” and then paste here. You might have some other issues in the programs, but more than likely it’s that the program needs to be set to run at startup. -
Support thread for: ISY on Polisy (IoP) v5.4.1 (March 8, 2022)
Geddy replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in IoX Support
@DennisC, @Bumbershoot, @TUhl01, @lilyoyo1, @asbril and others... Seems this is a bug (UI only - according to support ticket reply). Should be fixed this week. Thanks @Michel Kohanim for the confirmation! -
Support thread for: ISY on Polisy (IoP) v5.4.1 (March 8, 2022)
Geddy replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in IoX Support
Same issues here as @DennisC, @Bumbershoot, @TUhl01, @lilyoyo1. and @asbril. I have Lat/Long set to specific area. My DST offset changes to -4. If I change it back to closest city (Atlanta) it changes back to DST offset -5, but after admin console restart it still shows sunset to be at 8:43pm (should be 7:43pm). Noticed also after closing and relaunching admin console that my custom lat/long are selected again, with the DST offset back to -4. So it's not correctly storing the location update. Seems since my "customs" location was setup during Standard Time (-4) that's what's stuck in the coding. Cannot change DST offset for custom location. -
Watch out for those apps! That message (and somewhat the other one) is specific to apps that use just the Google User/Pass. I think with 2-step authorization they consider the app specific password safe enough alternative that they will allow it. I think it's more geared toward things like Scan to email (like some HP printers can do) since it typically uses your default user/pass combination. If you have it setup with app specific password or have "Sign in with Google" maybe you'll be alright. I haven't received any such notice, but I've had 2-step authorization setup for a very long time. So I'm hoping that it wouldn't impact the setup. We'll know April 1st (great day to get hosed!). I'd check more on this page from Google: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255 The fixes they list include specifically having an app specific password is allowed. HA! Just noticed that my "backup codes" are from 2011. That must have been when I first activated 2FA process for my primary account.
Sold house and new owner wants the ISY
Geddy replied to roadking2003's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
As @lilyoyo1 suggests give them links to the WIki and specifically the Cookbook. Make sure the ISY doesn't have static IP set on the device so when they setup new networking equipment it will get an IP address automatically. They will then find (in the cookbook) how to setup static IP reservation on their network gear. Also provide links to the forums and the ISY Launcher (referenced in the Wiki and on the forums). That's the best thing for them to have on their computer to access the ISY. Top 6 items to suggest: ISY Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ ISY Auto DHCP - reset password to default [admin] (keep it simple!) Java - https://java.com/ (just "plain" Java 8 - no fancy java downloads!) ISY Launcher - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp UD Forums - https://forum.universal-devices.com/ UD Mobile - App for Apple & Android - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile