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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. Should be a 300 series z-wave controller. You can go to 5.x, but the highest you could go would be 5.0.16C. Be careful if you plan to upgrade to that version because there were big (perhaps HUGE) changes from 4.x to 5.x. Make sure you read the steps if you do decide to update, but at this late game it might not be of value to you to upgrade. There's not much ability gained going to 5.x (5.0.16C in your case) without running a Polisy for PG3 (or rpi locally for PG2) to have access to run node servers. I don't know about eKeypad, but I also use Mobilinc and it works fine with 5.x (I'm running on 5.3.4 on ISY994). There seems to be issues with Moblinc on ISY on Polisy, but haven't attempted that route so can't comment further. Though it does sound like the developer for Moblinc might update the product to be able to be used with Polisy/eisy in the future. You should check with them for support options moving forward. At this point I might suggest just getting the eisy + ZMatter board and starting fresh. It's quite the task to update to 5.0.16C and then another task to learn the eisy+ZMatter system (once eisy is even out). You would be better served starting fresh (IMO) and also learning UD Mobile for the remote access. It's certainly become the go-to app for many around here. The ultimate question is what devices are you connecting to? If 100% of your z-wave devices are 300 series then you can use those, but it will be limited. If no devices have been updated to 500 or 700 (zwave plus) devices then you've got bigger issues than trying to figure out what controller you want to use. Note too that Elk is no longer handled as a module, but as a node server. So if you don't have a Polisy you wouldn't be able to connect to the Elk until you have eisy and IoX running and install the Elk node server. The Elk module would still work in 5.0.16C as it wasn't until you went to ISY on Polisy (now IoX) that you lost the modules. I'm not sure what "ISY Module" is. Do you mean ISY Portal?
  2. @Mecheng70 the ideal situation was to be a migration path that would be possible with the firmware for the IoX on the eisy. Although, it appears there are some issues in that plan and it might not be possible or at least very delayed. Are you only controlling z-wave with the ISY994 or do you also have Insteon devices and a PLM connected? It sounds like Insteon/PLM should be straight forward migration (about like it was with ISY994 -> Polisy). The z-wave will remain the biggest hurdle for the time being. I've seen others comment that it's not wise to have two controllers running at once. It's kind of like replacing a home router. Turn one off, turn the other on and tinker with it to get it running the way you want it.
  3. Geddy

    What is the EISY?

    The Antennas come with the ZMatter card. https://www.universal-devices.com/product/zmatter-z-wave-matter-module-for-polisy-beta/ Do you have the ZMatter board already? You need to add that too. Unless you ordered the USB+ZMatter found here: https://www.universal-devices.com/product/zmatter-usb-z-wave-matter-module-for-polisy-beta-copy/
  4. @snesgenesis if you have the Elk nodes in the ISY they should show up in HA when you have the ISY integration setup. Are you attempting to have them tied to both as a backup option for something? Or just trying to have the devices in HA as well as controllable in the ISY? I don't have Elk, but would imagine if Elk lost communication with the ISY that it probably wouldn't communicate with anything else in the same network (if you were able to have them connected simultaneously).
  5. It sounds like it might be a context issue with Google Home itself. Do any open/close devices work properly or are they all doing this? I use Alexa so can't help on the Google Home side, but I've made routines that in Alexa where I can say "close the shades" and it's actually turning off shades. Might be something that @bmercier would have knowledge of if the "close" command is available in Google Home context.
  6. Are you sure you were using the Mobilinc App? I've never seen such a warning from Mobilinc in the past. Additionally, Mobilinc isn't able to write anything to the ISY (as far as I know) so I doubt it would run any sort of firmware update. I've been using Mobilinc Pro on iOS for about 5-6 years and never had it act this way. Before you go too drastic and try to reset the ISY994 again (hopefully you didn't wipe it out when you tried earlier). We really need to understand what really happened. Something doesn't sound right in your first post. Be sure you confirm the light status on the front of the ISY994: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights
  7. Only way to get directly support from Universal Devices is to open a support ticket. While they do monitor the forums and help from time to time the likely hood of getting specific support here is a lot less than if you open a support ticket. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets While I can understand your hesitation to updating the firmware as @lilyoyo1 suggested it's probably not a bad thing to consider doing once you get things sorted out. There appear to be a lot of "bug" fixes between 5.0.14 and the last 5.x update for z-wave 300 controllers (5.0.16C). It's possible not every bug was commented on (especially if it wasn't an identified bug at the time).
  8. Lights on the front of the ISY994 - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights "Only Error light blinking: ISY cannot communicate with the SD Card." It sounds like bad SD card. If you try reseating the SD card or lightly rubbing an eraser over the connectors don't work then the SD card is probably corrupt. And you need to follow the methods to replace. If you have a "backup" you can restore that once you get the device up and running again. Make sure you follow the steps for replacing the SD card (the ISY994 takes the microSD size and can support up to 32GB). Are you able to see if the ISY is connected by logging into your router? Try pinging the IP address for the ISY994. It's possible your reset further caused issues to a failing SD card and it's not starting up correctly so isn't making the network connection. If you still have problems it might be best to open a support ticket to get help: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  9. Glad you got your device issue figured out. Where are you seeing this? On the forums? Are you on a computer or mobile device and how are you accessing the forums? If you have any plug-ins that block cookies it might be causing you an issue.
  10. Geddy

    What is the EISY?

