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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @TRI0N the preferred method to post programs to the forums is using the “Copy to Clipboard” option at the bottom of the menu when you right click on a program. The XML has useless info. The “Copy to Clipboard” is then pasted as plain text, and thus very easy to read by all others. Seems like you typed the other info. Would have been simple to see the “same day” or “next day” setting in your first post if this method was used rather than XML, and helped right away.
  2. Just IoX portion. The Polyglot backups are handled on the web side. But I think it does appear to backup nodes that are being fed to IoX. I figure if something is updating the part that's being backed up could be causing some delays (congestion). At least in hypothetical theory. Right?
  3. True, but I never timed it on the ISY994. I would say it was longer on the older device. I just remember it taking a while, but not something I'd get up and walk away to wait on. Like you I don't go altering the system all that much so don't tend to run backups normally. Saving them in the cloud and on regular system backups add to that peace of mind that I'll have a recent backup if/when needed. Strange that a backup 4x the size took that much longer. Are you running many node servers? I only have 2 installed/running at the moment. I wonder if they're logging something causing bogging things down. I know Michel has said the system should be capable to handle many processes at once. Will be interesting to see if anything is done/mentioned about it in updates.
  4. I've not experienced any slowness, but I don't have a vast system of programs. Just to test I just updated 3 of my programs and hit save. It took less than 2 seconds to save. I have < 80 programs (give or take). Again, not experienced this here. Even loading "Local" version of admin console. I can open admin console, allow it to complete then click program tab and be ready to work in < 15 seconds. My backup took about 1 minute. My backup size is just about 100kb. All my times were using the local option to open admin console on a wireless laptop on the other side of the house from the eisy that is hard wired to my network. I'm no longer running the ISY994 so cannot compare to current times for same handling. I have the Java parameters set as @MrBill stated (max & min). If you're seeing continued delays you should open a support ticket so that UDI knows this is specifically happening. There have been so many forum messages over the last month+ that I'm sure it's difficult to keep up with all the "little" things causing users potential issues. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  5. @breischaft One thing to watch out for....don't make changes in BOTH windows. Consider it just like having Admin Console open when installing/updating a node server. It's somewhat live, but some UI doesn't update correctly. I can't confirm this, but know it is/was a problem when adding node servers that it was always suggested to close/restart admin console so the nodes would populate correctly. If you go changing a program in one window the other will probably not show the change. And if you change a function in the other vice-versa. So keep up with where you're making adjustments and restart the other window if you need a fresh view. I just tried in the eisy and indeed can open two admin consoles at once. I tested a program and the status did update on the tree display. So that's at least updating live. And as @MrBill stated the sub link did show that I had 3 subs in use at the time (portal + 2 local). I tried with UD Mobile and Moblinc, but they both connect through the portal so didn't open/use any other subscriptions.
  6. @n8ur9irl and @TRI0N since it seems that this bug should have been fixed in 5.5.4 please open a support ticket with UDI to see if there are still issues or if there's something else to try to get these locks to connect. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  7. @oatflake The original reason for the “Query” program was to sync all devices and the ISY. Doing it at 3am meant there would generally be low traffic/noise so Insteon traffic would be processed better. It’s not really needed, but if you start having noise issues then it helps by bringing status in sync daily. It also helps if you have battery devices to trigger a status sync when other traffic/noise might not interfere. You could disable it and see if you have status sync issues. But it doesn’t usually harm anything to just run daily. If you’re having issues with it then it might indicate other system issues.
  8. @n8ur9irl see if you update to 5.5.4 (just released) and see if it works. Looks like one of the bug fixes is for adding Schlage locks.
  9. @kzboray I was thinking the same thing. With another portal update planned for tomorrow my hopes are high there won't be issue. But at least @bmercier knows what was done today to fix it in case there are more problems ahead. Thanks for the updates @bmercier!
  10. @TSinclair I had the same problem this morning. Looks like it's an issue with ISY Portal. See this from @bmercier that they're working on this issue.
  11. You should upgrade your Polisy though. I think most of us have seen that not keeping the Polisy (and now eisy) updated can sometimes cause problems. Thankfully, the update process is fairly simple by just opening the Admin Console for IoP (ISY on Polisy) and hitting the "Upgrade Packages" button. With the Polisy there will be 4+1 beeps when the process is complete. If you can't hear the beeps then hope you can see the LEDs on the front. Once the two right lights stop flashing and you have a solid left it should be complete. You can keep up with what is the current version for your device(s) in the Current Release Announcement area of the forums. If you don't visit the forums often then I suggest you click on the "Follow" button on that page and setup notifications to email you when new posts are made. Actually, I just did this today. I migrated from ISY994 running 5.3.4 to eisy running IoX 5.5.3 and PG3x 3.1.18. There were a couple of road bumps, but in all I'd say it took less than 30 minutes to migrate everything. I have about 40 Insteon devices, 1 (new) z-wave device, and 2 node servers. I only migrated the Insteon install as z-wave was new for me. Since I only had 2 node servers and didn't have anything using them (at the time) I just started over with those and they installed great. UDI has released several updates since eisy was released that have really improved the performance. I expect this to continue as more bugs are found and ironed out.
  12. Geddy

    eISYIR setup

    Thanks for the heads up. New forum added! Post moved into it. https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/414-eisyir/
  13. Did you follow step 12 of the migration process in the wiki? https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Migrating_from_994/Polisy_to_eisy
  14. If you just got the eisy and it shows IoX version of 5.4.5 then it needs to update. When you log into the web dashboard of the eisy what is the version of PG3x? There was previously an issue with updating devices around that version, but I thought UD reported that was corrected and devices should update correctly again. If it is not then please open a support ticket - https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets IoX current version = 5.5.3 PG3x current version = 3.1.18 (as of time of this posting - referenced here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/339-current-release-announcements/)
  15. From the "UI"? There was never a way (that I recall) to submit a ticket from anything other than directly on UD's website. Need to login to: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ The email method hasn't been working for a while so the only way is to submit a ticket is through the site. Looks like it's just suffering some font issues. The link is there, but it's very hard to see given that the font color must have changed.
  16. No, topic suggests this is for z-wave migration. "How to migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave using an ISY-994 Backup" Perhaps checking out the wiki eisy user guide would help with other migration questions.
  17. @TRI0N yes, the link to “more info” in the Hue NS remains broken. I usually just find the PG2 page on GitHub. There is a PG3 repository, but think the basics are still the same as PG2. Here is the info: https://github.com/exking/udi-hue-pg3 But I think most of this is also in the setup area of the node server.
  18. So you must have missed the steps in setting up the eisy with UD Mobile that setup a trial with UD Portal. I think it was in all the release and setup information that was initially released. It was certainly in the videos that were made available to help with the onboarding process originally. And it’s in the wiki, but does appear there is a dead link to the actual migration part….but it should be the same/similar to the ISY994 to Polisy process…. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Setup_ISY_Portal_for_Remote_Access/Alexa/GoogleHome/IFTTT Polisy migration link info: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Migrating_from_994_to_Polisy And in case you missed it….here is the wiki for using UD Mobile to setup the eisy. In the linked video it mentions the portal trial about 55 seconds in… https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#eisy_WiFi_Configuration
  19. Agreed, the "announcement" still mentions the beeps, but I mentioned in my reply that the eisy doesn't have a speaker so the beeps don't matter anyway. Those instructions were written for Polisy users and are still being used (even for eisy updates). I also mentioned in my reply perhaps allowing 30 minutes as some have suggested they waited that long and it was ready to fly. It has been a while since I ran old updates and I don't time how long I wait as I'm usually off doing other things and come back to it much later. No. I don't get why people assume that flashing the hard drive helps. It's not needed...and there's other ways to handle it. Great! I was going to give you a link to other steps that would have resolved it, but glad these worked. They aren't the suggested route now because one of the steps might upgrade everything and things in freeBSD have been known to break things in UDI's setup in the past. So now that you're at this point please just keep up to date by following the "Upgrade Packages" button. Glad you got lucky with one that did. Many others have posted even after upgrade the NS didn't start or didn't feed the nodes to the IoX system correctly. That's why the reinstall was needed. Make sure it's working as expected on Admin Console. You might still need to reinstall for it to properly handle everything.
  20. You can't use HTTPS in the Polisy to connect to the ISY. It needs to be HTTP. Wiki instructions: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#ISYs Step 3 = Make sure you use HTTP and not HTTPS If you mean via IoX Launcher then see this section: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Can't_Find_Polisy
  21. Glad you got it to work. Was just getting here and was worried with the prior post that it was unzipped. I recalled you were on macOS and know it does some strange stuff with zip files. I don't directly recall (without going and reading the directions again) if there's a step saying "don't unzip the file", but it's always been said elsewhere..."don't unzip the downloaded file". The ISY994 handles everything in the process. Something tells me quite a few people might be doing this when Insteon gets them in stock (soon). Actually I've never looked at the Lutron product line so not familiar with it. I've found the Insteon that I have solid enough and manageable for what we need. I am happy that Insteon is back and bringing products back to market so if/when there is a need to replace something there's an option available. Happy reading!
  22. I haven't used z-wave with the ISY994, but I thought the most recent upgrade included a path for migration to Polisy+ZMatter. Read the release here: Or maybe more specifically here are directions that @Chris Jahn posted recently too that should help: It's certainly possible to keep the ISY994 running (primary controller though...not sure why you think it is secondary) and push information from the Polisy Node Servers to the ISY994. It's just the intention was to have the Polisy (and now eisy) completely replace the ISY994 as the Polisy/eisy have more processing power and allow one device to do it all now. But I see no problems running my ISY994 and pushing node server info to it from the Polisy. (But I'm soon going to migrate everything to the eisy.) The Polisy is "fully functional". Has been for quite a while (IMO). I think it was just there was no true "migration" path for Z-wave until recently. Insteon migration had already been achieved on the Polisy and Node Servers are in strong development for the Polisy. There really should only be one hub controlling things. I wouldn't try to have some devices on ISY994 and others on IoP/ZMatter. If you've got ZMatter installed in the Polisy and it's working then following the steps above should get you migrated and everything to the Polisy.
  23. First off...your eisy needs to be updated. Your PG3x version needs to be 3.1.18. And in the process will probably upgrade IoX to 5.5.3. There were bugs in PG3x 3.1.16 that did not allow node servers to install or run properly. That was fixed in 3.1.17 and further updated in 3.1.18. To update please use the Admin Console -> Configuration Tab -> Upgrade Packages Please see the release info for both releases in the Current Release Announcement area of the forums. ALLOW A LOT OF TIME for the upgrade to process. Some have suggested even allowing 30 minutes. There is a lot of processing going on. The eisy does not have a speaker so there will not be any beeps and no flashing status lights so there's currently no way to really know when it's done. Just allow a lot of time. Note, that it's possible that your user/password might reset to admin/admin, but I cannot confirm that is happening. Once updated you should "reinstall" the node server. Do NOT remove and re-install, but just find the button to "reinstall" in your "purchases tab" in PG3x. Report back after doing these steps and let us know if fixed or if other issues exist. Good luck. PS: If you allow enough time for the update to process and it did not update PG3x or IoX then you might need to open a support ticket. I know on Polisy there were issues updating beyond IoX at one point, but forget the version number that additional SSH steps were needed. Support would be able to assist with that information.
  24. In theory the eisy will be as easy and reliable as the trusty ISY994. I know for the past several years the Polisy was very stable for Insteon only based systems. Right now the eisy is going through some initial release growing pains, but UDI is hard at work getting the bugs/kinks worked out to make it the reliable controller we all know and depend on. As @Techman and @tazman you will need the PLM as that's the only way that the ISY system (running on ISY994, Polisy, or eisy...now just called "IoX"). Depending on the model of PLM you have will determine if you need anything extra to connect it to the eisy. The only way to connect the PLM to the eisy is via usb. If you have a USB model PLM then you're ready to go. If you have a serial PLM (note, that it probably just looks like a network cable plugged into the PLM and to the ISY994) then you need to find the serial cable that came with the PLM (it was tucked away in the packaging...if you didn't keep it then you nee the kit that @tazman is referring to. Once you have the serial (DB9) end you then need an adaptor (part of the kit that UDI sells, or can be purchased online - there are links to it in other threads - look at the eisy packaging thread). This adaptor will attach to the DB9 end of the serial PLM cable to convert to USB connection to plug into the eisy. Lots of words for a simple process, but wanted to try to help. The ISY994 was released many years ago and probably stopped wide production about four years ago. About three or four years ago the Polisy was introduced and probably widely available about three years ago. Due to the worldwide chip shortage and other component shortages UDI was unable to source what they needed to continue building the Polisy. So they developed the eisy and just brought it to market. Like I said...still going through some release growing pains, but getting there with every release. Hope this all helps. And most of all...welcome to the forums!
  25. That should be a personal preference decision. While ISY994 will not receive any further updates if it's working great for what you have then that's fine. If you begin to venture into other automation technologies and would like to explore the world of node servers then the eisy would be required. You can see the current list of node servers here and most (if not all) have their own forum area in PG3 section of the boards.
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