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Everything posted by Geddy
Specifically check the setting under "My Profile" when you're logged into ISY Portal. That should have preferred ISY set at the eisy UUID. If you left the default settings in the step @MrBill links you to then you shouldn't have to do this. But if you've tried doing something manually it might be a missed step and might still be pointing to the old ISY994.
@firstone Do you happen to have a (recent) backup from the Polisy before you migrated on that device? I mention recent because the IoX would probably need to be somewhat close to what you have in the eisy. Then restore that Polisy backup on the eisy. Just a thought. Rather than having to factory reset the eisy. But, if the eisy was never used what's the harm in factory reset?
@RocKKer unsure (I do not use). But here is the additional details you can review: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-airscape/blob/master/README.md Also, looks like the node server does offer 1 month trial so you could install to see if it works and if so how it works for you before you buy.
@TRI0N replied to your post of this same issue in the IoX support thread, but glad you started one here. I haven't had the same problem so can't help. I wasn't able to control the hue devices after initial update, but just had to restart the node server and it then allowed control through admin console and UD Mobile just fine. Since you're reinstalling are you sure that you're finding the bridge properly? Make sure you press the button on the bridge then restart the node server. When you install it is it stay "disconnected" in current status? Click on the log then change to "debug" and then "start" do any errors show up in the log on the screen? I'm not sure how much @xKing is around, but maybe you can send a log package to him to see if there's something fishy on your install that's not allowing it to connect. Others on the support thread they haven't had this issue so it's user specific currently.
@Davey A couple of things to check first: What's the firmware for IoX? Have you updated it before you tried to migrate into eisy? Current release is 5.5.5. There were some issues with earlier IoX versions that caused migration issues, but they've been fairly good as of late. If you just received the eisy and didn't update it prior to migration you might be having such issues. You said you moved the eisy and plugged in the network cable...had you initially set it up on wifi and then changed it to hard wire when you moved it to where the old ISY994 was? That shouldn't matter, but again, if it was older IoX it could be an issue. Make sure that your firmware and UI match (help -> about) - They should as long as you're using IoX Launcher (start.jnlp), but always need to make sure. Do you have a lot of battery devices that you tried to migrate? (I don't so can't help you there, but think that's been slowing some down as well) I think there's a way to turn off writing to battery devices and it might stop the update process from happening next time. Though you do need to make sure all battery devices are migrated properly.
Make sure you refresh the page. Maybe even hard refresh depending on your browser (Chrome (and edge) is CTRL + F5). Somebody earlier reported the issue and after removing a node server that wasn't in use something triggered it to match. But I just ran the update (no issues other than restarting Hue node server) and refreshed the page and showed 5.5.5 just fine.
New email out from Ken @ Insteon with some neat aspects. Hopefully most here have signed up for such news letters. If you haven't at the end of every page at https://www.insteon.com is a form to "Sign up for the latest and greatest news from Insteon." There are two surveys in this that appear tied to recipient's email so won't be posting those links, but the other good thing is a link to "FEEDBACK to Insteon". Many here have been hoping for specific devices or other information from them (ie allowing UD access to new Insteon details so hopefully it will be supported in future IoX updates). Here is that feedback link: https://www.insteon.com/general-feedback Rest of the update: ----------------------- Hi everyone, I am happy to share that our new i3 Dial and Outlet are now shipping. The response to these two new products has been amazing and we cannot wait to hear what you think about them. We also will be having our next ‘Lunch with Insteon’ webinar scheduled for 2/17, registration details to be sent closer to the event. In this webinar, Richard (my co-founder) will be giving a demo of the new features in the latest version of our Director app. Speaking of which, one quick note about the version of Director released last week – you are now able to see if a sensor has not communicated with the Hub for a few days. The tile for this sensor in the app will appear yellow. This likely means a dead battery that needs to be changed. However, if a new battery does not resolve the issue, it may be a communication issue. You can read more about this feature and learn some troubleshooting tips here. Regarding future updates to Director, we had discussed exposing unsupported devices and displaying some basic information that you might find useful. For example, you may not be able to control an unsupported device, but you would be able to see information such as: whether the device is communicating with your Hub, its Insteon ID, its communication types (powerline and/or wireless), etc. We would like your input on what these should be listed as. We have kicked around a few and want to know your thoughts. While we’re on the subject of feedback, we also want to know your “wish list” of what we should be bringing back into stock. Please note, your responses do not guarantee we will resume the manufacturing of those devices, but we would really like to see the demand for these products. I know a few people have reached out saying “You keep asking for feedback, how do I give it to you?” Moving forward, all of my updates will include a link to a feedback form under my signature. Please tell us what we are doing right. And, more importantly, what we can do better. Richard and I are committed to reading each submission. Thank you in advance for doing those two surveys* and for any feedback you would like to share, Ken CEO, Insteon Technologies Feedback Form Link: https://www.insteon.com/general-feedback * Note, we will close the surveys in a week so we can begin looking at the results. ---------------
Yeah, I was giving you the steps from memory. I didn't have time to load the admin console to get exact wording. Figured somebody using an ISY was smart enough to figure out if there were different options. But you had another thread (I saw later) that asked the question that was answered here so figured you were covered. My other statement that it was the "last option" still holds true. I knew it was the last one no matter what you right click on. Glad the update worked and went smoothly. Always good to hear.