    You could contact sales@universal-devices.com and ask about having it combined to save them (and you) on shipping. The issue is with pre-orders it's geared toward only that device. You could probably add both to your order once general ordering is available. I don't want to take anything away from what UDI is offering, but if you're worried about shipping you can source the additional cable from Amazon as well. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IDSM6BW/ Both the adaptor above and this cable have been offered as options in the past. UDI appears to have sourced product so users could buy everything from one place. Indeed, it's a shame you can't order to the pre-order, but I'm sure they can make it possible down the road.
  11. Geddy

    What is the EISY?

    Your link just goes back to the OP post.
  12. Geddy

    What is the EISY?

    Check this product out: https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Serial-adapter-DB-9-RJ-45/dp/B00006IRQA/ This would work. There is specific pin setup information though in posts that @Brian H has made in the past. Most frequently found here.
  13. Looks like it is an issue from the google group for this product: https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/wireless-sensor-tags/c/pvdH3fe-Ugk Wonder if it might have been the start to cause the tags to not reach the manager yesterday...that @johnstonf had and I had for a slight while.
  14. As @lilyoyo1 says it seems to be old information that is no longer relevant. V3 was released in late 2017 (I believe). This area is probably left over from V2, prior to Echo devices having groups (as @oberkc points out). Further up in the "Migrating to V3" section there's mention of groups so they've been around since V3 came out. What's strange though is that I never set mine up with different accounts. So either didn't care about how different echo were controlling devices or just didn't need to have that option. It is nice to have the room groupings. Nice job reading all the way down on the wiki.
  15. @matapan never seen that. Can you post the link you reference? I’ve got several Echo devices and just use one account. Never had a problem.
  16. @Envirogreen you’re logging into PG2. You need to add :3000 after the Polisy IP address. That should get you to PG3 you then can setup the ISY on Polisy. Be sure you read the Polisy User Guide in the Wiki. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide Also, on the PG2 side if your ISY994 is really 5.3.4 then it doesn’t look like PG2 can access the ISY correctly (probably user name and password issue or pointed to bad IP address for ISY994. It isn’t matching your firmware you show in the other screenshot.
  17. @johnstonf might have spoken too early...seems like my battery devices are now reporting out of range. At this time (6pm Eastern) the usb powered tags are still reporting with a current update, but all smaller 13 bit tags battery are all now reporting out of range. And two of them have brand new batteries (within the last week) and are in the same spot they've been fine in for the last year or more.
  18. Yes, you can push PG3 to the standalone ISY994. That ran just fine before IoP started. You just need to change the ISY settings in PG3 to see the ISY994. Instructions: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#ISYs Just use the IP for the ISY994 and I think change the port to 80. Make sure you use the user/pass for admin to the ISY994. It should allow you to have 2 ISY instances running in PG3. Just make sure which one is active when you start adding node servers in PG3 so they'll push information to the proper ISY instance. Not sure what versions these are for. I think you mean 3.1.x. Mine is currently 3.1.15. I think 3.1.16 just came out yesterday and I haven't updated yet. If you now have IoP running check for the "Upgrade Packages" button in the admin console. No clue how this should work. I think you might still not have the portal setup correctly. Log into ISY Portal (my.isy.io) then in the top right click on "My Profile". Should pop up this box: Make sure that your preferred ISY is the one you've linked to Google Home. If you haven't yet migrated the Portal over to the IoP instance then it's probably still trying to communicate with the ISY994. Wonderful! And it looks like their tag system is back online (I was able to log in and see prior tickets a little while ago).
  19. @elite-rob If Insteon switches it's possible they got locally linked and the ISY (994?) would not notice/recognize that link in the admin console. You can fix this several ways, but I think the easiest is to: Factory reset the switch. Then re-link to ISY. I think there might be a way to make this work without removing it from the ISY tree and right click on the device and "restore device" and it should write back everything the ISY has for that switch. I've never personally tried it this way, but saw an old post referencing this method. Note - It's often suggested when installing switches to always perform a factory reset before linking to the ISY. This clears out any existing links or strange QA codes that might have been introduced to the device from the factory. When linking to the ISY there's always the option to "remove existing links". This way sometimes help stops this from happening, but is not always 100% accurate. That's why some will always suggest a factory reset just to completely clear any existing internal memory. Google search for the type of switch you have to get the proper process for factory reset.
  20. @TJF1960 looks like it's working currently. Not sure what they did, but was able to get login link and get logged in and review past tickets. Good luck.
  21. @johnstonf looking okay for mine. Neither web or iOS app having issues seeing sensors and updated to be sure it was fresh data.
