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Everything posted by Geddy
Try the default admin/admin user/password. I think it resets during the process. First thing to check once you do get in is to confirm UI and Firmware match (help -> about).
Did you launch admin console before trying to launch PG3x? Did you reboot the eisy or power cycle? if you got the message that updates were needed it probably hadn’t finished updating yet. Make sure you give a good amount of time before trying to launch admin console again.
Mostly it's up to personal preference and what you're used to or what you're using. If you're starting fresh/new then you need to research what you want to achieve out of a system and what system would work best for you. Only you know that (at this point). So not much here to help you figure that out until you know what you want/need in a system. These forums are more support than "pre-sales" research. As such most here will be biased (more than likely) and just tell you what you can do with eisy and the ISY foundation that you might remember. The best place to get info is through the UD website. I think you spoke volumes though when you say "simple system to setup". If you're truly starting from scratch and don't have any automation or switches in the house then you've got to look for a total system that will fit your goals and desires. If that's Insteon and then if you want the ISY system (in the eisy) for the largest option for customization then we'll see you back here once you've installed your devices and have your eisy setup. I think the prevailing fact is (you'll probably see it in a few posts in Coffee Shop asking what system to install) all systems have faults. It's what fits your wants, needs, and budget the best will be the best for YOU.
Well, if you're able to do all that you're doing and running Linux on a Mac then just google how to run jnlp files on java v8 for linux. Don't know if it works, but better than nothing. You've got to figure large majority of users here will be Windows or Mac users that don't dabble in linux. I'm sure the vocal linux users will chime in to say I'm wrong, but whatever, you're all |33+. I'm not sure why the aversion of just installing java to use to gain access to the system. It's not like you're some of these that sit with admin console open endlessly tweaking/watching/monitoring the system. Just install Java, access admin console to make your changes, clear java cache then delete the install. You've added a million steps to try to avoid the simple process. Hope you get it sorted out!
I understand this was to be a warning that the update is still in process. I've never personally seen it so haven't experienced that or any lockup. Depending on how long it had been since the initial pushing of the button it could have interrupted the process. I would suggest pressing the eisy power button once (this is the update process using the "multi function button"). Give it "a while". I know I gave it over 15 minutes on my attempted update. Then part of the process is to reboot the device. I'm not one to randomly pull the power so I press the multi function button 6 times to shut it down. Once the power light was red I pulled the power. Waited ~10 seconds and plugged it back in. For my update I was able to access admin console again, but PG3x was not loading so did power cycle the eisy. It then ran (and continues to run) perfectly. NOTE: Since I was able to get into Admin Console, @Michel Kohanim does confirm the "reboot" option on Configuration tab is the same as a power cycle (for those that have the eisy (or polisy) in hard to reach locations).
@leecast on the programs that you're running right click and select "copy to clipboard" and post them in a reply here. Maybe some of the programming gurus can help sort things out. Also, what model motion sensor are you using? I think the 1st version had some issues with the ISY994 and figure it might still have issues with eisy. I've never used Insteon motion sensors so don't know much about the issues they were causing, but sounds like it might be what you're experiencing.
@gviliunas Power cycle the polisy/eisy. I just ran the update to get a feel for what happened. I had similar issue that could get into admin console without issue and PG3x (eisy) wouldn't load. Shut down (6 button presses for the eisy), pulled power, waited a few seconds, plugged in. All works fine. @DennisC - I can confirm that I have 4 node servers running and all came up running/connected after reboot. I know you were asking on another thread specifically to multiple node servers coming back up correctly. They appear to be fine.
@gviliunas Make sure to give it a lot of time. Have you been able to log back into Admin Console yet? I think there are a lot of things being updated with this release given the issues of the past weekend. So I'd give this update a little extra time.
@asbril clear your java cache (check all three boxes in the process) and run start.jnlp again (probably a clean/new download just to be sure) and it will work.
@TSinclair looks like this finally got implemented into IoX with 5.5.6 release..."wider node selection boxes"
Just to be sure - currently there's no need to add any microSD card to the eisy. (Pic from UDI site) Interesting that it was left off the UD site as far as specs go (nice catch @tazmanto link it to the specs posted last year). Mine is mostly covered up by the ZMatter dongle currently so didn't want to shut it down to test adding a card. @MrBill interesting thought to have used that to migrate. Would have probably been a bigger programming issue rather than the restore backup option.