@rahnee looks like IoX 5.5.5 is good to go now.
I 100% agree. Thankfully I do not rely on node servers so haven't worried about such issues. They really seem great for people that need them and rely on them. My system isn't that complicated and not spread between multiple ecosystems that would require node servers to monitor/control everything through ISY. I think most (as with PG2) have always just taken the leap of faith a little more blindly and trusted that there would be support for the systems they're using. To me, I've always looked at node servers as something somebody made to support their system. They then offered it to others at large through PGC/PG2. With the development of PG3/PG3x UDI gave those developers a way to get paid for their development and (ongoing) support. Some have probably been more diligent with their development and support than others. But at the end of the day I see this more as an individual offering rather than company offerings and at that level feel that ongoing usability and support should be hopeful at best. Case in point that @bpwwer mentions at least one has recently decided to abandon development and turn their offerings over to others. Sadly, people that had purchased those node servers might now have to wait for them to be usable again. I highly doubt that many individual developers have a true license that is in place. I would assume it's under an blanket license agreement with UDI as a part of the developer level process. You bring up a lot of great and valid points for your situation and concerns. Others just take the leap of faith and keep on trucking.
Do you mean trial before you buy? Or something specific to the license? @palayman many node servers do offer a trial period. This gives you the ability to install and make sure they work before you commit. That information is usually seen in the details of each node server. Elk (for example) shows this: So you can try it for a month then pay $30 to have ongoing access to it.
What kind of "disaster waiting to happen" are you envisioning? My eisy+ZMatter sits in a cabinet and doesn't get moved/touched/adjusted. So it's a set it and forget it device. Minimal disaster ability to inflict issues with it (for my install). Do you have an issue with other USB devices randomly falling out of the port they're inserted in? If so, something else is wrong. I've never had a USB device disconnect without exerting some force to remove it from the host device. I'd say this is the same for eisy + ZMatter dongle. I haven't measured it, but there are 4 total USB ports available. ZMatter takes one and PLM takes another. My ZMatter sits off the rear USB port and the PLM is in one of the 3 on the side. I'm not sure how many USB devices you plan to plug into the eisy, but there are still 2 perfectly usable ports available. And if you're worried about the ZMatter taking up space there are USB extension cables to remove the dongle from the eisy unit itself. Personally, I feel the eisy is a nice little update from the Polisy. It's a much smaller footprint and only the ZMatter antenna add to the height. It's only slightly larger than the ISY994, but has a ton of new capacity. Sure, it's not as big or bulky (or shiny) as the Polisy, but it's just as good (if not better depending on what can be run in parallel down the road).
It applied to all systems. It mostly impacted programs. What you should watch for will be programs that are disabled might become enabled. Any programs that use "Adjust Scene" will need to be manually corrected (possibly just clicked on and then hitting save...for EACH program that has "Adjust Scene" in use). It's been suggested to make a text backup of your programs. From the programs tab click on the root folder (usually "my programs") and the last option in the menu should be "Copy to Clipboard". Then paste that in a plain text edited (for Windows think Notepad). DO NOT paste it into Word or other word processing type program/app as it might auto correct text, links or things you need to have as text. Also note the option is "COPY to CLIPBOARD" not export, not anything about xml! Make sure you read the post you linked to and a lot of the replies in it. There is a lot of good help and tips and tricks along the way. Since you don't have Z-Wave you can update directly to 5.3.4. It's not an automatic process, but you have to download the file in the link you posted above. NOTE: DO NOT UNZIP THE DOWNLOAD! If you're on Windows that's great, if you're on MAC sometimes macOS will automatically unzip the download. Don't allow that! The ISY994 uses the .zip file to update. Make sure you make a backup before you proceed. I think it warns you to make another backup in the update process, but if not make sure you've made one before you begin. If you run into issues along the way start a thread in the IoX Support area making sure to comment what version you are going from and updating to so you get the right support help. If you don't have many devices and don't have many programs you should be able to complete this within little time (maybe 30 minutes at most). If you have a lot of devices (50+) and tons of programs then it might take you a little longer. Good luck! You've got this! Just READ the post about the update process...and some of the replies that follow so you know what issues to be on the lookout for and how to fix them if you should have similar issues.
@Illusion Have you attempted to contact Insteon to see if their support has any tips/tricks not mentioned here or thought of? https://www.insteon.com/support I guess it could be that they're just old and have failed, but only partially.
@Steve L glad you found it. Wasn't really sure what you were asking since you kind of floated all over the subject of what you really needed to know. For each node server you install there should be a "Details" button for the node server. From there you can see the configuration area for most node servers. Generally it's a good rule of thumb not to have Admin Console open while you're adding/adjusting node servers. Typically one of the steps is to restart Admin Console so it will load any new nodes being sent to the ISY. It seems that you might have installed the node servers while admin console was open and your reboot allowed the nodes to push to admin console correctly. And the general wiki is about all you'd need for Polyglot. Make sure you review the entire eisy user guide in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide
Since you don't have the "Update Packages" button and you say you're on 5.4.0 your Polisy is out of date. The easiest path is to open a support ticket to get assistance with bringing the system up to date. Please open a ticket here: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
@rahnee FYI - merged your other thread (Locks not updating status) into this thread since they've evolved into the same discussion. At least now you've got them added to the system. Just can't get status to update. Had different people replying to each thread.
@rahnee I think this is an ongoing z-wave issue with multiple products. There are several threads mentioning this for other devices. The best way to alert UDI that this is happening is through a support ticket. It would allow them to help with a specific issue and hopefully help the rest having the issue at present. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Just make sure you're on the latest release for IoX as I think 5.5.4 did have an update for Schlage z-wave locks, but might still be having some issues.
@TRI0N Be careful using the word "certified". I don't think there's a real difference once a node server goes into the production store. I do not know of any "review" or process of making the change from non-production to production status. So "certified" isn't quite accurate. @aca2b2 the reply from @TRI0N is correct in that "non-production" should be more considered a "beta testing" area. Some developers are using the non-production store as an area to test features. So while they might be usable there might be some that are still being altered and could cause problems. Of course, we've seen the same be true for "production" store node servers. Each production node server should have a forum area that hopefully the developer is monitoring to offer support. The ability to charge for node servers was introduced as part of Polyglot 3 (PG3/PG3x). As node server popularity grew the requirement for the developers to support and maintain the node servers was seen as an area to support the developer's time and efforts by charging for a license.
@majmarker I think you need to take some time and read other areas of the forums. Most of your venting is covered by lots of posts found in the forums. Sure, might take a while to read things, but much better than rehashing and trying to answer all your questions. Simple answer is Insteon is back in business making product. New PLMs are expected in 2023 Q1 (another post covers this). If you have existing PLM Insteon has a repair option as does a forum member providing the service via ebay (again, both discussed at length in other posts. The ISY994 will not suddenly "BRICK". It's just not being supported by Universal Devices after a date later this year. Announcement via UDI email and blog posts found on their site. This doesn't mean you will lose functionality of the device. With all technology...if you've used it for several years and wanted it to run another 10 years do you really think ANY technology is stable that long? Sure, the industry of home automation is a mess and some areas are advancing more than others, but that's part of the homework you should have done when you started with it. Companies come and go. Can't expect to sit there and let the world go by you and not react as the landscape changes. Happy reading!
Program not setting Int variable after Wait (Eisy)
Geddy replied to AllDigital's topic in IoX Support
Correct, but your statement was that as you wrote the program the light still turned off after the wait if you turned the switch off. You made it sound as though you want it to stay on (which when you changed to status did leave it on). To do that you'd have to add the 2nd part of the "IF" for "not switched off". In my program when I turned the office on my lamp came on. If I turned the office off during the wait the lamp remained on. Because I had manually controlled the switch off. You would need to add: And 'Keypanels / Great Room / GR KPL #2- H' is not switched Off Put that in your IF of the original as you have it above and the lamp should stay on if you turn off the switch (manually) during the wait period. Sorry...really beating that horse now. Just goes to prove sometimes there is more than one way to achieve desired result. But think we've hijacked original post too much. My closing remark is that I'm on eisy IoX 5.3.3 and works as expected. OP (@AllDigital was having issue with the wait because variable was changing before the wait and thus causing the IF to become FALSE and stopping the running of the THEN during the wait so the resetting of the variable never occurred. The reason their other programs ran with waits in them was probably because the if remained TRUE and allowed the whole THEN to complete. Once the IF becomes FALSE the THEN stops and runs ELSE. So maybe put the wait in the ELSE then set the variable after the time. Or, as @vbphil and @MrBill mentioned using 2 programs.) -
Program not setting Int variable after Wait (Eisy)
Geddy replied to AllDigital's topic in IoX Support
I feel for that horse! As @Javi points out you need that 2nd condition in your "IF" to make the program false. I ran a test and you have to have the second condition if you're using switched. As in the reference (pg 160) of the cookbook. In my program I have the office being manually turned on causing a lamp to come on. If I manually turn the office off the light stays on because it was true. During the wait the program became false and stopped the "THEN". Because there is nothing in the else the lamp will stay on until I turn it off. test1 - If 'Office' is switched On And 'Office' is not switched Off Then Set 'Desk Lamp' On Wait 2 minutes Set 'Desk Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Status works for your situation because you only have the one condition being checked. Once the "STATUS" is true then the program runs THEN. If you then change the status to be off it turns your program FALSE and thus ends the "THEN" so anything that turned on would remain on. Since there's nothing in the ELSE there's nothing happening when the program goes FALSE. If you have Admin Console open while testing you should see the program turn green when true and running then. If you turn it off while running THEN it would put the red along the side of the program indicating that it's FALSE and no longer running THEN. I think it's an unfortunate page break in the cookbook that Figure 153 applies to 9.3.4, but it does reference "above program". Figure 152 goes to the prior section of simple conditional programming. -
HTTP/S Port No Longer Configurable? (8080/8443 should be 80/443)
Geddy replied to Jason Madden's topic in eisy
@Jason Madden this is nothing new to the eisy. The Polisy had similar restrictions. This has been somewhat discussed in another thread focused more on setting static IP, but your issue also revolves around the same issue for apparently why UDI made this change. Support! There were comments (when Polisy was released) that the number of support tickets dealing with network issues and users that set static IP. Many would set the (static) IP on the ISY994 rather than applying a router IP reservation then changed network equipment created a lot of tickets for support. In an attempt to limit such issues the devices are set to not be altered by users. Additionally, with the implementation of node servers some external systems use different ports to communicate and could cause conflicts so I believe UDI made further use of limiting the port options so that internal and external connections would be handled by the eisy (and Polisy) and not something users could easily "corrupt" by using different (potential conflicting ports). I'm not sure what you mean by: Seems like it would just be the firewall to allow eisy in/out access and wouldn't impact other devices. But only you know your (apparent) intricate network situation. I wouldn't expect anything to change from the hardware side as it's been this way since the Polisy was released (about 3 years ago). (really, "scores"? A "score" = 20...yeah...getting technical and comical, but figured you could handle it since you have a technical question/issue) And FYI - I am a user; just like you and most others here. I'm not affiliated with Universal Devices in any capacity. Just a user helping others out; like so many here. -
Why not just change your time to now and see if it works? You don't have to wait until 5:30pm for something to work. Make it active now and test it. Most times you can just right click the program an say "run then", but you're right if you're trying to test time frame you've developed. Just adjust the time to be active now until 5:30 tomorrow. Then once you confirm it works adjust back to 5:30pm and go about your day. Also, as mentioned above...for future reference...right click the program you're working on and the last option of the menu is "Copy to Clipboard". Use that to paste the program to the forums. Your screen shots work, but often to save somebody time with typing to HELP YOU having the text of the program is easier than an image. @MrBill and I both suggested that above, and you ultimately used screen shots. Yes, much more helpful than your (original) generalizing of what you thought the program was doing, but would have saved time from Day 1.