  22. This is normal. When you log into PG3 it will also ask you to log in to the ISY Portal. That's how Node Servers are tied to the Polisy in PG3. This is acceptable and should be done as part of the logging in process. I think you mean your ISY on Polisy is 5.4.4. Polisy version is only found through SSH (sudo uname -a). You should be at 13+ (current is 13.1 I believe) Mine shows: FreeBSD polisy 13.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 releng/13.1-n250158-752f8 13d6ccc POLISY amd64 PG2 and PG3 are completely different systems. They never "work together". Seems as though you must have just started running your Polisy. Have you not had it running and updating along the way and just now trying to update it? SSH update really goofed some stuff up, especially on original units. There was an email, forum alert, and announcement about that so somewhere along the way should have gotten your attention. You should only update the Polisy through the method @Bumbershoot references above. The "Update Packages" button through the admin console of ISY on Polisy. Apparently that part of the wiki should be updated. A problem with having static files in live "documentation" means that when something doesn't work right the static document is no longer relevant. The only migration steps I find on the Polisy User Guide are: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Migrating_from_994_to_Polisy I didn't see a reference to a PDF in those steps. What are you following? Make sure you're reading the live documentation for the Polisy found in the User Guide portion of the Wiki. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide You should also review this for how to get PG3 updated to the latest: Additionally, the ISY on Polisy system is most recently on 5.4.5, but there has been no release announcement for that. Here's the 5.4.4 release info: I think the simple explanation is by not running the Polisy until now and trying to update it (sadly, following old/static documentation) might have created unexpected issues. Further adding to issues by trying to add node servers before Polisy, Polyglot, and ISY on Polisy were fully upgraded and migrated possibly added to the issue. For many the process has been simple. For a few it has been problematic (along the way), but a lot of long time users that know how updates tend to be for ISY will have been on the bleeding edge of the update/upgrade process and updating their units along the way. Indeed...this is a highly debated outlook by some around here lately. Sure, the ISY994 has been a rock solid machine for many years and people will set it and forget it. Sadly, as technology changes and new devices are released and the ecosystem is being developed it's probably better to have been active and remain current on updates and upgrades so the system doesn't fall behind at a stale state then create problems when trying to be brought up to speed and put into production use all at one shot. I think if you are able to get the device to update to the above current release levels. Then follow the wiki path of migration it should work. It seems to have worked for many others as of late. But, as you said...you have a pre-order Polisy. It's possible that additional assistance is needed for an original device if not already updated. Sadly, with the ticket system down and if you're not able to get support emails then there's little that could be done. If you email support@universal-devices.com and make sure you explain that you don't receive replies to tickets and with the ticket system down/unable to log-in you have no way to get the feedback I'm sure they will find a way to get back in touch with you.
  23. Oh no! That's never good. Hopefully was easy to get setup again. That's insane to have to go that drastic just from setting an IP reservation. What make/model router do you have? Glad to help.
  24. @IPapp If the errors were not giving you problems then they might be okay to ignore as they do appear in my error log, but very long time ago (probably around last reboot). Those could just be additional information at startup rather than anything majorly wrong. I just don't know. If you're able to log in without pop-ups or "system busy" issues then you're probably okay. On the configuration tab do you have Network Settings -> Automatic and have you checked "UPnP"? Mine is set to automatic, but I don't have UPnP active. I have an IP reservation on my router for the ISY so it's always at the same spot. Ages ago the theory was to have static IP set at the ISY994 level, but many people would have to replace routers and end up with a different subnet for the LAN and the ISY wouldn't reattach. The more current solution is to use router IP reservation and allow the ISY to connect to the LAN automatically. If you keep having errors every few minutes or faster then it's time to open a support ticket to have the issues reviewed and possibly troubleshoot further. But, if they're limited to soon after rebooting the ISY994 it should be okay. Glad you got the biggest issue resolved of getting back into admin console without the system busy issue.
  25. Take a look at this for the error codes: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages Looks like might be network issues. Make sure all wires are connected to the correct ports and pushed all the way in. What lights do you have on the front of the ISY994? See the Wiki for what light patterns mean. How old is the ISY994? It’s possible the power supply could be going bad. If the blue light isn’t brighter than the sun and always in replace the power supply. (Info in the wiki for options to replace it with). What ISY firmware are you on? Post a screen shot so you also confirm FW/UI match. You might need to save the error log and open a support ticket to get UDI to troubleshoot further. (The 170001 is usually informational (to who and why I have no clue, but having a bunch is not good as something is going on that probably shouldn’t be. The 140000 is a DNS issue so suggests network problem.) Do you have an ACTIVE ISY Portal license for this device? It hasn’t expired has it (if you have one)? The ISY could be trying to confirm the portal license and getting an error. Just another thing to check/confirm.
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