Same place it's always been - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Currently the best way to get node servers to link YoLink to your ISY is through eisy. You can continue to use your current ISY994 if you cannot get all the parts needed through the Canada distributor for UDI. I think others had said some items were not currently in stock. That I'm not sure. I don't use YoLink so don't know the process. I would assume so, but you need to read their site first to figure out how to make their system work.
What are you trying to achieve? If what you have is "working good" are you just wanting to upgrade your system to the current offerings from Universal Devices? If that's the case, then you would want an eisy+ZMatter dongle+PLM Kit Being that your in Canada you will need to see if the Canada distributor has the parts you need before you go too much further in your questions. If you're wanting to add YoLink and CAO Wireless tags to your system you will need the eisy to run Node Servers. I'm not sure if there was a YoLink node server in PG2 that would possibly run on a rpi system, but that's no longer supported so the current route is eisy with Polyglot V3x (PG3x). You can see from the forum area for Polyglot V3 what other node servers are available once you get an eisy. The Polisy is no longer available unless you buy from other sources where people might be selling their Polisy as they upgrade to the eisy. Sounds like it might be worth your time to read Universal Devices' website! https://www.universal-devices.com/
Not sure what questions didn't get answered in the post you mention. All questions were answered then the thread had additional posts about unrelated items; yes, it was locked. What's your question? It's hidden and more of a statement. As answered in the @johnnyt post - you can run Polisy (or eisy) and still control your ISY994 with node servers. Your issue seems to be uncertainty around ZMatter/Z-wave - You can run Z-wave through ZMatter on the Polisy/eisy, but note that you would need to control that with IoX running on the Polisy/eisy. Your ISY99 would NOT control Z-wave because it would not be controlled by the ISY994 device. You have 2 different hubs controlling 2 different systems. Do you currently have Z-Wave board on your ISY994 and controlling Z-Wave items? Do you want to "migrate" them to Polisy/ZMatter? I don't know what your real question is there as it's hidden in a bunch of strange statements. Maybe link to the statements that you're quoting (or attempting to quote). It would help anybody reading your post. I guess the answer to this is what are you migrating? Do you have Z-Wave devices on the ISY994 that you're migrating? You never clearly identify what you're migrating. The migration process is fairly simple on the surface consideration. Sure, the process has some flaws, but they're being worked out. ISY994 Insteon Migration - moves ONLY Insteon devices to IoX Z-Wave Migration - moves ONLY Z-Wave devices to ZMatter If you're trying to run a partial system in the new Polisy+ZMatter then I would not suggest that you later try to migrate Z-Wave from something else to ZMatter because you would have an existing setup that would be overwritten. That's fairly simple when you think of migrating. If you migrate an existing system into another existing system the later is overwritten by the new migration process. If you are NOT running any Z-Wave on the ISY994 and only Insteon then you would just migrate the Insteon devices to Polisy/IoX. That would not overwrite anything you have setup on ZMatter. In that process you are only restoring the Insteon backup made from the ISY994. From my own experience: I am currently running the eisy. I started using ZWave with the eisy and installed ZMatter and added two (2) Z-Wave outlets. I then migrated my ISY994 to IoX. I only had Insteon devices on my ISY994. I moved the Serial PLM over with the USB to Serial Connector cord (similar to the kit offered by UDI) restored my backup and checked everything out. It was very simple at the time I attempted the process. I believe the whole process took about 30 minutes because I took my time (and needed to relocate the eisy to where the ISY994 was previously). I think my migration was around IoX 5.5.3 just for version information. I later took my Polisy to my father-in-law's house and performed an ISY994 to IoX (on Polisy) migration for a simple install in less than 20 minutes. His IoX version was 5.5.4 during the migration process. Based on my recent experience it's quite simple. Sure, there might be some issues now with IoX 5.5.5 so don't press the "upgrade packages" button at the moment. At least not until we hear more from UDI about a release (this issue is being discussed elsewhere so let's keep that discussion in the support thread). If this doesn't answer your "questions" please rephrase your questions without the useless statements. Or at least link to the quotes you're inserting so we can read the context that you're pulling them from.
IoX = ISY on Anything (as announced/documented by UDI) It is specifically meant for ISY running on Polisy and eisy as of now. It's not deemed backwards compatible with ISY994 so that remains simply "ISY", but specifically for ISY994 devices. Remember that ISY is a service, ISY994 is the device running the ISY service. Polisy and eisy are devices running the ISY and Polyglot services. Each of those services have different version values. IoX appears to be able to stay at the same version for Polisy and eisy. At least to this point. People with Polisy and eisy have all been able to update to 5.5.5. In the initial release of the eisy both PG3x and PG3 had identical PG3 version numbers. PG3x (eisy) has since been updated to 3.1.22 while PG3 (Polisy) remains at 3.1.17. Yes, it gets confusing, but not really that much as all the "Current Release" posts are in the Current Release area of the forums. So it's easy to see what's "current". (That's by design!) I think I'm going to lock this thread now because it's kind of drifted off course. I think @johnnyt got the answer to the original question.
PG3/PG3x is different than IoX versions. PG3 refers to the Polyglot version running the node servers. Polisy is PG3 and (I think) is currently 3.1.17 eisy is PG3x and currently 3.1.22
@CPrince Read the UD Wiki for the restore process when replacing/restoring a PLM - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu Be sure if you have the pro add-on to turn off battery writes if you have battery devices. As for the issues with the PLM not having lights sounds like something didn't connect back when you moved things back to the serial PLM.
@johnnyt Since you're not using IoX then updating is fine. At this point updating the Polisy or eisy (I know you don't have the eisy, just referencing it for clarification) is done by using the "Upgrade Packages" button in IoX Admin Console for the device you're using (Note...IoX is ONLY for Polisy and eisy). The main thing you need to consider is what version of PG3 are you using? If it's current then you're good in that department. If it's not then that would upgrade as well. I think we've all learned what not keeping a system updated means at this point. It's a little more time sensitive sometimes for the Polisy (and now eisy) to get those updates when you can. While it won't really impact your situation it would mean that your system would be operating with the current releases of ioX and PG3. If something changed dramatically in a future update and the upgrade path from an outdated system to a current release system broke then might require a lot of additional work and support. no benefits to your current setup since you're using ISY994 as controller. No, it's a free firmware update to IoX. I believe those were more related to PG3x (eisy) and 5.5.5 in how PG3x handles node servers differently on the eisy than the current version on Polisy. But that's only from memory of reading too many posts. Make sure you review those posts to see if you can tell if they were eisy related or Polisy if you're overly concerned.
@Methos000 Your PG3 version and frontend version are out of sync. You'll need the help from support to get things brought up to current versions for the Polisy.
@TimWing I'm not sure if it caused this, but your screenshot in your first post seemed to have "Automatically Write Changes to Devices" turned off as well. You only need the write to battery option turned off when you restore the PLM. Part of the process is to write the updated PLM information to the other devices. Wiki steps - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu See "Restore PLM" on that page. I would suggest turning "Automatically Write Changes to Devices" back on, but leave the battery off and try Restore PLM again. I think trying to restore the device failed because it's (probably) looking for the PLM at the old link/address because the Restore PLM process didn't send the command out to the devices to update the new PLM address/links. Did you have a backup from before you started this? (probably not needed, but just checking if you had a recent backup in case you need to restore it and try again.)
Try the setup found in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#ISYs What PG3 version are you running? I think Polisy is still on 3.1.17. Make sure you add your ISY admin user and password. Otherwise, what's "all sorts of messed up"?
https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/113-nodelink/ A 3rd party development by @io_guy.
There was a comment from @bpwwer in another thread (not looking for it at the moment), but apparently there's an issue with 5.5.5 and PG3x that impacts users with multiple node servers running. Perhaps that's your issue and sometimes one will randomly run correctly but others wont. I'd leave things alone and stop removing/reinstalling until more updates are released. You're just creating useless work for yourself.
@K-bert also make sure you pay attention to the part about battery devices! "If you have PRO Series, click on the Battery icon at the top. This will prevent ISY from trying to update programming on your RF devices which are probably in sleep mode" IoX (on Polisy and eisy) are all "pro" versions. So if you have battery devices be sure to follow this step.
@Bobby g The best way to get this answer is to open a support ticket with UDI to get required information. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets